Teacher Accused Of Wizardry

someone doesnt like him in administration! but that's fucked up. I'm eager to see how this turns out.
*Taking his cock out of his hat* :

"eheheh, you can't do that Mrs Smith, do you? There's no trick you know".
Gah I saw this on Countdown with Keith Olbermann... It made me lol and puke at the same time.
Hmmm.. it dosnt seem so. If it was taken from onion news it would probably be some disclamers and logos there.

Crazy thing tho, :shock: Well, ..i guess he got a reason to sue someone now. You cant loose! (or can you?...) O_o
Maphusio said:
Gah I saw this on Countdown with Keith Olbermann... It made me lol and puke at the same time.


if that's the extent of what a wizard can actually DO...then this guy does deserve to be suspended...or killed.
I figure he's like Gandalf, and just does light stuff to entertain, but then he'll fucking shoot vietnamese hookers at you if he has to.
i loved when in the docu Jesus Camp they accused Harry Potter of being a Warlock and when they prayed over the sound installation so that Satan wouldn't corrupt it.
They also raved with raptor jesus, which was awesome.
You know, this shit started when school districts began to ban Halloween as a paganistic/satanistic ritual.

Kansas begins to have issues with evolutions

They started asking would-be teachers how they felt about "Harry Potter."

This is church vs state, and what happens when your kids are brainwashed by Christian fundamentalists.

Fucked up.

Where is they Flying Spaghetti Monster when you need him.


(I wonder if this will affect the school's cell phone service).

I am kind of interested where this experiment in America is going, today magic tricks, tomorrow airplanes? (cause only God and Angels are allowed to fly?)
Welcome to Florida, motherfuckers. I mean, I live in West Texas now (born/raised in L.A....long story how I got out here) but...damn...fucking Florida, man. This just seems to be the direction we're going in this country. I blame the Evangelicals and the folks taking the crazy pills who're believing what they're saying.
An Iraqi Sergeant had an interesting Take on Jesus, Moses and Mohammed.

Mose was the bringer of the Magic *look in the Bible under Exodus for his part in brining the Plagues*

Jesus was the one who brought the Way of the Open Palm and the Healing Hands.

Mohammed was the bringer of The Sword and the Word...