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Thrawn said:
radnan said:
i'm overjoyed to see gibs in those videos and with great style too :D ... can anyone who played the beta confirm this ?

*yes i have a juvenile fondness of gibs :) esp. Q:TF style gibs

Hahaha, not only are there gibs but I have a couple of stories about them.

When you die it zones it on the person that kills you. I got killed close range by a rock guy and when it zoomed n on him there were captions and arrows point to "Your Head" "Your Foot"

There is one map with some water in it, one of my team mates ran up the stairs and got exploded. His leg and arm came flying and landed in the water and started floating around. It was disturbing and hilarious.

Holly hanna I've gotta pick this one up asap!
This game is all flavors of damn fun. Ubering a heavy or a pyro and then watching the kills go is awesome! One problem though. All public servers I join seem to have either a bad map rotation or there's no one playing on it most of the day. Can someone recommend a good server?

In other news, a russian version of the HWG was released . They got a real Russian guy with a real accent and translated 'lololol' as 'гы-гы-гы'. I love those guys. Though the 'sing while you can' could be something cooler, like 'сдохни, скотина!', like they did for Red Orchestra.
the game isnt out yet, so how can you whine about public servers being empty? only people that preordered the orange box on steam are playing?

cant be that many people, ye know...
I'm not whining about public servers being empty. There's plenty of full servers, but half of the time they have zero people playing for some reason. Maybe I'm just not playing on popular servers.