System Shock 2


Still Mildly Glowing
I figured that would post something about a good shooter/rpg combination game seeing as all the recent ones suck especially the amazingly unplayable FO:POS.

System Shock 2 is awesome so check it out.
It's gone freeware. Just google it and you're bound to find a full download somewhere.
System Shock 2 is immensely good. One of the best games I've ever played, really.

It gave you an intense feeling of lonelyness and clausterfobia, and it's probably the only game I've ever played that actually made me... afraid. REALLY afraid - I kept on telling myself how stupid it was to not dare to turn that next corner, I mean, it's only a game, right?

The ending is rather dissapointing, though.
agreed Jebus. It was the one and the only scary game I have ever played and yes the end is a little on the Meh side.

Hey Ratty, is S shock one freeware too? I really want to play it

Yes, one very very scary game. I tried to play the game with the lights off, but after the first 10 minutes I couldn't. Kinda lame ending, but so many surprises along the way, it evens out.
Albatross said:
Hey Ratty, is S shock one freeware too? I really want to play it
Sure, go right ahead. But I gotta warn you, System Shock is very outdated and it may be a little hard to find, even on the 'net.

P.S. A game not being freeware never stops me from obtaining it for free... :twisted:
I actually own that game... And it pwns :P
The Cyborg midwifes scare the cacky out of me...
And the hybrids shouting "Soooorrryyyyy..." while beating the shit out of you with a lead pipe...
The Rebirth mod does add quite a bit of a facelift to the models. I've played SS2 quite a bit and I approve of it. :)
Have a thing for half-robotic women with wires and pipes coming out of their brain Ratty? Want to give it the college try at whatever hole is on that robotic pelvis (though I wouldn't like to think what might happen to anything put in such a mysterious robotic hole).
Both of the dark Engine games were awesome.

Thief and System Shock 2 are both games that you must play whilst wearing headphones. It multiplies the creepiness factor when the many talk to you.

1) gj resurrecting old threads

2) where do you usually get games? a store? maybe even an online store? ow how wonderful, gamestores sell games!