Teh ghei

That is pretty lame, I'm not really sure what purpose they serve other than their potential for the, "shit to blow up with fireworks" pile.

I'm afriad I like their music though...
All new music is shit. It seems that any group of un-original pricks can get a record deal these days.

I'd rather listen to a homeless person on a bus, singing "Somewhere over the rainbow" while masturbating.
HERE IS ANGRY SCHULJUNGE :evil: *ripping his shirt off, getting green*

That band is such a stupid meeting of stupid People that make stupid music. Why they called "Fallout boy"? THEY ARE 4 GUYS ... THAT NAME MUST BE "FALLOUT BOYS" -.- the unofficial name propable would be: Dumbass Boys, okay. Stealing the name of our souls, that we connect to the game Fallout! One Minigun and just shoot them all down! jeah! ^^ i guess then they would have an "gangsta"-image O.o Damn, i hate them, please no more threads about them, they have already enough commercial hype followed by endless hate on them.

Puh, now i feel alot more better. can someone animate some pictures where they get killed by a minigun holded by some powerarmored Soldier? JEah!!!

Edit for Serifans underme Post: Jeah maybe its better, but the better your english, the lesser the humor =/ Damn, i must take some break, my english is too good, i lost my humor!!! NOOOOOooooooooooooooooo I sound like some intelligent asshole :( :(
WOW I am impressed your english as gotten so much better since the last time.

infact I think you have been talking showbags the whole time. :)

Edit: nah man Im not having a go at you I like your style
Their music is spoiled brat emo, just like every other piece of shit that's come out in the past 5 years. and it's not the music as much as the attitude. It should be against the law to sell albums if you haven't reached a mental age of 17. Oops, I guess that would kill the "mainstream" music industry.


and wow, what a gay and loser site.
Fallout Boy Action figures

Instant wood followed by eternal deception...
I hope that Bethesda will at least make some nice Fallout merchandising ! I'm prepared for a sucky fallout 3 but I want a nice poster at least !
Gay indeed. I hadn't heard of the the group before this, but gay indeed.

Alas, what used to be music is dead, and has been replaced with something completely different. Even though I really couldn't say, I guess this is representative of what that is, namely fagness.
Pssh. They suck. And band figurines are somewhat lame IMHO, whether they're the Beatles or Kiss or whatever. (Though supergluing Gene, Ace and friends to someone's car hood is strangely funny.)

I wonder what the hell gave these guys the notion to call themselves "Fall Out Boy". They probably play POS.

I wonder what a fireplace lighter and a can of WD40 would do to them.
Hey, Schuljunge, this whole FALLOUT BOY gayshit reminds me a little bit of TOKIO HOTEL.
Ze most gay collection of noisemaking spawns of whores you can imagine! Even a slight bit more gay than FALLOUT BOY.



Yes... they're all male... Sad... very very sad... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG?!! Women want emancipation, guys look like cheap goth whores...
One day, there will be boys with juggs and chicks with dicks... No more male or female... just wankers... :)
NOOOoooo Vox, please let me in my illusion that Germany is a very good country. Argghh i see the illusion is broking :lol:

Those Tokio Hotel panty shit babys are the number 1 reason, to leave Germany. I am sick of this. So thats why i never watch german TV. If you ever suggest to come to germany, dont forget a Notebook with Internetconnection, cause you´ll need it to stay in connection with higher Intelligence.

I guess my Internet Connection and the not-having Education that i want, are the facts, why i am still here, and suffering. If you are american, you´ll probably see more mcdonalds in germany than in your country. Those Brainwashed monkeys :?
Dear god...
I still know you don't exist.
But instead making people like Steve Irwin die, please, dear god, make cunts like the Tokio Hotel or Fallout Boy bitches die a gruesome long death. They really deserve it.

Thank you, god, which obviously does not exist.
each time i see that died black hair goth guy, i want hit em in the face repeatedly and to shove that award up his ass that it'll pierce through his chest. does that make me gay?
Ah, Fall Out Boy has one redeaming quality (while it doesn't make up for their blatant abuse of the Fallout name) -their lead singer completely lacks enunciation and therefor his lyrics are totally uninteligable. So enter the string "Fall Out Boy" on Google Video and watch what come up. It is too funny for words.