Take a look at this

Check out the help link on top of the board

It has info on how to use html tags on the board.
They track IP numbers, or something...

>How do they know the people
>they install it to are
>hackers? Because their computers have
>signs saying "This is a

They watch a hacker for days on end, until he makes his mistake. Not using an IP spoofer. Then once they have his IP, they could download the virus onto his computer.

[TABLE border=5' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='15' bgcolor='#000000' bordercolor='#808080' bordercolorlight='#C0C0C0' bordercolordark='#000000][TR][TD]

[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]

>Smack could tell you who his
>source is, but then he'd
>have to kill you :-)

Think about it, hmmm, ISP controlled by government, virus controlled by government, could Smack be working for the government?

*Smackrazor pulls a hefty Mauser TK50 anti-tank sniper rifle from under his trenchcoat and aims it at MatuX.*
"Shadowman was right!" Exclaimed MatuX.
*Smackrazor burst out laughing and decided against killing MatuX. Instead, he dubbed him High Almighty Supreme Grand Master of the Obvious.*

[TABLE border=5' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='15' bgcolor='#000000' bordercolor='#808080' bordercolorlight='#C0C0C0' bordercolordark='#000000][TR][TD]

[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
RE: Check out the help link on top of the board

>It has info on how to
>use html tags on the

Well, at least he got one of the tests right. Now, can he figure out how to include proper links? *Annoying game show music when time is running out music is playing in the background.* Dum dum dum dum dum dum du-m,
dum dum dum dum du-m dumdumdumdumdum (repeat until feeling of nausea arises in the pit of your stomach). :-)

[TABLE border=5' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='15' bgcolor='#000000' bordercolor='#808080' bordercolorlight='#C0C0C0' bordercolordark='#000000][TR][TD]

[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
I'm baaaacck! The way I see it...

The way I see it, this whole thing is just a hoax much like the "Good Times"-virus, etc.

Point #1: Look at how much bandwidth that would take up. Unless the guy who made this has no less than a DS4, his connection will be completely overloaded.

Point #2: With so many people running software proxy servers and normal ones that track who and what is trying to access ports, why hasn't this been reported ealier by reputable magazines and news channels?

Point #3: It opens up not only one, but THREE hidden windows? GET REAL. What kind of BS do you think this is? Real trojan horses run in the background and don't ever register as a program in memory. Sheesh.

Opinion on privacy) I take Kharn's stance: Who cares?

As long as the program is not affecting bandwidth, sending my credit-card number/account number (if I had one), or reporting that I have.. um.. borrowed programs on my system, I don't really care.

Honestly, why people are so scared that companies are tracking their surfing to customize their advertising techniques is beyond me. Wouldn't you rather see ads that are more suited to your tastes rather than "lesbian-vampires"?


[div align=center]

RE: I'm baaaacck! The way I see it...

About "who cares?"

I don't really care even if they find out that I have photoshop in a rip distribution. But, there are people who suffers a small mental disease named paranoia, so, "why I have to be spied if I don't want?"

And, another point, it's ethical to being watched without your concern?
RE: Heh!

Well.. Tell to USA government that USA government is doing illegal activities, now!!!!

This is an important matter, Smack, you must tell your work comrades that what they do is illegal, they have to stop!!!

I kinda liked the nude Lara Croft

Ok, I'm a pervert :-P
BTW, Angelina Jolie will be playing her in the Tomb Raider movie. Mmmmmmmmhhhhh. The movie could suck so bad and I'd still watch it because of her :-)

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-00 AT 07:45PM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-00 AT 07:35 PM (GMT)

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-00 AT 07:26 PM (GMT)

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-00 AT 07:24 PM (GMT)

Heh, I've had enough illegal stuff on this here computer to bankrupt myself if the police came knocking on the door. Don't say I'm too small to even bother, but it's very easy to e-mail the police about it. But what the hell.........

But there is something on the Internet checking your e-mail besides you, and it's called the NSA, with a project called P415, AKA Echelon.
Here should be some info on it, and some other stuff about internet-encryption :

A report written by Duncan Campbell on Echelon

"Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of Economic Information" by nikos Bogonikolos

The Progressive Review

"Encryption and cryptosystems in electronic surveillance" by Frank Leprevost

More info on Internet secrurity things :

Kent Briggs encryptionsoftware :
Is it worth worrying about..?

Is it worth worrying about if you can't change it? Nope. In fact, that's what worrying is: Being stressed over something you can't change.

Don't worry, be happy!


>About "who cares?"
>I don't really care even if
>they find out that I
>have photoshop in a rip
>distribution. But, there are people
>who suffers a small mental
>disease named paranoia, so, "why
>I have to be spied
>if I don't want?"
>And, another point, it's ethical to
>being watched without your concern?

[div align=center]

Not really...

Ever hear of a search warrant?

[TABLE border=5' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='15' bgcolor='#000000' bordercolor='#808080' bordercolorlight='#C0C0C0' bordercolordark='#000000][TR][TD]

[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]

If I was worrying about that, I wasn't Internetting, and subscribing to shit like Hotmail. But then again, it's kinda weird that people like those in the American government, wich almost have nothing to fear but fear itself (sorry for that corny quote) are monitoring other peoples e-mail. Ok, there are maniacs like the Unabomber in the US, but they won't be discussing their activeties through e-mail. But what the hell, as long as I'm not doing that stuff, I couldn't care less.
RE: yea ??

Pardon me if i insulted you;)

but we all got to be paranoid;( cous' there's no such thing as privacy (sos) on the internet...

'less you try real hard
RE: Nah... (another Quote)

"And those who know, must rise and save us from ouselves";)
RE: yea ??

>Pardon me if i insulted you;)
>but we all got to be
>paranoid;( cous' there's no such
>thing as privacy (sos) on
>the internet...

All the more reason not to be paranoid. *lowers his pants and moons the NSA* >:-)
To verify this claim, I shall now look up...

(I have Crystal FTP, so apparently I have this program in question)

7 warez sites
6 Army backdoors
5 child porn links
4 Klan boards
3 Nazi downloads
2 hacked bank accounts
And an endangered partridge in a crack-laced pear tree

If you ever see a message from me with the topic "Hello from Prison" within three months, you'll know that the spy program works. =P
"Ads suited to our taste," ehh?

Well, that's just final proof for ya, the spy program isn't present. At least on my copy of CFTP anyways.

Here's the standard kind of ads I get:

Britney Spears
Pokémon (although this could be justified from all my NPA-related research)
The Financial Post
Free removal from telemarketing lists (although I would be interested if ridiculing them wasn't so fun)
Lots of gambling stuff comes up for me for some reason...
Then there are all the health-related sites on Infoseek...

Does this say anything about me?
I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Miro.

I take back every sarcastic comment on this thread.

Twenty-four files and I never knew it. Wow.

Um... so... does anyone here know of a good FTP program that doesn't have that crap?