Taking "police actions" to a whole new dimension

mr. pastorius

A Smooth-Skin
I've encountered this article while browsing through some forum. Anyway, I'll copy the entire thing since it's fairly short:

The frontline of the war on terror is about to move... to Azeroth.

According to Kevin Zuccato, head of the Australian High Tech Crime Centre, terrorists are being trained in games such as World of Warcraft to scout out simulated real-world environments, and train in weapons that are "identical to real-world armaments."

Zuccato told an Australian Security Industry Association conference that terrorists no longer have to travel to the target they want to attack to carry out reconnaissance, but create a virtual replica and rehearse an entire attack online. Bad news if you live the Tower of Azora then.

"We need to start thinking about living, working and protecting two worlds and two realities," Zuccato said.

MET police - there's your tip off then. Look out for religious extremists on flying mounts coming our way.
Here's a link for additional info.

Seriously, what's wrong with you Aussies?
Wait... I thought Second Life (in Paradise) was the prime choice for knowledgable terrorist militant trainers?
"We need to start thinking about living, working and protecting two worlds and two realities,"

wow what? We need to start living and working in two realities? This is getting complex
another capitalist crap... throw in some terrorist thing... talk in "we"s.. talk about video games... say religion.. so it all got mixed up in the end.

ratsnack said:
wow what? We need to start living and working in two realities? This is getting complex

Unfortunately.... No one can be ... told... what the Complex is.

But can be told to stop uttering nonsense.

I can just see it now, after carefully rehearsing on Wow, a terrorist cell sits in a non-descript van outside the White House.

"Allright, we move in and everyone follows me, stick to the plan. Akhmed, give us a quick calculation." says the leader.

Akhmed pulls out a calculator. "I give us a 33% chance of success."

"Alright, that's better then we usually do. Now wait for the--"

Suddenly, one of the terroists in the back of the van wakes up from a light doze. "All right, lets do this." And leaping out of the van, AK-47 blazing cries "Leeeeroyyyyyy Jennnnnkinnnnns!"

Substitute "Leeeeeeeroy Jeeeeeeeenkins!" with "Allaaaaaaaaah akbaaaaaaaar!" tho'.
This makes zero sense whatsoever. They can't honestly think terrorists are going to train terrorist attack in something like *World of Warcraft*.
Hell, if they do, all for the better. It'd only make their attacks a shitload less effective.

What this is probably about is someone mistaking 'Hey, we can use realistic videogames to train certain aspects of military actions'(as many armies across the world are doing) for 'Hey, terrorist can use any virtual environment to PLAN TERRORIST ATTACKS!! AAAAHH!'

Also, seriously, why the fuck would you want to protect virtual environments that have no value in the real world from terrorist attacks? 'Oh my god, the terrorists just blew up this major city in World of Warcraft'
'Yeah, annoying, they got me. I'm walking back to my corpse now.'
GET THEM GAMES OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE TERRORISTS! All people ages 14 - 24 who play games such as America's Army, Mario, and Math Blasters are now subject to arrest under suspicion of being TERRORISTSSTSTSSTS!
Re: Taking "police actions" to a whole new dimensi

mr. pastorius said:
Seriously, what's wrong with you Aussies?

a lot :shock:

i laughed at the "identical to real world armaments" part, I can't wait to see Terrorists running around with that giant Ragnaros hammer.


I wonder if terrorists were using pac man to plan attacks back in the 80's

123123 said:
another capitalist crap... throw in some terrorist thing... talk in "we"s.. talk about video games... say religion.. so it all got mixed up in the end.


Que? Talk about "incomprehensible". I'm not sure what capitalism has to do with this let alone religion. Ahh, I bet you are referring to scare tactics used to control a populous. Namely the ones implemented and receiving quite a bit of coverage in America... Even then...

All confusion aside I found this article quite amusing. So much so that I find myself doubting its legitimacy... Then again there are more idiots out there than I can think of; however, notice that all references to WoW were done by the writer of this article not the person they interviewed.

We just need to read a bit closer before jumping to the conclusion that Zuccato is a moron.
I'm pretty sure that the only thing you could practice in WoW is how to cope with carpal tunnel syndrome...

That and learning how to grift people by pretending to be a woman.
surely Zucatto is speaking in a general sense about people using computer simulators to train others for killing.

It is a very difficult theory to approach with some sort of an anti-terrorism plan. There are entire gaming leagues based on violent and strategic games. Many of the clans even push themselves to outperform based on imagination of being a stronger, more capable opponent irl. Zucatto wants to raise some panic to get more Cyber Police with this. They are probably hiring.
El_Smacko said:
I can just see it now, after carefully rehearsing on Wow, a terrorist cell sits in a non-descript van outside the White House.

"Allright, we move in and everyone follows me, stick to the plan. Akhmed, give us a quick calculation." says the leader.

Akhmed pulls out a calculator. "I give us a 33% chance of success."

"Alright, that's better then we usually do. Now wait for the--"

Suddenly, one of the terroists in the back of the van wakes up from a light doze. "All right, lets do this." And leaping out of the van, AK-47 blazing cries "Leeeeroyyyyyy Jennnnnkinnnnns!"

You made me laugh in real life, but that kinda makes me sad!
This is so funny. The "Leroy Jenkins" comment and some stuff I've thought of.

World of Warcraft to scout out simulated real-world environments, and train in weapons that are "identical to real-world armaments."

Even if you haven't played WoW I know from Warcraft 3 alot of weapons are unrealisticly used. Take for example Illidan's two blades. There curved so far back you couldn't possibly hit someone with them unless you leaned and reached in dangerously close to your enemy.

I'm just going to find it even more sad it news reports that would say "Terrorist strike kills hundreds" will from now on say "Terrorist gank spree garners thousands in experience."

The Vault Dweller
Anyone heard or played the game that some terrorist group put out? A half assed shooter with less then poor graphics where everyone is bush and you're supposed to kill them? I heard about it on the news and I couldn't stop laughing.
terrorists are being trained in games such as World of Warcraft to scout out simulated real-world environments, and train in weapons that are "identical to real-world armaments."

I noticed all those AKs and C4s when I played WoW. Finally, something is being done against those terrurist scumbags who go around killing noobs and cheating in Battlegrounds with their guerrilla tactics
This is by far the most serious attempt to get some game time I've ever seen. And those terrorists sure takes "for gamers by gamers" to a whole new level.

What's up next? "Massive account deletion tracked to mysterious female dark elf Binlady13. Believed to be hiding in caves."