
dark weed

It Wandered In From the Wastes
Having played and completed fallout 1 and two several thousand times over i am looking for somthing new to waste hours and hours on. i ve heard good and bad things about fallout tactics and i was wondering is it worth my hard earned english money?
how is is different from follout 1+2?
Depends, how much money you've got and how much time.

There has been a lot posted here that you are better off with Jagged Alliance. I almost played Tactics through completely once, and thought it was ok, but could and should, have been much better.

If you like Role Play, you'll be disappointed
If you like Tactical game, you might be satisfied. The game has not held up over time like FO1 and 2.
dark weed said:
is it worth my hard earned english money?
NO...Unless you have alot of money, and like spending it on crap like Fo:T.
It is vastly different from the Fallouts - night and day but it is still post-apocalyptic and has a similar atmosphere. So you may want to try it.
Try the demo and see for yourself. I kind of enjoyed the game, though i agree that all the robot stuff in the end is total bullshit, and the story is even worse.
But then again, i'm more of an RPG player :D
I got the game the other day, I loved Fallout 1 and 2. I think the game is pretty decent and may of deserve a wee bit nicer attention than it got, some parts are ingodly hard though.
I remember that it was hard not to buy Tactics based on the good impression that Fallout 1 and 2 gave me.

It was kind of like, "damn, those were such good games, this has got to be good."

Ah..... tragic.

I actually quit it during the last mission. THe robots got to me and the game got redundant. As it is, the game just isn't good enough. It should have been better. Wait, you'll probably see.

But if you want to play it so that you make the most of the game, to make it exciting and challenging- because the story isn't that compelling, I would suggest that you make the game as challenging as possible.

The best way-
(1) Go to CRP option. The fighting is a lot quicker, more dangerous and more exciting. To really make the most out of tactics I think you need to make it as close to what real action would be, and most real gun fights are bloody, messy and chaotic affairs. You may have control over your squad members for only the first few moments of a gunfight, and increasingly you lose control.

(2) Go on a strong man option. This way you only save between missions. If you lose all your guys in a mission, you start over on that mission. That means that you will have to take advantage of the other possible squad members because you will take causalties. When you lose a good member of your squad, it hurts, but it might not be worth playing the entire mission again.

You might also consider dropping the number of NPCs from 6 to 4. More experience that way per mission but also more danger if you go with the options above.

People may respond to this and say that you should also play Turn based as a tactical game, kind of like FO1 and 2 but you control your characters. The turn based system can be fun too, but I just don't thing Tactics is that good.

Try both systems and see what works for you.
I think your money would be better spent on Jagged Alliance 2 - it's a much better game in every respect, and the combat feels closer to FO than FOT does, IMHO. I've never been able to make it all the way through FOT, it's just too boring - I didn't even get frustrated with it, just got so bored that I didn't want to play it anymore. I'll try replaying it every couple months hoping that I'll discover some redeeming feature, but it's just the same take-it-or-leave-it game every time. JA2 is the game FOT wanted to be, so why get the inferior one?
welsh said:
I actually quit it during the last mission. THe robots got to me and the game got redundant.

So did I, right outside the vault I stopped playing. After killing endless amounts of annoying robots in every goddamn mission after the "mutant part" of the game, I kind of knew what was behind that vault door.
I bought it here for AU$20 around a month ago and so far no regrets. It gave me a similar game addiction as the previous 2 in the series

FOT is very noticeably bug ridden and incomplete though, like how you can get stuck (no other solution but to reload an earlier savegame) if you visited a Special Encounter more than once. There's supposed to be new recruits that are missing in my current game too (Riddick,Grimm brothers).

As people stated earlier, you should try JA2 and its mods (the Vietnam SOG mod is brill!) first until you're bored with it. :D
Gustav_Drangeid said:
welsh said:
I actually quit it during the last mission. THe robots got to me and the game got redundant.

So did I, right outside the vault I stopped playing. After killing endless amounts of annoying robots in every goddamn mission after the "mutant part" of the game, I kind of knew what was behind that vault door.

You guys stopped playing in the last mission? That's so stupid. That's like running a marathon and just before finish, you drop to your knees and you say something like: 'Well, I know what's behind that finish anyway, let's just go home.'

I've played Fallout Tactics at least 6 to 7 times so far. I think it's a great tactical game, with much more possibilities than most people who played it once, but stopped in the last mission think. I never played Jagged Alliance, though. I'm still looking for it over here, in Belgium, in secondhandshops and such but so far I haven't had any luck. So, I don't know, but it could indeed be better.

I know that Fallout Tactics isn't really popular on this forum. I know that Roshambo hates the fact that the game totally fucks up the setting of the previous Fallout games. I know that the game is bug ridden and therefor also somehow incomplete. But imo Fallout Tactics is still one of the best games that I've ever played. I actually have two copies of it (the first copy had a third disc with corrupted data - really pissed me of at first, but I just love the whole post-apocalyptic atmosphere and I don't have to worry about any pocketmoney anymore).

If you do buy it, dark weed, here are some hints:
[1] Play the first 3 or so missions in classic TB, because it will give you a chance to become used to the gameplay without having your entire squad killed by some raider with a sharpened spear (lol).
[2] Stealthy characters rule!
[3] If you have some good armor and decent weapon skills, start playing in CTB, but keep using tactical manoeuvres, because your squad is very vulnerable.
[4] Experiment a lot: death claws can not only use their claws, but can also throw granades and use Power Fists and such. Mines can be very usefull (for mutant patrols and to boobytrap those alarms in the game - just give them to your squadmember with the highest sneak and traps skills and of you go!).
[5] Almost all maps are very time-consuming. So, you better roll one before you start a new mission. After that: just go with the flow.

And if you really, really need the money you've saved, try stealing a copy of Fallout Tactics. Just a thought...
Blade Runner said:
[2] Stealthy characters rule!

yes! :D I'm playing FOT almost the same way I did with Commandos, sneaking most of the time w. the Tunnel Rat perk (to crawl faster) and bringing the entire squad home alive.

CTB is oh so entertaining as well in random encounters since your squad can drive away in a vehicle while shooting back at the large group of enemies chasing you 8)
Reva said:
yes! :D I'm playing FOT almost the same way I did with Commandos, sneaking most of the time w. the Tunnel Rat perk (to crawl faster) and bringing the entire squad home alive.

Voilà, that's the way to do it! But it is rather time-consuming, isn't it, Reva? I remember the last time I played Fallout Tactics. I wanted to make sure that I did not miss a thing that time and, phew, I often spent an entire evening and night exploring and clearing one single map. I'm telling you: you gotta really love that game if you wanna do a thing like that. And you'd better be single too, 'cause not one sane girl/woman will accept such childish behaviour (trust me, I know what I'm talking about). Roshambo would probably call me an utter moron if he read this.


He'd be right too, probably. I still need to grow up a lot, me thinks.
I have to agree with Blade Runner. Fallout: Tactics is a darn good game. I'm a big, squad-based game buff and have played all the JA, X-Com, and Commandos game and I have to say that Fallout Tactics is way up there with those great titles. I don't know why the majority of the forum is so hostile towards FOT. Granted, if you are expecting a full blown RPG or the same turn-based fighting system that is found in the first two games, then you'll probably be disappointed.

On the "RPG" side, FOT isn't meant to be a full-blown free-roaming RPG like FO 1 & 2. Sure, it has many RPG elements, but the game is meant to focus on strategic gameplay (hence the title Fallout: Tactics :wink: ).

As for the gameplay itself, you have the option of playing turn-based, team-based (same as turn-based, but your whole squad goes together, similar to X-Com), or real-time. In turn-based and team-based mode, it's rather mediocre compared to JA2 (honestly, is there a turn-based game better than JA2), but it's when playing FOT in real-time that the game really shines. For starters, it's really intense. Like other good RTS games, you'll need a good battle plan before engaging the enemy. Certain skills, like sneaking, play a more important role. There's nothing more satisfying than sneaking up on a group of mutants and surprising them with a burst from your m1 garand, taking them all out without even letting them return fire. :D The perk and skill system from FO is still there and adds a lot of tactical depth to character development. You also aren't restricted to developing just your main character, and can choose where to allocate the skill points and perks of your teammates. this lets you create that uberteam you always wished you had.

The story itself is really good and not deserving of all the harsh criticism. So maybe it isn't exactly like what is seen FO2 and the Fallout Bible. It's still good. However I do have to admit that the game does slow down near the end and gets rather boring when fighting the robots.

The graphics, great. The music, good. Voice acting, excellent (did the sergeant from "Full Metal Jacket" do Barnaky's voice?). Comedy, still funny. The game does have several annoying bugs, but honestly, what Fallout game hasn't suffered from this defect.
All in all it gets a 8/10 from me (-2 points for story lag at the end and for the bugs).

To wrap up, this game is an excellent RT squad-based strategy game. Unless you're a fallout fan that doesn't like the fact that it has a real-time mode , or you can't stand that the story isn't what you expected it to be, or for not having enough RPG elements, or you instantly disliked Fallout Tactics for not being FO3, or (even worse) you're one of those die-hard, "everything after FO2 is and always will be unsatisfactory to my overinflated expectations of the series" Fallout fans, you'll probably find that for $20, this game is definitely a good buy.