Super Stim trick


Vault Senior Citizen
I was wondering if the super stim assasanation trick works with everyone or just secified people.
I think it works with every critter in the game - that is, if you have enough Super Stimpacks.
If it works on the president, it works on everyone else.

See, the Super Stipmack trick is NOT something MADE - it's just a "I-fooled-the-game" trick. The thing is, Super Stimpack heals 75 or your HP, and later (after about half an hour if I remember correctly) takes some away (25 or what? I can't remember!). So, if you use 4 SuperStims on a person that has a full HP, he doesn't gain anything, but loses 100HP after the half-an-hour-or-whatever-the-timer-is. SInce president has little HP, this works.

In short - SuperStimpacks work on anyone, but they do NOT induce instant-death!