tank cannon...


First time out of the vault
the tank cannon dont want to fire in the wilderness, it fired ok while in the mission where I found the tank though.
I have the patch, and the dude at the gun is on fire if at 33* and a big guns skill of around about 150.

anyone got any ideas?
oh yea another question:
how does the damage work with the guns?
I presume that when you have a gun on burst the damage amount shown is per bullet?
how do you know how many bullets a gun will fire while in burst?

also I noticed that the m16 is suposed to have a longer range than the hunting rifle, but my snipers have a better chance of hitting with the hunting rifle than with the m16...
se5a said:
how does the damage work with the guns?
I presume that when you have a gun on burst the damage amount shown is per bullet? how do you know how many bullets a gun will fire while in burst?

Yes, the damage rating for a weapon when firing in burst mode is per round fired. There are three ways to determine how many rounds a weapon will fire in burst mode:
  • Check on a FO fan site that has data for the weapons. They usually list the Rate of Fire (RoF) of the weapon. Be aware that fansites often contain errors, however.
  • Simply have one of your characters equip him-/herself w/the weapon in question, load it up, check to see how many rounds it is loaded with, then Force Fire (right click) a burst on some empty ground away from any potential target. Then check to see how many rounds are left in the magazine.
  • Open up the FoT Entity Editor and check under the appropriate Mode field. There will be a field entitled "Ammo Use". This is the number of rounds consumed when a weapon is used in this mode.

se5a said:
also I noticed that the m16 is suposed to have a longer range than the hunting rifle, but my snipers have a better chance of hitting with the hunting rifle than with the m16...

That is because the Hunting Rifle uses "Long" range categories, whereas the M16 uses "Short" range categories. Basically, range penalties pile up more quickly with a weapon that uses the "Short" category, but weapons using the "Long" category get a penalty to hit at very close range. So while it is theoretically possible to hit someone w/an M16 at a range of 42m, unless a character has a very high Small Guns skill they are better off shooting w/the Hunting Rifle at range.

Edit: Sorry, can't help you with the Tank Cannon. It appears to be bug-ridden. For instance I've noticed that any kills that are scored by the Gunner are credited to the Driver, the Text Log also uses Driver's name when displaying who did the damage, even though it is the Gunner firing.


ohh right, thanks!
might as well just use the APC instead then.

1 more question - where do I find the modified supersoaker? I keep finding acid for it, but I havent found the gun yet...
Hm. If I remember correctly (and I think I do), the Super Soaker can be found in a special encounter called Canadian Invasion. It's not a very good weapon, though, but I seem to remember that it worked well against robots. Not sure about that, though.
himnnn, I have done that enconter, didnt see the supersoaker, will have to go back and have another look...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure about that location. Some tribals start attacking you when you enter that map and although they don't carry very impressive weaponry, one of them is in the possession of the Super Soaker.

If you already had that Canadian Invasion encounter and you already killed the hostile tribals but didn't search their corpses well enough, chances are that their corpses (and their inventory) will have disappeared next time you enter that map. I'm not sure about that, though, but that's how it works in a lot of games, isn't it?

Good luck.
se5a said:
might as well just use the APC instead then.

That's usually what I do. Basically, unless you're running a squad w/less than 6 members the APC's the way to go.

se5a said:
...where do I find the modified supersoaker?

The previous responses w/the "Canadian Invasion" SRE are correct. However, if you've had the encounter you should be able to go back and loot the corpse w/the Super Soaker. The corpses do not disappear from the map in FoT, w/the exception of one mission, and in that one the enemies will actually disappear before you leave the map.

humnn, I will have to do some more aimless wandering in the wilderness, it wasent the canaidian invasion that I did, it was the invasion recreiationilsits or whatever.

yea, the mission where you have to kill umnnn gammoron? some of the muties disapear, including the dead ones...

am I suposed to do anything with the generals letter that I found in that mission?
ahh ok.
same with those cats paw mags? or are they just for fun ;)

say, whats the best way to kill the big behemoths?
at the moment I am just sniping at them and targeting there guns till they change to stomp then moving in my heavy weopons guys with saws, rockets or if im in a hurry and want to waist ammo I use the 50cal...
se5a said:
ahh ok.
same with those cats paw mags? or are they just for fun ;)

Cats Paw Magazines don't have any particular use in Fallout Tactics. Sell them for some change.

se5a said:
say, whats the best way to kill the big behemoths?
at the moment I am just sniping at them and targeting there guns till they change to stomp then moving in my heavy weapons guys with saws, rockets or if im in a hurry and want to waist ammo I use the 50cal...

You're sniping at them? Ha! That's a good one. You're still using your Sniper Rifles in the robot-missions? You should definitely consider using plasma- and laserweapons, since they do the most damage to robots. Gauss rifle is excellent too.
Now, how do you kill Behemoths? Depends on how you play the game. If you're still playing with stealthy characters, you might consider using mines 'cause they will do lots of damage to Behemoths. If you're going for a frontal assault, the beforementioned laser- and plasmaweapons will do just fine. Heavy weapons (rocket launcher) is okay too, I suppose.
Blade Runner said:
You're sniping at them? Ha! That's a good one. You're still using your Sniper Rifles in the robot-missions? You should definitely consider using plasma- and laserweapons, since they do the most damage to robots.

Actually there is an advantage to using Sniper Rifles over Laser Rifles for sniping. I usually have one of my snipers ignore energy weapons and just keep putting points into Small Guns. Someone who is pushing 200% in Small Guns will score critical hits like no one's business, even w/o having a high LU or the usual array of More/Better Criticals Perks. Just have this sniper sit back and go for targeted Head or Eye shots and you'll have all sorts of blinded, concussed and knocked out 'bots that the rest of your squad can easily kill. (You should have someone standing by w/a heavy damage inducing weapon, for instance a grenadier w/Pulse Grenades or Jax w/a Prototype or production model Pulse Rifle, or -- if you have them -- a Gatling Laser.)

While it's definitely easier to use the E-weapons, a properly set up squad can and will defeat 'bot using simply projectile weapons alone. If you're not wanting to try this yet, I do recommend having one of your sniper stick to Small Guns since you can get that character's SG skill up much higher w/o diverting points into EW.

Another thing to watch out for is Big Books of Science. Don't necessarily feed these to you non-combat jack-of-all-trades. Make sure that your snipers get their Science skill up to around 60% as this will help their chances of scoring a critical hit against 'bots.

yea, I had 2 snipers who were over 200, who did all the critical hits stuff, I usualy aimed at the right arm and left arm.
then I had 1 guy who was energy, another guy (stich actualy) who had prety high small, heavy, and was bulding up his energy,
then my main heavy guys who could also throw, (did I mention he could throw?) and then my sneeky dude who had a farly ok small weps, I gave him a sniper and the jackhammer with the EMP rounds (damn he was usefull if I could sneek him up close then burst the EMP)

Science helps them get criticals vs robots? damn! I wish I knew that before!

well I am actualy finished the game now, but I might just do it again on the hardest with tuff guy on...
I usually use the m249 with .50 cal Uranium bullets, works wonders with anything.

As for a car, I use the small 1 person raider car.
Kain said:
I usually use the m249 with .50 cal Uranium bullets, works wonders with anything.

As for a car, I use the small 1 person raider car.

only the M2 fires .50 cal and DU rounds, no matter how devestating, are still rare as hell and are incredibly heavy. Its like 1 round = 1 pound. U do the maths.
yea, the 50 cal was my favorate for taking out bots, till I found the jackhammer on burst with ecm rounds.

I found the rocket launcher a bit disapointing though, not acurate enough and to easy to kill yourself.