Taiwan Intervention

Never underestimate an idiot, his course of action can be quite erratic and unpredictable. As for the fight against the "Red Menace" :roll: it would fit greatly in his fanatical speeches. In my book a man who tries to whip a group of people into an angry mob using religious speeches is capable of anything.
A war with Taiwan in my opinion, would end up another Korea. We go in, liberate, the Chinese come back with five trillion troops (exageration) and push us to near defeat, then we threaten them with a nuke, and they sign a stalemate with the U.S./UN. And another fifty years of tense moments between the two.
It is mostly nationalistic propaganda that will most likely stay just that. Although the communists are primarily irritated that they couldn't finish off General Chang Kei Shek, they wouldn't risk open war and its implications all for a grudge.

On the other hand, the only reason China might invade is if they decide that Taiwan presents a serious logistical and military threat/boon depending on who controls it.

A war over Taiwan would be nothing like Korea. First and foremost, Taiwan is across a strait from China. This provides a natural and very effective barrier to invasion. It would also be a perfect place for the US to intervene with its greatest assets: its navy and air force. I repeat earlier critiques by my hand that the Chinese would have to get across the strait to invade. But they would have to get through 15 US aircraft carriers, numberous attack subs and entire air wings to do so. In this regard China would be completely clusterfucked, staight up the ass.

The only feasible manner of invasion would be a surprise one. Air assault or activate sleeper cells are the only way I can see for a Taiwanese invasion to come off. Or the obviously nuclear option, but a piece of glass formerly known as Korea would hardly be worth the start of nuclear holocaust over.
Murdoch, that's a good point. But there are means and methods readily available to the Chinese if they should want to go through our navy and the sea to reach Taiwan.

And the situation I was mentioning would involve a first strike invasion by the Chinese. That's why I said liberate.

Another point to be made is we have troops all over the globe. So yeah, 15 carriers and some subs could do damage and delay the Chinese, but they can't last forever by themselves. A war with China, in my opinion, would either need a draft, or the closing of bases across the globe so we could have those spare troops/sailors/airmen we need. But that's only my opinion. Plus, the Chinese have a military the size of what? 200 million, give or take a few million? Or was it 20? I can't remember.

Chinese weapons

ZHUHAI, China -- As Chinese and Russian warplanes performed
ear-splitting acrobatics at China's first international air show
recently, Su Bichun was working inside the exhibition hall trying to sell to
any willing buyer a supersonic cruise missile system that the Chinese army
does not want, possibly because it does not work.

Ms. Su, a metallurgical engineer who sometimes uses the English given
name Stephanie, said that with a 1,600-pound high-explosive warhead,
the C-301 cruise missile is an excellent weapon against large shipping

"Including an aircraft carrier?" she was asked.

"Yes, including aircraft carriers -- American aircraft carriers," she added,
breaking into a big smile.

Another interesting one,

Chinese capabilities


The Chinese are Advancing


Chinese on the border

That last site should have their story made into a movie. Some interesting reading, but damn, they are wierd, tabloid like people.

Note: That site is pretty strange, check out their home page (scroll all the way to the bottom and click on home page). I like reading their stuff however, makes very interesting reading. And most of it is realistic (as in realistic scenarios). But damn, they scare me, check out why.

Omega's Agency
I don't think China's dumb enough to risk the possibility of war the U.S. over Taiwan alone. And the US doesn't have to do anything but threaten action. I mean, we've busted the Federal budget to take over Iraq- might as well use it as an example.
Using Iraq as a "scarecrow" could be a good idea, but it could backfire, especially if terrorist activities escalate. First of all there is the civilian casualty factor, they can be made into martyrs, and martyrs die hard. Then there is one more problem, America could be made up to look like bully who takes all that it wants by force and calls it "peacekeeping". And I don't think the USA can afford another such invasion, economically speaking. And then there is the small matter of the phantom WMD, where are they? It's not like they could just disappear. There is a thin line between being a cop and being a bully, America should be careful not to cross it, if they did they would lose face and credibility and anti-american movements could flourish.
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
America should be careful not to cross it, if they did they would lose face and credibility and anti-american movements could flourish.

We've already crossed it my friend. Either that or the world has gone shit nuts.
You know, now is when we need Xotor to put the maple into this argument. On a sort of unrelated topic, do you guys remember the scandal about the Chinese refugee that was working at Los Alamos (political refugee was his status) and he somehow dissapeared with blueprints of US nuke warheads? I think I read that on Time magazine.