System Shock 2 (and a mention of Dead Space)


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I know a lot of people here love System Shock 2 as much as me. so I thought this would be a good place to ask:

is it at all possible to run SS2 in Vista? I had a lot of trouble running it in XP until I found the fix I'm guessing everyone uses. does the same fix work or are there similar fixes for Vista?

and while we're at the subject, I'd just like to point out how awesome I think Dead Space is and how much it reminds me of SS2. obviously not as good, but close enough. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this is the spiritual successor of SS2. Bioshock can go shove a Big Daddy up its ass. if Dead Space had only had a little bit more character customization and alternative solutions to different problems it would have been almost perfect.
seriously, no one can tell me if there is a way to get the game to work in Vista? I know[/i ]a lot of people here play this game from time to time.
Yeah, I just love Dead Space. Can hardly find something bad to say about it. That's the only game I've bought this year on PC that did not disappoint me ( well, ok, bought it after I "tried" it...for several weeks :mrgreen: ).

As regards System Shock 2 : what happens when you try to run it ? Does the game freeze ? If that's the case and if you have a dual core processor then launch the game, alt-tab it on the main menu and then set the affinity to only one processor. Fixed the freezes for me ( and yes, I'm running it on Vista 32 bits ).
System Shock 2 was epic but I have an old Win98 system I use for most of my "classic" games. Sorry I can't offer anything more than moral support.
I managed to get it working on Vista 32 bit.

Took some time to find the fixes, then it ran flawlessly. Sorry that I can't be more specific, that was a while ago.
I even couldn't play SS2 on my windows XP machine when I tried it the last time some months ago.