T51b Armour sprite

Next perfect work! :crazy: Thank you! :clap:

Darin said:
I hope there aren't any mistakes in the anim.
In WBOS.spr and Omega.spr the "DeathFireOverlay" sequence contains double actions "Set time of displaying" inserted one after the other. It does not cause any problem because all actions except for "Display animation frame" and "Stop" cause an instant processing of the next sequence frame (there is no delay before execution of next action), so the second action is useless.
Hi Darin,

that is a pretty detailed T51b. Well done :salute:
I can imagine it being animated as a Talking Head in Fallout 2. Once we finish our Omega armor conversion to Fallout 2, what say you? ;)
Can I simply put this into my F:T installation and the original F:T pa is replaced?
:o :shock:

This model shits all over the FT power armor model, now I can't wait to see the enclave armor you mentioned earlier. Well done indeed!

@Lexx: Just rename it Power.spr and place it in core/sprites/character
It's great that you like it :) I'm very happy :)

I can imagine it being animated as a Talking Head in Fallout 2. Once we finish our Omega armor conversion to Fallout 2, what say you?

Well I could publish this model on mediafire only without textures (in zoom they're ugly :|). If there were anyone who would be in mood to make a TH PA, I'll put 3ds file to the net.
Darin said:
Well I could publish this model on mediafire only without textures (in zoom they're ugly :|). If there were anyone who would be in mood to make a TH PA, I'll put 3ds file to the net.

Post it freely on mediafire. I'll definitively try to create a PA TH. :ok:
Hi MaToX. I haven't play the Awaken mod but you can try use FT improver. There is readme file html, which contains instructions how to use any fan created additions to FOT. I suppose you could then edit any map of the Awaken mod and put this armour to it.

Fallout1FTW, I tried to save this model to 3ds but somethis is crushing (some elements of the helmet are changing placement regardless of if they're in group or not). What version of 3ds max do you have? If it's at least 9 I could upload 3dmax file.
Well, the armor only works then it is droped on the ground and in the inventory. The rest (animations, character looking) looks same like original :/. What am I doing wrong?
I registered just to thank you for this fantastic sprite. Great work, Darin!

Well, the armor only works then it is droped on the ground and in the inventory. The rest (animations, character looking) looks same like original :/. What am I doing wrong?

Fallout Tactics has a hardcoded number of character sprites; unarmoured, leather, metal, environmental and power (and others like raider, mutant, etc but we won't get into those). To use this sprite, I replaced the original Power.spr in the Fallout Tactics/core/spr-character_0.bos file.

Failing that, are you sure you downloaded the correct sprite? WBOS.spr and not WBOS Armour.spr?
Snikers, thanks for the info, looks like it works :). Hm, what file I should replace if I want advanced power armor to look like T51B?
exactly that:
Power.spr in the Fallout Tactics/core/spr-character_0.bos

PA and APA in FT use same character appearance. If you don't like that, you might use Jarekfall's FT Improver to add another "type" of armor. I personally plan to do so :)