Ten Ton Hammer previews Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
A rather enthusiastic, MMOG-angle at Fallout 3:<blockquote> I came in with a few reservations about where the game could be headed, and I came out with the biggest grin on my face. The best way to describe Fallout 3 can be summed up in this way:

Fallout 3 is Oblivion on steroids. With nukes.

In a step away from Oblivion and Morrowind, Bethesda decided to make Fallout 3 an XP based game. Both those games, which were in the Elder Scrolls series of titles, featured advancement based upon use of skills rather than how many times a creature was killed or a quest was completed.

With Fallout 3, Bethesda wanted the game to remain fairly close to the standard system used in the other Fallout games, but they also determined that having a level based system was an opportune way for Fallout to differentiate from the Elder Scrolls games...</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 Preview from Leipzig GC ‘07 on Ten Ton Hammer.

Spotted on Gamebanshee.
Two gems here from this previewer:

"I came in with a few reservations about where the game could be headed."

Followed at the end by:

"I’ve never played any of the previous iterations of the game, but I intend to now."

Rather incongruous, one would think. Lame.
TenTonHammer said:
When a game succeeds in staying true to its core components, however, and perfects those areas before moving on to extraneous material, that’s when MMOG gamers really perk up.
Ah yes, because Ultima Online and World of Warcraft have kept the core components of its mother series perfectly. Yessirree.
TenTonHammer said:
Fallout 3 is Oblivion on steroids. With nukes.
Oblivion on steroid, with nukes. Yes, that certainly sounds like the core components of Fallout.

People who are this clueless about a game series should not be making comments with regards to the game series, at all.