Super stimpak


First time out of the vault
I have a question about super stimpak, it says on the wikia that using them gives an immediate +75 hit points but after 2 minutes, 9 damage.

Does that mean that after 2 minutes it does -84 hit points (75 - 84 = -9 ) or does it means that after 2 minutes it does -9 hit points (75 - 9 = 66 ).
it's a healing tool. it's not supposed to do more harm than good, MathieuG89.

it heals a lot and then damages you a little after a while. no need to worry about it unless you intend to pump yourself full of them (or murder people using a backpack load of superstimpacks on them).
Those damn security robots and Power Armored Enclave troops always get me after I made the president explode into a glorious fountain of blood and guts.
Those damn security robots and Power Armored Enclave troops always get me after I made the president explode into a glorious fountain of blood and guts.

that happens to me 4 out of 5 times... :(

aimed punches to the head seem to be the stealthiest way of getting him... :)
OriginalFalloutFan said:
SuAside said:
(or murder people using a backpack load of superstimpacks on them).
I did that on Carlson for the bishops but freckin everytime they'd still attack me before I could get out.
I think you can inject poison into carlsons heart if you get it from the NCR doctors office.
PastaMasta said:
I think you can inject poison into carlsons heart if you get it from the NCR doctors office.
Nope, that's for Westin.
I usually shoot Carlson through the window.
Darek said:
PastaMasta said:
I think you can inject poison into carlsons heart if you get it from the NCR doctors office.
Nope, that's for Westin.
I usually shoot Carlson through the window.
Did you make it out without alerting anyone? those dang NCR gaurds were packin some serious guns.. I once beat Carlson to death with my fists and made it out without alerting anyone and killed him with the Gauss Rifle but most the time I'd get caught.
Ah... super stims. Fun stuff. First time I tried it, I loved it of course due to the high HP recovery. But, when it took HP off me a few minutes later, I thought it was just by some weird force I didn't know about.

Turns out... just super stims. Never tried it, but it would be cool to kill with those things. Heh.
I rember the first time i ended up using super stims was when i was exporing the military base in fallout, no powered armor yet, and after while i saw my hp kept dropping, while i was walking around out of combat. Needless to say i had no idea what was going on, so i freaked out and used another one, then 2 more when my health kept dropping (I had used a fair few of them before hand.) at some point in the very round about aproach of killing myself via overhealing i read the item description, then had a laugh before plantivly wondering if I had inadvertantly sealed my characters fate.