Survival Edition Qs

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Pete Hines addressed a few questions about the SE PipBoy over on the BethBlog.<blockquote>Pete: It’s battery powered. I need to get some pics up of the production piece because I think folks think it’s a clock.

It’s not a clock. It’s a Pip-Boy. It looks like it would go on a wrist/arm. It has a hinge and opens up. It’s built to mirror the one in the game, exactly.

However, the box will say on it “Do not wear this.” And you should never do that. It would be terrible to walk around with one on your arm.

killzig: also doesn’t help that amazon calls it a “Pip-boy 3000 digital clock”

Pete: It’s a Pip-Boy first and foremost. We just wanted it to do something, so we built it some functionality so while it’s sitting in your desk, or your room, it does something.</blockquote>I'm still confused.

In related news, Eurogamer gets really excited about the usage of the word "yet".<blockquote>Bethesda has said the Survival Edition of Fallout 3 recently unveiled on Amazon will only be offered to US shoppers.

However, speaking to Eurogamer, a representative for the developer did say there was no European announcement to make "yet" - suggesting perhaps there are plans in the pipeline.</blockquote>Link: BethBlog comments.
Link: Fallout 3 special edition only for US on Eurogamer.
It tells time.

Other than that:
"We aren’t done with the functionality yet, so I can’t tell you one way or the other." - Pete

Maybe it'll do more. Alarm? Geiger counter?

A geiger counter would be cool. And wonderfully impractical/exceedingly practical (depending upon how world politics develop)
Brother None said:
A geiger counter would be cool. And wonderfully impractical/exceedingly practical (depending upon how world politics develop)

atleast bethesda is putting their manpower and resources into something useful
It seems to be the same logic used for the game .

Yes it tells time like a clock.
Yes it has actually contains a clock.
Yes this clock works as a clock.
But no, its not a clock :crazy:

Yes its the same basic Oblivion engine and design philosphy.
Yes this game is Oblivion with guns.
Yes this game plays like Oblivion.
But no, its Fallout :crazy:

After listening to Bethesda,one might think that simply calling something something else,is enough to make it so.

Lets try that out.

"Hey look !Bethesda is a competant game company capable of making a GOOD fallout game "

Hmm..... nope... didnt work....
Yeah, that's called LARPING. Or how Bethesda understands role-playing. As long as you believe it's a PipBoy don't let anyone tell you it's just a clock.
I don't think it's (too) hard to understand. Since they referenced it as having a clock in it before people only thought of it as a clock, and nothing else. So they wanted to confirm that it will do more than only being a clock (at least, they're planning for it to do more than just that at the moment, even tho they canceled their previous plans).

They're not saying that it won't have a clock in it, simply that it will be more than only that. That it will be more than "just a clock". So it'll have a few features + a clock, for when you're not using the other stuff. They just wanted to confirm that it'll be more than only that, even tho they used a weird way to say it.
(It's hard to understand what they're trying to say most of the time. Every time they say something there's some confusion, they don't give enough details for stuff to be understandable. Kinda feel as if they're talking the same way they would to a friend, who they expect to know most of the stuff already, so they skip over some stuff, leaving us with questions.)
Thanakir said:
I don't think it's (too) hard to understand. Since they referenced it as having a clock in it before people only thought of it as a clock, and nothing else. So they wanted to confirm that it will do more than only being a clock (at least, they're planning for it to do more than just that at the moment, even tho they canceled their previous plans).

They're not saying that it won't have a clock in it, simply that it will be more than only that. That it will be more than "just a clock". So it'll have a few features + a clock, for when you're not using the other stuff.
(But it's hard to understand what they're trying to say most of the time. Every time they say something there's some confusion, they don't give enough details for stuff to be understandable.)
I didn't get that feeling at all from the conversation. It seemed like they had a big paper weight, had the bright idea of making it also display the time and then POOF we're done. Pete almost seemed offended that I was asking him if it did anything else. Well you see it's a clock and it's a pipboy replica! But we didn't want it to be just a pipboy replica so it also tells time!! :? Yeah.
Killzig said:
Pete almost seemed offended that I was asking him if it did anything else.

Nah, he's just offended that you'd presume to speak to him.

Know your place, lowly knave!
That might be depressing enough for me to hang myself over.

pexxx said:
I hope this machine at least goes PING.
I'd like for it to play Pong so I can recreate the house boat scene from Zodiac.
Um, does it show my stats?

Does it have a built-in skilldex?

Does it function as a calendar or PDA?

Can I check it to see if my head is "crippled"?

The answers to these and many other pertinent questions are: NO.

So.. don't believe the lies: It's just a fancy clock.

I find it priceless that he would actually tell people not to walk around wearing it, because it would be "terrible".

I mean, what are we supposed to get out of that statement? That it's clunky and oversized?

That it is uncomfortable and not ergonomically designed?

combine these with his admission that it exactly "mirrors" the ingame pipboy, and we can fairly assume that the one they designed for the game will seem just as clunky and impracticle..
whirlingdervish said:
combine these with his admission that it exactly "mirrors" the ingame pipboy, and we can fairly assume that the one they designed for the game will seem just as clunky and impracticle..

Why would you have to assume anything? You can see what it looks like in some screens
Pete: It’s a Pip-Boy first and foremost. We just wanted it to do something, so we built it some functionality so while it’s sitting in your desk, or your room, it does something.

I'm still confused.

It's his attempt at humor.

We overanalyze things and take everything so seriously that we can't take a joke anymore. ;)
Brother None said:
Why would you have to assume anything? You can see what it looks like in some screens


Sure I can see what it looks like, but I can't very well see how practicle it is to actually use, or if it impedes my field of view when my character raises their pistol to fire in first person mode, etc..

If it's too poorly designed to actually go on my wrist in real life and be relatively comfortable, then why should it be OK in game, when my character will be wearing it 24/7?

It can look fine in the stills, but if it makes my guy look like a post-apoc megaman when he's walking around with this ridiculous device strapped to his arm, then the close up pics of people just standing there didn't do it justice.

I've seen the mostly unused space on the pipboy screen in some of the preview pics, and how it almost seems like they had to stretch to come up with enough "stats" to stick on it to make it take up the whole screen while you are using it in-game.

They lead me to believe that it has a relatively huge screen with tiny lettering and not much info on it, the casing is oversized and bulky, and that there's a good chance that it's going to look really silly when we see someone actually striding around the vault wearing one, kind of like one of those really snazzy calculator watches from the late 80s/early 90s that served little purpose other than making it easy to spot a nerd from a distance.
Wow, not even a straight answer on something as simple as a shitty plastic clock that looks like a re-invented PIPboy. The man is dedicated to his craft.