Tactical squad-based games

alec said:
True Ratty, but whilst playing Commandos 2 I found myself using Fins (the diver) much more than the Green Beret. Give Fins two knives and he becomes a knife-throwing mass murderer.
Yeah, I think Commandos 1 is a bit more balanced than Commandos 2. And somewhat easier.
Silent storm had great graphics and mechanics and all that technical yadda yadda, but it was like an empty shell. No story or plot, lamest dialogue ever, and the panzerkleins ruined the entire game at the end. I doubt I'll be buying the expansion.
Well, the plot in silent storm was trully lame, but the combat was so good, i couldn't really care less about the stupid story.

But it was true the panzerkleins were crap, ruined the tactical combat, you can just run over infantry with your PKs but the pc just thinks it's pks are invulnerable, so it's easy to kill them by concentrating fire. I guess I'll play the x-pac anyway, but would be much happier if they forgot those stupid thing existed.
I always thought commandos 1 was harder becuase you couldn't transfer items. Also, worth mentioning, commandos is really fun if you can get a co-op multiplayer game going.
Yeah.. Jagged Alliance 2 all the way. It's the best!
And your squadmates are absolutely terrific. Just hear them for a while, you'll be in love with the game in no time. And those shotgun blasts in the head, just as the enemy comes round the corner? The humour? Fantastic game.
And don't say the graphics are bad. They're almost as bad as any Fallout I ever played, wich means they get the job done. There was a time where there were no 3d acceleration, t&a, and 256mb videocards, you know? Play it, you won't be sorry.
Razor and Haywire are my favorite mercs. Although they aren't exacly the best mercs talent-wise, they have the best interaction and one-liners in the whole game.

That's a good point on interaction. I don't think I've played a game that had better squad interaction than JA2 had.
Rainbow Six 3 is awesome, but right now my favorite Squad-Based Tactical game has to be Full Spectrum Warrior. Its the most realistic real time strategy game I've ever played. Should be ported to PC soon, too.
odium is game by monolith it is turn based squad, but i haven't played it...reviews looks nice...but i guess everyone would go for silent storm..
Have u tried Shadow Watch ? I played demo and liked it. It's turn-based squad tactical game with comics style graphics :wink: