System shock 1 (not impressed so far) vs System shock 2


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I'm 3/4 deep in the first one and i must say it's pretty good, but i'm not impressed.

Judging by the praise and attention it gets on rpg forums i expected story choices, different endings etc.

After i finish system shock 1 i plan to play the second.

My question is this : does the second have any more rpg elements to it? Choices , dialogue etc.

I'm not interested in playstyle choices - i couldn't give a rat's ass about playing a stealthy character or a brute.
you made already one mistake.

Thinking about it as "RPG".

Maybe my memory isnt the best anymore since the last time I played it well lets say it is are pretty long time.

But I cant remember that games like SS2 or Deus Ex have been sold as "super awesome" RPGs. It was not that important what those games have been actually but rather more that they had great quality. And awesome stories. THough if I would have to guess most of us (me and my friends) saw System Schock and Deus Ex as "shooters" then anything else.

But to say this. While SS2 is awesome it is not a game with any choices and concequences. It has a bit more complex gameplay then Half Life 1. Particularly with the weapons and enemies. Amunition at least for the start of the game will be a problem. The world (a space ship) is quite nicely designed and the characters are really well written. I miss those kind of dialogues (well more monologues you never have any choices or answers you could give) and informations. Bioschock is doing many things in similar ways. And I liked the recorded disks (or what ever) you can find. But how they are placed all around the world made no sense. In System Schock 2 it did. You would find logs from engineers in the machine deck. Logs from crews in quarters etc. Not all the time but most of the time. And the writting had a better quality.

If you think SS1 was good then you probably will love SS2. It is a great game if you see it as shoter.
Crni Vuk said:
you made already one mistake.

Thinking about it as "RPG".

Maybe my memory isnt the best anymore since the last time I played it well lets say it is are pretty long time.

But I cant remember that games like SS2 or Deus Ex have been sold as "super awesome" RPGs. It was not that important what those games have been actually but rather more that they had great quality. And awesome stories. THough if I would have to guess most of us (me and my friends) saw System Schock and Deus Ex as "shooters" then anything else.

But to say this. While SS2 is awesome it is not a game with any choices and concequences. It has a bit more complex gameplay then Half Life 1. Particularly with the weapons and enemies. Amunition at least for the start of the game will be a problem. The world (a space ship) is quite nicely designed and the characters are really well written. I miss those kind of dialogues (well more monologues you never have any choices or answers you could give) and informations. Bioschock is doing many things in similar ways. And I liked the recorded disks (or what ever) you can find. But how they are placed all around the world made no sense. In System Schock 2 it did. You would find logs from engineers in the machine deck. Logs from crews in quarters etc. Not all the time but most of the time. And the writting had a better quality.

If you think SS1 was good then you probably will love SS2. It is a great game if you see it as shoter.

Don't get me wrong, i enjoy all those things you listed and they are pretty good, but as you said i made the mistake of associating it with the rpg genre.
System Shock 2 is one of the best games ever, and mind you I only played it for the first time about 3 years ago. Anyway there are a few very good mods out there that improve the game, especially the better textures pack.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I like BioShock for its atmosphere and art design.

I pretty much like Bioshock 1 as a whole, the story, the characters, the twist , the failed utopia etc.

I find the realistic story of the petty power hungry man who destroyed potential greatness better then the system shock story, but less engaging.
I think SS2 at least had a better plot then Bioschock 1. Does not mean Bioschock 1 is a bad shooter. I just have always the feeling that the way how the story progressed in SS2 and how the character interacted with the environment made much more sense. It felt more believable.
When I played SS for the first time it was fairly unique. I do agree it has not aged well, but it was pretty badass at the time. That game freaked me out when I was a kid. Fuck Bioshock! :)
No game has ever scared me more than SS2.
I still have the image ingrained in my head of being down to 4 shells and setting off an alarm, hearing the cyberwomen coming my way and alt-f4ing out of the game.