I have to agree with Blade Runner. Fallout: Tactics is a darn good game. I'm a big, squad-based game buff and have played all the JA, X-Com, and Commandos game and I have to say that Fallout Tactics is way up there with those great titles. I don't know why the majority of the forum is so hostile towards FOT. Granted, if you are expecting a full blown RPG or the same turn-based fighting system that is found in the first two games, then you'll probably be disappointed.
On the "RPG" side, FOT isn't meant to be a full-blown free-roaming RPG like FO 1 & 2. Sure, it has many RPG elements, but the game is meant to focus on strategic gameplay (hence the title Fallout: Tactics

As for the gameplay itself, you have the option of playing turn-based, team-based (same as turn-based, but your whole squad goes together, similar to X-Com), or real-time. In turn-based and team-based mode, it's rather mediocre compared to JA2 (honestly, is there a turn-based game better than JA2), but it's when playing FOT in real-time that the game really shines. For starters, it's really intense. Like other good RTS games, you'll need a good battle plan before engaging the enemy. Certain skills, like sneaking, play a more important role. There's nothing more satisfying than sneaking up on a group of mutants and surprising them with a burst from your m1 garand, taking them all out without even letting them return fire.

The perk and skill system from FO is still there and adds a lot of tactical depth to character development. You also aren't restricted to developing just your main character, and can choose where to allocate the skill points and perks of your teammates. this lets you create that
uberteam you always wished you had.
The story itself is really good and not deserving of all the harsh criticism. So maybe it isn't exactly like what is seen FO2 and the Fallout Bible. It's still good. However I do have to admit that the game does slow down near the end and gets rather boring when fighting the robots.
The graphics, great. The music, good. Voice acting, excellent (did the sergeant from "Full Metal Jacket" do Barnaky's voice?). Comedy, still funny. The game does have several annoying bugs, but honestly, what Fallout game hasn't suffered from this defect.
All in all it gets a 8/10 from me (-2 points for story lag at the end and for the bugs).
To wrap up, this game is an excellent RT squad-based strategy game. Unless you're a fallout fan that doesn't like the fact that it has a real-time mode , or you can't stand that the story isn't what you expected it to be, or for not having enough RPG elements, or you instantly disliked Fallout Tactics for not being FO3, or (even worse) you're one of those die-hard, "everything after FO2 is and always will be unsatisfactory to my overinflated expectations of the series" Fallout fans, you'll probably find that for $20, this game is definitely a good buy.