TeamX documents Russian to English translation

Sorry about the lack of updates lately. Finals are over now, though, so I'll try to get some more up soon. I'll skip the ones that have offline translations; there are quite a few that don't.
Kanhef said:
Objects in Fallout 2

Any requests for what's next?

This work man, this bit is still in Russian though:

2. World map objects

Îáúåêòû êàðòû ìèðà - ýòî ñàìà êàðòà ìèðà, à òàêæå ãîðîäà è ñëó÷àéíûå âñòðå÷è (random encounter) â ïóñòûíå. Îòäåëüíûì âèäîì ñëó÷àéíîé âñòðå÷è ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñïåöèàëüíàÿ âñòðå÷à (special encounter).
Fixed. I must have missed that since I remembered doing it the first time through. (File got corrupted when I was about 75% done, had to start all over.)
Grave dig. I found a wiki tutorial for tables, so can create articles for the rest of your translations:'s_Guide:_Using_tables

Are you working on any other documentation?
I haven't been working on this for a while. Too busy with classes, writing code, some other projects. I'm not very fluent in russian, so it can be slow and mind-numbing at times. If there's a particular document you'd like to have translated, I'll see what I can do, but it could take a while. Putting it up on the wiki is a good idea, and I'll try to do that when I get a bit of free time.