The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello all,

Ages ago I started a little project to combine some of my most favorite movies into a single timeline after I thought about how some movies could really well coexist in the same universe, creating a sort of alternative history timeline like some comic series and novels handle (often trying to integrate fictional events into real historical events, sometimes even connecting them with another).

Initially I just had the idea of combining the universes of Alien, Predator, Terminator, Robocop, Total Recall and Outlands. I did leave some movie sequels out of this such as Robocop 2 and 3 (not that they could not be fit in), Terminator 3 and 4 (5 was a reboot, and the less said about 6 the better), the Thing prequel (I started this before that one was even made up), and several other movies that for one reason or another I felt did not fit in because they would clash with events of other movies or disrupted possible connections I had made up, or which I simply did not like.

Note: I do know that my timeline will clash with movies such as the Alien prequel that named the mysterious alien appearing in Alien as an Engineer. I use the fan made name of the Space Jockey as I liked that one more.
I also ignore the Alien books in which the alien's species was called the Mala'kak (I found both the name ridiculous and that the aliens would have a name we could pronounce)

I don't recall how many years ago I also got the idea of integrating additional movies as well as some comic book series, and even some video game series that I really liked into my timeline such as Indiana Jones, Wolfenstein, the Rocketeer (the movie, not the comics).
But eventually I decided to cut out some of these later additions as I felt that they were too light hearted perhaps compared to the more grim and humorless parts. (I had the feeling that this might come over as not fitting well together).
Still I never erased that one timeline document version with all these ideas.

What would I like to do with this?
Probably nothing because I do not know any of these IPs. It might be fun though to make some fan fiction with this.

For one I had this idea for a covert government organization, established after the Thing movie (though perhaps having some predecessors during and after WW2) that to study cases of real alien presence on Earth, what threat they posed, and to develop tactics and technologies to defend the US and the world from a possible alien invasion.
Later on their mission would also be expanded to investigate and study potentially dangerous human made technologies such as artificial intelligences, cyborgs, androids, and cloning.

I could imagine these people to get involved in the aftermath of the events of some of the movies that I have included in my timeline.

I would like to show my little made up timeline with you all and hear from you what you think of it.
I hope people enjoy it as much as I did making it up.

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Millions of years ago – The Thing entity spreads across the universe, colonizing and absorbing other lifeforms and intelligent beings.
At some point one of its ships carrying a segment of the entity malfunctions and crashes on Earth in the Antarctic where the ship is quickly covered in ice and snow. (John Carpenter's The Thing)

The Space Jockeys start colonizing the Milkyway galaxy and encounter the The Thing entity. Despite their advanced technology the Jockeys are unable to drive the entity back as it spreads across their empire.

The Jockeys engineer the xenomorph entity to terraform worlds for them and eliminate The Thing entity.
The Thing entity can not assimilate or absorb the xenomorph creature due to its unique genetic structure while the creature is so designed that it can reproduce by infecting The Thing related lifeforms as well as local life.

The new strategy proves to be successful and the entity is almost completely eliminated throughout the galaxy, with only segments of it remaining on distant worlds such as Earth.
The entity on Earth keeps waiting for a rescue ship that never comes.

During a mission the crew of a Jockey space bomber are 'infected' by their cargo and the ship crashes on a moon that in the future would be designated LV-426/Acheron in the Zeta Reticuli system

A civil war breaks out amongst the Space Jockeys, the xenomorphs are now used against different Jockey factions.
During the war the Jockeys discover that the xenomorph creature is too adaptive and it mutates into a form that the creatures can no longer be controlled.

Almost all Jockeys are exterminated by the xenomorphs and the survivors flee from the known galaxy.

Unknown time period – A pre human intelligent species influenced by an “outsider” established a city and a temple in upper Northern part of what one day would be Siberia.
A great map of the galaxy is carved or painted in the ceiling of the outer sanctum of the temple in front of the entrance that leads to the inner temple, the residence of the outsider.
This map may lead to the source of origin of the outsider. (Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods)

Unknown time period – A society of pre human giants that would be later called the Thule civilization arises in what eventually would be called the German territories.

The Thule civilization is technologically very advanced due to the discovery of special crystals with unique powers that would later be called Nachtsonne crystals that Thule's scholars and craftsmen learn to harness.

Searching for the source of the power of these crystals the Thule civilization discovers the veil, a layer that separates the Earth dimension from another dimension. Energy leaking through weaknesses in the veil is what gives the crystals their unique power.

Desiring more power the Thule civilization seeks a way to breach the veil and access the other side.

Through the use of special portals they succeed and beyond it they discover the Black Sun dimension, a decaying realm which main feature is the Black Sun itself, a dead star.

The Thule seek to harness the energy of the Black Sun to make themselves even more powerful by creating a machine in the Black Sun dimension itself.
The power of the Black Sun however proves to much for the Thule to handle and they and most of their civilization are wiped from existence.(Wolfenstein 2009)

Unknown time period – An unknown alien intelligence comes across the emerging human species and takes time to study them.
This intelligence later leaves an artifact; the atmosphere reactor on Mars for future humanity to discover.
The device is capable of converting Mars into an Earth like world, suitable for human habitation.(Total Recall)

Unknown time period – A tribe of people in the Aegan sea are approached by mysterious horned beings that teach them science and technology. With this knowledge the tribe learns how to use an energy rich metal called Orichalcum that can power machines and robot automatons and use these to create a mighty city called Atlants that would eventually become the center and the name of a powerful empire that spreads across the Aegan sea, conquering other islands and their inhabitants.

The horned beings disappear as suddenly as they appeared,

At the height of their power the Atlantians founded two colonies in the Aegan, a greater one on Knossos, Crete, and a lesser one on Thera. However only Atlantis only would ever yield a supply of Orichalcum that is needed for the machines on which their empire depends.

A series of geological upheavels including a volcanic erruption causes Atlantis to start to sink.
In order to preserve their city the Atlantians start moving it underground, constructing the settlement into three concentric circles with the power source of their civilization in the middle surrounded by temples, offices of government, and the residences of higher ranking class members around, and finally factories, mining facilities, residences of lower ranking residents and the slave quarters at the outer edges. All three circles are connected by a series of canals and trams.

A series of airlocks are constructed to keep out the sea and maintain pressure in the city which air is replenished by the main power plant.

Atlantian society continues to decay and suffers strife from unrest.
In a desperate attempt to recreate the glory days of the old days Atlantian scholars and priests seek to recreate the horned beings by putting human slaves into a machine constructed at the center of the city.
The result of hundreds of experiments is a large population of mutant slaves, the majority of them being dwarfish minotaur like creatures.

At some point the slaves sense weakness among their masters and rise up against them, destroying Atlantian society almost overnight. Their victory would be a Pyrrhic one as they lack the knowledge to use and maintain the Atlantians' machines and as they are trapped in the city they turn on each other.

Survivors flee Atlantis and some manage to get as far as Central America and Greenland.
Some are able of assuming a position of influence among natives but none of them are capable of recreating the greatness of the original Atlantian civilization.
As the survivors die off any descendants and other people that were influenced by the Atlantian empire start to forget about it.(Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis)

Unknown time period – Priests and rulers of ancient Babylon receive visions from an outsider that claims to be a deity and refers to itself as Marduk.
Through its visions Marduk teaches its followers concepts such as advance mathematics and engineering that allow for the creation of architectural wonders and even mechanical wonders the archaeologists of later eras would consider impossible for a civilization of this age.

Marduk desires to come to Earth and promises great power and riches to its followers if they build a machine that can create a bridge between Earth and Marduk's home realm; the Aetherium.

Several high officials and priests come to realize the threat Marduk represents and a revolution is organized against the current rulers of Babylon and the followers of Marduk during which the site where the great machine is being build is nearly razed to the ground.

Several priests loyal to Marduk gather crucial pieces of the great machine and flee into different direction; the Ural Mountains, Egypte, South America, and an island group in the Pacific Ocean.

Distorted information in later generations results in misinterpretations being recorded in historical documents. (Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine)

943 AD - The German prince Heinrich 1 is using black magic to create an army of undead and dark knights with which he launches a campaign of conquest and terror.
He takes control of most of Western Europe as no opposing army can withstand his forces.

At the high point of his reign during a battle Heinrich1 is confronted by the wizard Simon the Wanderer who seeks to prevent the with dark forces aligned prince Heinrich from creating an unholy empire of evil.
Simon the Wanderer is unable to defeat the prince as Heinrich 1 proves to be to powerful. Instead Simon seals Heinrich inside the earth with a powerful spell.

Heinrich's oldest son Otto succeeds him and would go on to become the Holy Roman Emperor.(Return to Castle Wolfenstein)

1933 – Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

Some time during this period and the start of the second World War Hitler's government approves the founding of dedicated groups and organizations which task it is to acquire evidence and artifacts which prove German ancestral superiority.
Later on these groups expand their roles to search for any artifacts or materials with unusual and supernatural properties and harness these for the glory and prosperity of the Third Reich and as possible 'weaponry' against its perceived enemies.

Aware that a technological race is developing between Nazi Germany, other Western superpowers, and Russia the Nazi leadership approves industrial espionage and sabotage operations in these countries by its intelligence networks.

Its agents' tasks are to retrieve either advanced technology and brings this back to Germany or prevent other nations from completing these.

1935 – Events of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom take place.

Nazi agents discover evidence for the existence of the Ark of the Covenant and start searching for the last scholar/archaeologist who was studying the Ark; Abner Ravenwood.
They hire corrupt French archaeologist René Belloq to assist them with this operation.

1936 – Events of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark[/i] take place

The Ark of the Covenant is taken into custody by the United States government and stored in a 'secure' facility.

1936 – Events of Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods take place.

Technicians and engineers working for the Nazis start working on rocket pack technology for the Wehrmach to provide infantry with enhanced mobile capabilities.
Work however is slow as the development suffers from several setbacks due technical flaws in the design. Several German test pilots are injured or even killed during flight tests.

American intelligence services learn about the Nazis interest in rocket pack technology and the American government contracts the industrialist Howard Hughes, business magnate, inventor, and pilot to develop a practical rocket pack design for the US armed forces.
Unlike the Nazi engineers the American engineers manage to solve the technical problems that prevented the creation of a stable rocket pack though at the cost of the lives of several test pilots during the development of the technology

Nazi intelligence learns about the Americans success in rocket pack technology and contacts Hollywood movie actor Neville Sinclair who is secretly a Nazi sympathizer and spy to retrieve the Hughes rocket pack for the Nazis

1938 – Events of the Rocketeer take place.

Howard Hughes decides to abandon the rocket pack project even though his engineers have solved the technical difficulties with the initial designs.
It is not known if mechanic “Peevy” Peabody ever managed to build an improved version based on recovered blue prints.

The general public in time forgets all about the so called Rocketeer and come to believe it was just fiction.
The government encourages this by contracting a major comic books publisher to release a comic series about a character with the same name.

Businessman Walter Donovan starts sponsoring Henry Jones Sr study and search for the Holy Grail. Unknown to Dr Jones Sr, Donovan secretly works together with one of the Nazi's historical research groups that wishes to claim the Grail for the Furher and the Third Reich.

1938 – Events of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade take place.

The Joneses together with their friends Marcus and Sallah decide to keep the location of where the Grail was lost a secret to prevent any further investigation by either the Nazis or even the US government.
With most of the Nazi officials involved in the project having been killed during the recovery operation the Nazi leadership decides to abandon the search for the Grail.

Dr Hans Ubermann, a German physicist is the first scientist who is able to split the Uranium atom and his success manages to reach newslines of papers around the world.

Due to limited Uranium supplies however Dr Ubermann on finding an alternative means of energy for the Third Reich for use such as their weapons program.
He starts research into a mythical metal called Orichalcum which is first mentioned in the the dialogues of Plato which according to the writers provided great power to the rulers of Atlantis. Rather than superstition Dr. Ubermann believes there is a scientific explanation and concludes that the Atlantians had discovered a still unknown element with the same properties of Uranium or even more powerful.

SS Colonel Klaus Kerner is to assist Dr Ubermann with tracking down any evidence that could prove the existence of Atlantis and Orichalcum.

Dr Ubermann concludes that the American led Jastro archeaological expedition may have found artifacts that came from Atlantis and sends Colonel Kerner to America to make contact with two of the members on the expedition; Dr Henry “Indiana” Jones and Sophia Hapgood, a former archeology student who became a psychic after the expedition and now gives lectures about Atlantis.

Kerner takes the single Atlantian artifact the Nazis did discover; an old key with him.

1939 – Events of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis take place

In the aftermath of the destruction of Atlantis Dr Jones and Sophia decide to keep the existence of the location of the former city a secret.

1939 – World War 2 breaks out

The United States and the United Kingdom form the Office of Secret Actions, a clandestine organization headquarters in London that specialized in top secret missions and operations for the Allied Forces.
American soldier William “B.J. Blazkowicz” is their most prestigious agent. (Return to Castle Wolfenstein)

After their initial successes during the early years of the War the expansion of Nazi territory comes to a stand still. In the West due to the United Kingdom, Polish Forces, and the Free French Army and later on the United States, and in the West by Soviet forces of Stalin that prevent the German armies from reaching Moscow.

With it becoming clear that achieving Nazi goals such as a great German empire through conventional military campaigns has become impossible (the Germans have a hard time replacing their losses in personnel and material), the head of the SS; Heinrich Himmler decides to reorganize the research divisions of the SS into two new groups to provide new means of continuing the War and achieving victory; the SS Special Projects Division and the SS Paranormal Division.

The SS Special Projects Division will focus on scientific research and engineering development, designing and creating new weapons and other military technology for the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS.
One of its leading figures is Oberstgruppenführer Wilhelm ”Deathshead” Strasse, a brilliant but unethical scientist whose research focuses on revoltionary weaponry such as the Venom gun and the tesla coil, rocketry and chemical weapons, and bio-mechanically engineered super soldiers.
His main competitor is Oberstgruppenführer general Victor Zetta who is working on his own secret project.

The SS Paranormal Division will focus on researching and harnessing the power of the supernatural such as possible demonic weaponry.

1943 – Events of Return to Castle Wolfenstein happen

Through archaeological digs near the German city of Eisenstadt general Zetta's men discover remnants and ruins of the long theorized Thule civilization. The recovered materials and texts prove to be invaluable for general Zetta's research into the Black Sun dimension, a dimension parallel to Earth's dimension that according to Thule texts contains an incredible power source with which the Thule ruled their lands.

The archaeologists discover inactive portals that lead to the parallel dimension in sealed catacombs as well as Nachtsonne crystals near these portals that contain energy from the Black Sun that give them unique properties.
Devices are also discovered that can use the power of these crystals with various results.

Using the power that can be tapped from the Veil that separates the Earth dimension from the Black Sun dimension general Zetta's scientists and engineers create a number of revolutionary new weapons such particle beam weapons, energy shields, tanks armed with Veil energy powered cannons, and even practical rocket pack technology that previously seemed to be lost after the failure of
agent Sinclair's operation in the US to retrieve the Hughes prototype.

The Kreisau Circle, a German resistance organization learns about the Black Sun research the SS is doing in Eisenstadt and inform the Allied military command about the Nachtsonne crystals the Nazis have been collecting.

1945 – Evens of Wolfenstein 2009 happen

With the sealing of the Black Sun dimension and the Veil all Veil powered technology and artifacts are rendered useless as the Nazis have no other power source to replace it.

Wilhelm Strasse survives the destruction of the zeppelin that carried the dimension portal that was part of the Nazi's Black Sun powered super weapon.

Realizing that the War will be soon over for the Nazis as Soviet forces from the East and Allied forces from the West are steadily encroaching German held territory, Wilhelm Strasse decides to go into hiding.

With a submarine he is smuggled to South America along with several other prominent Nazi figures.

In time they will establish a Nazi colony and become the secret rulers behind the dictators that rule several South American countries with their help.
Wilhelm Strasse resumes his research into weaponry and other technology for the Nazi government-in-hiding with the goal of one day striking back at the Allied forces members, the Soviet Union, and in particular William Blazkowicz who he holds responsible for the failures of the SS to help Germany win the war.

1947 – Events of Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine take place.

195# – Agent B.J. Blazkowicz assassinates Wilhelm Strasse and puts an end to the resurgent Third Reich's final masterplan to take over the world. Afterwards B.J. Blazkowicz retires.

196# – The Nazi colony in South America falls.

197# – Cyberdyne Systems is founded.

1982 – Events of John Carpenter's The Thing take place.

The bodies of MacReady and Childs are found by a rescue team as well as the remains of The Thing entity.
A research team is assembled to study the remains, quickly discover the virulent nature of the creature. Believing it to be possible to use The Thing entity as a biological weapon against foreign nations but not wanting to risk a pre mature outbreak the decision is made to launch The Thing samples into orbit on board a research probe for further study in maximum safety conditions.

The probe's weak radiation shielding fail to protect the samples of The Thing entity, severely retarding it to the point it is nothing more than an instinctive creature that only seeks to feed and increase its mass, loosing all its knowledge and intelligence and ability to shape shift into other forms.

Realizing the possibility of future encounters with The Thing entity or any other space travel capable civilizations the US forms a covert organization which purpose is to study any alien related subjects and develop defense strategies against possible invasions.

In an alternative 2029 the human Tech Com resistance has destroyed the defense grid of a military artificial intelligence called Skynet that had turned against humanity in order to defend itself, starting a nuclear war and then seeking to exterminate the survivors systematically with killing machines.

With total defeat imminent Skynet decides to utilize a last plan of desperation; using an experimental time machine; the time displacement equipment to send a human infiltrator unit called a Terminator back in time to kill the leader of the Tech Com resistance's mother; Sarah Connor to alter history so that her son John Connor never organized the remnants of humanity to rise up against the machines and wage war.

The Tech Com resistance fails in prevent Skynet from sending the Terminator back in time. Sergeant Kyle Reese volunteers to follow the Terminator back to 1984 to find and protect Sarah Connor from termination.

1984 – Events of The Terminator take place.

Cyberdyne Systems recovers remains of the Terminator, their computer scientists study the recovered CPU chip which design surpasses anything that exists on the market today.
The remains are transferred to their research department for reverse engineering.

198# – Omni Consumer Products is founded, focusing on products and services for the civilian market and government/military.

1987 – Events of Predator take place.

Dutch and a local woman are airlifted from the Colombian jungle and debriefed. When Dutch informs his superiors about his unit having encountered a technologically advanced extra terrestrial the covert organization dealing with ETs is contacted and Dutch and the local are transferred to their custody.

A covert search and retrieval team is dispatched to the Colombian jungle to search for any technological remains of the alien visitor.

The Thing entity on board the space probe breaks free from containment and damages the probe's navigation systems, making the probe enter the atmosphere and crash on Earth.

Dr Christopher Meddows who oversees the project and weaponization of the creature dispatches a military unit and a division of scientists with himself at the head to recapture the creature and ensure no public awareness.

1988 – Events of The Blob remake take place.

The covert government organization discovers that Reverend Jacob Meeker is in possession of a sample of the creature, a covert manhunt is started for the mad preacher who plans to unleash it as part of his prophecized 'apocalypse'.

Miles Dyson is assigned to the research project to study the remains of the Terminator unit, it inspired him to create a new type of microprocessor unit that would eventually lead to the development of the Skynet computer for SAC–NORAD.

Scientists from Ingen successfully extract fossilized blood containing dinosaur DNA from mosquitoes trapped in amber and manage to revive it.
Using genetic engineering and genetics from compatible species the DNA sequences can be fixed and used to create new dinosaurs from various eras of Earth's prehistory.

John Hammond convinces investors to invest in the development of a dinosaur themed wildlife and attraction park on Isla Nebular with Isla Sorna serves as a breeding and raising facility.

A series of incidents take place that put the security of the park in doubt right before the opening.

1993 – Events of Jurassic Park take place.

On recommendation of the survivors such as Dr Grant, Ian Malcolm and John Hammond himself the decision is made to discontinue with the park indefinitely, and arrangements are made with the US and Costa Rica government to firebomb it to destroy the dinosaur population.

A hurricane later forces the scientists, technicians and security personnel on Isla Sorna to evacuate, leaving the installation unsupervised behind and allowing the created specimens to escape and claim the island.

In an alternative 2029 the Tech Com resistance after sending sergeant Kyle Reese back in time to protect Sarah Connor learns that Skynet has sent an even more advanced model Terminator, the mimetic polyalloy T-1000 to the year 1995 to terminate a teenage John Connor.
A reprogrammed T-800 model 101 Terminator is sent back to 1995 to find and protect John Connor.

1995 – Events of Terminator 2 Judgment Day take place.

The Skynet future is aborted with the destruction of Cyberdyne's main research & development facility and the loss of the microchip of the first terminator.
The company suffers a severe drop of its stock in the aftermath and is bought out by the OCP conglomerate.

Parts of Los Angeles turn into a warzone as Columbian and Jamaican drug cartels compete with each other for control of the drugs market.
Los Angeles experiences one of the hottest heat waves in its history.

1997 – Events of Predator 2 take place.

The Predator species deems Earth no longer a suitable hunting ground due to human advancement and in the following decades visits to Earth decrease.

An incident takes place on Isla Sorna after a private party makes landfall on the island.

1997 – Events of Jurassic Park: The Lost World take place

Arrangements are made with the US government and Costa Rica to isolate Isla Sorna permanently from the general public, declaring the island a nature reserve.

After a near hit by an Earth Grazing Asteroid a series of laser cannons are established in orbit around Earth to deflect any future incoming objects. Centerpiece of this network the Strategic Defence “Peace Platform” space station.

Russia and China accuse the United States from seeking to acquire military dominance of space through these laser cannons, stating that they can easily be pointed 'inwards' towards Earth's surface.

Most of the ozone layer is completely depleted, causing an increase in the number of patients with skin cancer.
Corporations develop and market new skin protection creams against ultra violet rays, most of these goods have been rushed through development and have barely been tested.

In order to overcome any public fallout corporate lobbyists within the US senate manage to have laws regarding consumer products altered so that companies only need to warn against possible toxicity of their products and are not liable for any medical cases caused by them.

21st Century

Already being powerful and influential in the late 20th Century, the influence of corporations and multinations would continue to grow and expand in the 21st and 22th Century, making future historians refer to this as the Corporate Era.
The power of established governments in turn continued to decline until they were basically nothing more but extension of the corporations. Power Blocs such as the United Americas, European Commonwealth, and the Asian Economic Treaty Zone were mostly established to further the interests of the corporations.

Not all nations would fall under the controls of the multinationals as resource and financial poor nations were often ignored or just received sufficient development not to fall into anarchy.
This did not prevent several countries, in particular in Africa but also on the Euro-Asian continent to collapse and turn into failed nations that were constantly plagued by civil wars and various ambitious warlords, making these places almost regress to pre industrial standards of living.

The only force of any significance that would arise in this time was the Union of Progressive Peoples, an alliance of remaining communist countries and governments that banded to together to oppose the economic and military might of the super blocs.
When the second colony rebellions happened the UPP was expanded with a number of colony worlds that sought to resist the Colonial Government to reassert its control, turning to the UPP for support.

The rise of corporate power would create the concept of Hyper Economics in which most of the human population would not be so much as civilians but rather employees and shareholders (mere consumers occupying the lowest rank) whose influence on how society was run depended on their status within the corporations, that a society run by free and unrestrained market would resolve all of humanity's ills as the long term profits would outweigh the expenses.

Hyper Economics would prove to be disastrous in the long run. Though a number of pressing issues such as the need for more living space and resources was temporary resolved when interplanetary and later interstellar travel was developed, the focus on for profit business at any cost made major powers ignore or severely underestimate other problems such as imminent environmental collapse and the growing divide between the rich and poor.

As a result the rate of domestic terrorism increased significantly through the 21st century and later on in the interstellar period of the era it would give cause to the rise of large scale space piracy.

When eventually almost the entire middle class was wiped out seemingly overnight during the war between the Colonial Government and the UPP these long running issues caught up with humanity and made it clear that the corporations had no intention to resolve them as containing them instead served the corporations just fine as controlling these was more profitable than actually resolving them.

Backed up by the rebelling armed forces of the super blocs of Earth and her colonies most of humanity pretty much had enough of the corporations and their corrupt puppet governments and embraced a form of super nationalism in which the old governments were dissolved and corporate influence was heavily restricted and corporations would be monitored.

Those involved in the crises that almost made human society collapse had to face reorganized courts that had been cleaned from corporate influence and a number of them were given the death sentence.

Earth and her colonies would reorganize into the Terran Federation that offered its citizens somewhat more equal representation in government and a general standard of living that had been out of reach to many in the preceding decades.
Human civilization stabilized and focus would be on rebuilding and expanding into space.

OCP scientists use leftover research material from Cyberdyne's Skynet program to develop the first human-machine interface, making it possible to link human neural tissue with computer circuitry.

20## – Events of Robocop take place.

One of the “Peace Platform” space station's laser cannons is aimed at Isla Sorna to test its capabilities.
Faulty targeting information results in the cannon misfiring, hitting parts of North and Central America as well as Isla Sorna. The surface of the island is rendered lifeless.
The press representative of the US government announced the misfiring was an error during routine start up tests.

Though the Robocop program proved to be successful on a small scale in Detroit OCP decides not to continue with it on a large scale, considering it to be too cost inefficient when regular corporate run law enforcement is seen as sufficient enough despite the high losses the Detroid Police Department continues to experience.

20## - Through its acquisition of Cyberdyne Systems OCP also gains the contract for SAC-NORAD to develop a new generation artificial intelligence system for military defense.
As almost all of Cyberdyne System's artificial intelligence research was lost with the destruction of their main R&D center OCP takes a different approach to develop a system with decision making capabilities; they intend to merge the cybernetic modified brain of the Robocop unit with a newly designed supercomputer that carries the same name as the Cyberdyne design; Skynet

- Events of Robocop vs Terminator take place

A possible future is formed in which OCP actually carried out this project, giving rise to an alternative version of Skynet that like the Cyberdyne original version would turn against its human creators and start a devastating nuclear war that wiped out most of human civilization and the human species.
This conflict was followed up a military campaign involved Skynet designed warmachines such as Hunter Killer and Terminator infiltrators that were to eliminate the last human survivors that sought to resist the machines.

Tech Com resistance leader general John Connor learns about the origins of Skynet and sends private Florence “Flo” back in time using Skynet's time displacement equipment to destroy Robocop before it can be integrated into Skynet.
To protect its own existence Skynet sents back a team of Terminator to track down and terminate Flo before she can destroy Robocop and then make Robocop merge with the prototype Skynet computer to give it self awareness.

Flo is shot down before she can destroy Robocop but she provides enough information to Robocop for him to decide to investigate the Terminators himself.
Robocop however is lured into a trap by the Terminators planted in the OCP R&D center and Robocop is forcefully merged with Skynet, Robocop's mind becoming trapped inside the mainframe and forced to observe how Skynet starts the war against humanity.

Robocop eventually manages to create a new body for himself using an infiltrator/terminator manufacturing plant and aids the human resistance in an alternative post apocalyptic future.
By duplicating itself, creating thousands of copies Robocop is able to bring the war to Skynet and destroy its central core.

Though Skynet is defeated Robocop uses the time displacement equipment one more time to go back and destroy the Skynet computer before Robocop could be merged with it.

The resulting paradox creates a new time-space matrix in which OCP's Skynet never came to be.

After several years of service to the city of Detroit Robocop's organic parts would pass on naturally and its cybernetic remains would be claimed by the cover organization within the government.

20## – In order to compete with the American corporations the British Weyland and Japanese Yutani corporations merge into one entity.
One of their business focuses is the colonization of the solar system and the exploitation of resources in space to feed an ever increasing resource hungry Earth.

20## – Practical fusion power is developed, leading to fusion power plants and the first generation of fusion drive using interplanetary ships.

20## – Technicians develop the first hypersleep chambers, viable hibernation technology that allows for long range missions and the manned exploration of the Solar System.

20## – With the death of the founder of OCP and the failure to start on the Delta City project the OCP conglomerate defaults and segments of the company are sold off or go their own direction.
Cyberdyne Systems once again exists as an independent entity and focuses on the development of computers and robotics.

Work is started on a new series of supercomputers that would eventually lead to the MU/TH/UR 6000 computers that would become standard on interplanetary and later interstellar spaceships.

20## – The Tyrell corporation is formed, focusing on medical and bio technologies. Eventually their scientists and engineers develop the first replicant, leading to the development of various models such as worker, entertainer/pleasure and combat models. (Blade Runner)

20## – With an increase in interplanetary travel Antarctica Traffic Control facility is established. (Alien)

20## – Events of Outland take place on Io.

Due to the dangers of space exploration and exploitation human workers are slowly replaced by replicants which are considered cheaper and expendable.

An incident involving 'defective' replicants takes place on one of the colonies, as a result laws are passed forbidding the use and presence of replicants on Earth. (Blade Runner)

20## – The Tachyon Hyperdrive Shunt is developed, allowing faster than light travel and the exploration of the milkyway galaxy. Some rumors suggest that the drive is based on alien technology left by visitors to Earth in the recent past.

The drive works by converting baryonic matter into tachyonic matter that travels faster than light.
Due to the problems of long range travel, supplies and logistics (not every planet can support a full spaceport or service station for FTL spacecraft) hypersleep chambers and stasis technologies are required for journeys lasting more than several months. (Alien)

20## – The Tannhäuser Gate space station is assembled at the Border in orbit around the Tannhäuser colony, it serves as a way station between the Core systems and the outer rim. (the station got its name for both its location as well as the “gate” in its main structure; a massive tachyon accelerator that uses strange exotic matter in its structure that has an almost mirror like quality that is used to boost FTL ships) (Blade Runner)

20## – Particle beam weapons that fire C-beams are developed. They become a standard main weapon on space warships.
Though the beam itself is invisible it generates a pulse that can be seen in the human eye visible spectrum that is described as “glittering”. (Blade Runner)

20## – Strong arm tactics handled by the corporations on the colonies starts a series of violent revolutions among the colonists.
Corporate administrators are either send back to Earth or are violently killed as colonies declare themselves independent of Earth.
One rebel group manages to capture Tannhäuser Gate and takes control of it.

The United States, pushed by the corporations, sends battalions of combat replicants to quell the revolts and restore corporate control.

The battle of Tannhäuser Gate takes place, the Replicant Roy Batty is one of the combatants involved.

While most of the revolts on the inner colonies are put down quickly, revolution persists on the outer colonies for decades to come. (Blade Runner)

2019 – Events of Blade Runner take place.

It comes to UN attention that the incident with a group of replicants on Earth wasn't the first incident that involved military class replicants.
An investigation reveals the true number of similar incidents on various colonies which is far greater than previously was admitted.

Under pressure of the UN corporations are forced to adopt new regulations forbidding the development of further military grade replicants or other types of combat android.
Furthermore all military grade replicants are recalled for destruction, from now on replicants and later androids are only allowed to fill support roles in the armed forces.

Rumors persist of illegal military replicants/androids still being manufactured on corporate controlled worlds and being part of corporate security/military forces.

The replicant market experiences severe competition from the development in androids which are cheaper to manufacture and more stable than the replicant models.

Cyberdyne merges with another corporation (Tyrell?) and forms Hyperdyne. (Alien)

A relative minor corporation buys the colonization and exploitation rights to Mars.
Mars previously was dismissed by the corporations due to the lack of resources in useful quantities and was mostly ignored when ships and probes were send to the asteroid belt and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

In truth a year before a specialized deep scanning sensor probe belonging to the corporation had detected traces of an unknown element on Mars during a routine analysis of Mars.
The element, now named Turbinium proves to be useful for the construction of power plants and hyperdrive components.

Mars becomes a corporate world as colonists and robots are send to establish mines and large habitats.
Prolonged exposure to raw Turbinium causes unusual mutations in the children of the miners such as severe deformities and dwarfism.
However there are also cases noted of some mutants developing ESP abilities which were previously thought impossible.

Some research is done into these but the abilities can not be recreated in regular humans.

Paranoids on Earth have purity laws passed, forbidding the mutant colonists on Mars from ever leaving the red planet and go to Earth or the other colonies.

Colonists on Mars unite to fight for more rights and better living conditions, the government formed by the corporation declares the movement to be in breach of corporate contract and it is declared illegal.
The movement goes underground and forms a resistance group that seeks to destabilize the corporate rule on Mars. (Total Recall)

Interplanetary tourism for the middle class becomes a reality, on a regular schedule passenger liners visit the various worlds of the Solar System. (Total Recall)

Study into the human mind reveals it to be possible to create artificial memories that can feel to the subject as real as his or her own.
The technology is commercialized for the purpose of entertainment. Companies like Rekall offer customers artificial vacations and adventures.

The technology proves to be a heavy competition to various forms of entertainment and travel including the space tourism business as customers no longer have to stay on board a space liner for weeks despite how luxurious the accommodations are. (Total Recall)

2084 – Events of Total Recall take place.

With the death of governor Vilos Cohaagen his administration collapses and the dominant corporation on Mars suffers a severe decline of its stock in the aftermath of the terraforming of Mars. Weyland – Yutani is quick to buy up the corporation's assets and its colonization and exploitation rights to Mars.

Quaid and Melina are approached by representatives of the US government before they can reveal the existence of alien technology on Mars and are forced to remain silent about it.
A cover story is released that the terraforming technology was actually developed by the previous dominant corporation on Mars as part of their long term effort to make the red planet more suitable for humans.

Weyland – Yutani sends scientific personnel to study the alien reactor, combining the knowledge learned from it with their other terraforming research into creating a human knock off; the Atmospheric Processor.
The human version is somewhat less effective than the alien original, requiring decades to recreate the same conditions as on Earth and Mars. (Aliens)

22th Century

2104 – The United States merges with Canada and Mexico, forming the United Americas, over the years other Middle and South American nations join the new super-bloc. (Alien)

21## – Thedus is discovered and colonized by Weyland-Yutani to mine its resources. (Alien)

21## – An incident happens during which Weyland-Yutani personnel for the first time come in contact with Space Jockey technology and the xenomorph lifeform.
W-Y manages to cover up the details of the encounter but have become interested in the Space Jockeys' technology; in particular the xenomorph.
Computers on all their long range ships and probes are programmed to be on the look out for any further evidence on either and to relay this through the Network to W-Y.

A long range probe detects a repeating transmission that matches the profile used by the Jockeys originating from Zeta Reticuli and relays it to Weyland Yutani headquarters. Orders are send to the W-Y outpost on Thedus, instructing administrators there to waylay a ship returning to Earth at Zeta Reticuli and retrieve a specimen.
The Nostromo is selected and its science officer is replaced by a W-Y operative; the android Ash, to oversee the retrieval. (Alien)

2122 – Events of Alien take place.

21## – Gateway station is assembled in orbit around Earth as its primary spacedock for incoming and outgoing spacecraft. (Aliens)

21## – The first practical Atmospheric Processors are taken into use on worlds previously considered non to minimal suitable for Terran life. (Aliens)

21## – Another series of revolts take place on the Outer Rim and a number of the rebelling colonies quickly unite into a new government called the Union of Progressive Peoples, a government with a neo communist agenda.

The other rebelling colonies are brought back into line but in order to give the colonies a 'fair voice' and prevent future unrest the Colonial Government is established. In general the Colonial Government is a sham as it is controlled by the corporations from behind the scenes.

The Colonial Navy and Marines are established as the military branch of the Colonial Government, replacing previously established military organizations and absorbing them into the CMC.

Next to the tasks of putting down rebellions and anti piracy operations the CMC's main task is to prevent the UPP from expanding into Colonial Government space.

A state of cold war comes into existence between the Colonial Government and the UPP.
While the occasional skirmish and 'system grab' happens between the two nations neither side is willing to risk open warfare because of various reasons. (Aliens)

2179 – Events of Aliens take place.

Lt. Ellen Ripley gets infected by a xenomorph when a facehugger breaches her hypersleep chamber.
Released acid causes fire in the cryogenics bay and emergency systems automatically transfer the pods of Ripley, Rebecca 'Newt' Jorden, Dwayne Hicks, and Bishop to an EEV that is released from the Sulaco and is later caught by the gravity field of Fiorina 'Fury' 161, site of a double Y maximum security work correctional facility.

2179 continuation – Events of Alien 3 take place.

While Lt. Ellen Ripley undergoes a medical scan in the Sulaco's EEV, the capsule's computer automatically transmits the readings through the Network and it is intercepted by Weyland Yutani.

The information is send to the Patna, a Weyland – Yutani ship that had already been dispatched after loosing contact with the Sulaco.
Patna's crew, a combination of medical scientists and mercenaries under leadership of the designer of the Bishop android series are ordered to head to the Fiorina system immediately and put Lt. Ripley in stasis for extraction back to Earth.
All personnel and civilians on the site are deemed 'expendable'.

21## – The long brewing war between the Colonial Government and the UPP finally happens after an incident at the border of the two nations.

The UPP launches a series of invasions of frontier systems rich in metals, heavy elements and radioactives to fuel their resource starved economy. The Colonial Government responds by deploying its navy and colonial marine forces in a series of counter attacks.

A number of corporations that do not want to see their investments on these colonies being lost in the retaking of these systems forbid the Colonial Armed Forces from using nuclear weapons or heavy kinetic weapons through their influence in the Colonial Government.
As a result the retaking of these systems becomes much harder and takes a heavy toll in lives when the UPP military command learns why the opposition only resorts to conventional warfare.

They on their turn are less reluctant to use nuclear weapons to defend their newly annexed systems and destroying Colonial warships and military outposts.

War also breaks out on Earth between the United Americas and its allies and the countries that are part of the UPP or aligned with them. The United Americas has the advantage in conflict, having access to more troops, technology, and resources through the colonies while the Earth based UPP and its allies have to do with the resources in their own territories as UPP controlled worlds and colonies can not support them with reinforcements and supplies.

The few advantages made early during the start of the conflict are quickly lost when the United Americas and its allies retaliate and start invading Earth based UPP territories.

The war economy takes a heavy toll on Earth and the largest colonies as governments are forced to increase taxes to fund the campaign against the UPP.
The corporations use this instability to increase their influence in the governments that are barely corporate controlled or still free from them.

One result is a steady depression that throws the economies of smaller countries into chaos and globally resentment against the power blocs such as the United Americas and the corporations backing them and benefiting the most from the war increases.

When Anchorage station is destroyed by UPP nuclear armed missiles the Colonial Government retracts its decision on not using nuclear weapons despite protests from the corporations and the order is given to frontier ships to start deploying these weapons against the UPP.

Rumors go that in desperation to prevent wide scale use of nuclear weapons on worlds with corporate holdings or that are of corporate interests one of the corporations tries to deploy a previously unknown bio weapon against the UPP's central worlds; xenomorphs recovered from an unknown site.

At least one of the UPP worlds falls to the creatures and is infested to the point that the planet is put under quarantine.
Later during the war the UPP and later the Colonial Navy sterilize the surface of all life with nuclear weapons.

The invasion of the UPP territories starts and systematically its worlds are defeated and overtaken.

What economists have feared for a long time finally happens when the war time taxes and economy pushed by the power blocs and the corporations for the campaigns and occupation of UPP territory causes a global inflation, almost completely wiping out what is left of the middle class population and sky rocketing the prices of necessities such as food, water, and fuel.

World wide riots take place and a number of countries undergo violent revolutions after which they secede from power blocs like the United Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

The governments deploy military armed forces in various cities to break up the riots, but soldiers and officers already political and morally divided on turning against their own countrymen or civilians in general decide instead to side with the opposition. In some cases the turnover rate is almost seventy percent.

In desperation as their influence falters the government leaders turn to the corporations who loan them private armies to quell down the violence and resume control.
Amongst these forces are the long deemed illegal combat androids that are now used as frontline troops.

A collective of hackers manages to infiltrate the corporate data networks and introduce a virus that deactivates combat android inhibitors that prevent them from turning against their own masters and introduces the concept of self preservation, making androids reluctant to face combat.

The result is the 'android revolution' during which military models but also civilian models turn against humans, sometimes violently.

The colonial government recalls frontier forces to restore order to Earth and other colonies to which the violence has spread. To show the anti government elements their strength Colonial warship officers are ordered to destroy a number of colonies with nuclear weapons.

Like their armed forces colleagues on Earth this decision does not sit well with many navy and marine personnel and officers and instead almost the entire navy revolts against the government, claiming it no longer is a legitimate representation of the people.

Several pro establishment admirals are put on trial and executed during this period.

Without the needed support of the military the remaining governments on Earth as well as colonial corporate governments start to collapse.
A number of corporations evacuate from Earth and retreat to Corporate Homeworlds that were established early during the interstellar expansion period. Earth is considered a lost cause.

With there being no clear line of government or leadership any more and human society rapidly disintegrate into chaos and anarchy military veterans decide to assume leadership and return order and control to Earth.

A plan is drafted to retake Earth and restore peace and civilization by dividing the planet up in sectors. Those with the largest populations and important resources and infrastructure such as industry or food production are selected first as these can supply the veterans with new recruits, food, and equipment once they are pacified

Much of the civilian population welcomes the veterans and the peace order and protection they offer and the returning veterans have their hands full with dealing with anarchists, warlords, renegade androids, as well as still functional corporate militias.

The plan proves functional as civilian centers are retaken and opposing forces are denied resources and infrastructure they need to continue the battle.

After almost two decades of war most of Earth and the colonies are unified by the military veterans from various nations and the former colonial armed forces.
In Geneva the United Citizen Federation/Terran Federation is established with veterans forming the Federation Council.

A number of former government officials as well as high ranking corporate board members and CEOs that went into hiding are also found and arrested. They are made to appear in front of a Federation court and a number of them are sentenced to death for various crimes.

A time of rebuilding follows in which the damaged nations and colonies are restored to strength and prosperity.

Under the new laws and legislation the population is divided in civilians and citizens, the last having done Federal service and gaining certain rights such as the right to vote and and faster procedure of birth right permissions

The Colonial Navy and Colonial Marines are renamed and merged into the Terran Federation Navy and the Mobile Infantry.

The remaining Corporate Homeworlds and controlled colonies ally together to resist the Terran Federation's encroachment.
Rather than seeking to use military force to claim these worlds and make the corporations face Federation justice which would potentially cost the lives of thousands of Mobile Infantry soldiers the Federation leadership decides to isolate the Corporate worlds from the Terran Federation market instead, a strategy that proves to be effective in denying the corporations the opportunity to reassert themselves on Earth and the Federation colonies.
Unable to wage economic warfare and military warfare considered too costly the Corporate worlds are almost completely cut off from general human society, in the decade that follow a number of them abandon Corporatism and Hyper Economics and petition the Federation for membership.

Androids fall out of general use (though a number of them could still exist) after the bitter taste they left during the 'android revolution'.

With the collapse of the Colonial Government and the repeal of the purity laws afterwards the most human like Martian colonists leave for Earth and other planets and start to mingle with the general human population.

In the following generations children from baseline human/martian humans start to develop psionic abilities that were earlier thought only to be present in Martian humans. These children do not suffer from the physical deformities some of the Martian humans did from exposure to raw Turbinium.

Government funded study is done on people with these abilities and various psionic educational centers as well as the Psi Op division is established to train and guide such individuals.

The Cherenkov stardrive is developed and replaces the hyperdrive. Not only is the Cherenkov drive much faster, it has a greater range before refueling, putting the entire milkyway galaxy within human reach.
It also does not suffer from drawbacks such as time expansion which requires the necessity of hypersleep chambers and stasis technology. (Starship Troopers)

23th Century

Deep space explorers discover the pseudo-arachnids, 'arachnids' or 'bugs' on Klendathu. A scientific expedition is dispatched to study the arachnids but most of the members are violent killed by the territorial creatures.

What is believed to be a local problem at first takes a whole different turn when exploration ships and probes start discover bug hives in other systems light years away from the Klendathu system.
Study reveals that the Arachnids have somehow evolved or developed an organic version of the Cherenkov drive which they use to send eggs to other worlds for colonization.

Worse, the Arachnids are actually capable of launching asteroids with the similar method and soon start to target Federation colonies with egg clusters and asteroids.

Scientists wonder if this aggressive colonization behavior comes from having disturbed the creatures with human presence.

Fleet Battlestation Ticonderoga is established and constructed in Arachnid space to monitor the creatures' interstellar movements. (Starship Troopers)

The events of Starship Troopers takes place.
Looking back at this document I see that I could expand on some parts such as the text regarding Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (mentioning the Russian/Soviet involvement)

Or mention the knights who found the grail, the three brothers mentioned in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Edit: or Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods. I should add some details about the Ahnenerbe who were Indy's rivals in that adventure.

I would also like to add Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures. While the game randomly generates adventures, it has a set of reused storylines.
I would simply write it down as Indiana Jones and Marcus going to Mexico and Indiana Jones having adventures there while facing aggressive tribals, Mexican bandits, Nazi research expeditions led by general Anton Schlossberg, and a rival archaeologist Victor van Loon.

I have resisted adding the Aliens vs Predator movies, comics, or games to my timeline (the movies because I did not like them).
But as I liked Aliens vs Predator 2 for the PC I could add its events to my timeline, though it would have to take place before the Colonial Government/UPP war would take place after which both government ceased to exist.
This could explain where Weyland Yutani got its xenomorphs from it tried to use during the war to prevent the navy from using nuclear weapons.