*ripping his shirt off, getting green*
That band is such a stupid meeting of stupid People that make stupid music. Why they called "Fallout boy"? THEY ARE 4 GUYS ... THAT NAME MUST BE "FALLOUT BOYS" -.- the unofficial name propable would be: Dumbass Boys, okay. Stealing the name of our souls, that we connect to the game Fallout! One Minigun and just shoot them all down! jeah! ^^ i guess then they would have an "gangsta"-image

Damn, i hate them, please no more threads about them, they have already enough commercial hype followed by endless hate on them.
Puh, now i feel alot more better. can someone animate some pictures where they get killed by a minigun holded by some powerarmored Soldier? JEah!!!
Edit for Serifans underme Post: Jeah maybe its better, but the better your english, the lesser the humor =/ Damn, i must take some break, my english is too good, i lost my humor!!! NOOOOOooooooooooooooooo I sound like some intelligent asshole