Terminator 3


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I guess we kind of touched base on this a little while ago, but it's been coming on HBO recently and has re-kindled some thoughts.

My main question is, who borrowed from who? If you're not familiar w/ the movie, it's eerily similar to the Fallout story(if you've read the bible and all that background crap). Though the basic premises started w/ T1 and T2, it seems that Fallout took it to a whole new level, and it was then re-recycled into T3. Where did all of these ideas begin? Thoughts...
From the holy book of the apocalypse, of course... (beside, I don't realy think that t3 and fallout have a lot in commen, except the big nuclear explosions)

na serious, world destruction isn't a new idea at all. I think everybody of us could come up with some random indeas how to do it most perfectly.
Other than the premise of surviving nuclear war in a government-constructed blast shelter, there is no link between "Terminator 3" and "Fallout". And that particular plot can be traced all the way to "Dr.Strangelove", which probably based the idea on gazillion short stories floating around since '45.
I dunno, guys...Terminator 3 is like the FOBOS of the Terminator movies, really. :) I didn't go see it in the theater..Waited to rent it, and I even asked for my money back. C::rolling R::AP!
I don't think T3 has anything to do with fallout, first of all total nuclear war is the most worn- out and done to death apocalyptic scenario. And the fact that there would be government shelters, is in no way unusual. They exist even if some of them are just huge mounds of concrete and other stuff that just fall apart. Some become tourist attractions.... But I digress Fallout mentioned nothing about Skynet or any such crazy, semi-self-sentient supercomputer that brought the shit down, it was the greed of men that flared the conflict. And dude Fallout is so much more than T3! Play the games again, it will all come back to you: "I'll be back" and "Asta la vista baby" sound cool but usually manage to start a fight... and let's face it: excessive use of violence is one of the worst ways to play the game.
NO! There is no similarity as far as I am concerned!
Ryno said:
Waited to rent it, and I even asked for my money back.

Wait, are you serious? That's like buying a backstreet boys record and wanting to return it cause it was crap.
T3 was fine if you went into the theatre realizing it was a shameless attempt to squeeze more money out of a tried-and-true franchise and an aging action star. Plus we saw it free, that never hurts.

Admittedly the plot was lame (I was hoping for what I expect T4 will be - the future war) but I primariy went to see the pretty robots destroy cities in an attempt to kill each other. The effects were top notch, as Terminator movies always are, and the action was hot.

No, Terminator 3 had nothing to do with Fallout other than the world as we know it ends. Again, I expect T4 to be much more the-future-is-crap-and-we-kill-robots-all-day, which will be vaguely Fallout-like but with Hunter-Killers.

And if you don't think there will be a T4, think about this: T2 effectively ended the Terminator plot line 10 years ago. T3 was contrived. It also made over 147 million. That's not specatular but it's enough to squeeze at least one more movie out of this franchise.

You should at least rend the Terminator game (for xbox or other console) and go through it. You play as umm.. the hero from the first movie (I forget his name at the moment), and a few other various characters along the way. Its not a spectacular game, by any means, but it does reveal more of the Terminator story. Its like a prequel to the first Terminator movie.

Of course, future Terminator movies may or may not go along with the game's plot. It was a bit open ended though and featured a few flawed ideas (robot controlled humans?.. ehh.. ) that have not been mentioned in previous Terminator movies.

By the way, I figured they would bring back Skynet using Arnold's crushed arm from Terminator 2 (doh! they forgot to melt that one didn't they?). But I liked their idea better. Inevitability is a much better idea than the future creating the past concept used in T2.
So it's like Future Shock? I'll pass.

The inevitability was a very bad idea. It made the whole T2 movie pointless.
Of course T2's ending made T1 pointless, so I guess inconsistent storylines run in the family...
Fallout 2 does mention Skynet. I believe you can get it in your party, though I never managed to.

T3 didn't really seem to have any connection to FO other than "Here come nukes omfg"; I really kinda thought the movie sucked anyway. I was hoping for mass chaos and destruction and all I got was a crappy re-wrap of T2 with added stupid Arnold 1-liners.

At least Revolutions had some awesome robots-blowing-crap-up scenes.
I enjoyed T3. Don't see any connection to Fallout, though. More connected to 1950s pop sci-fi.
((Who is this Paladin Heart?))

I remember when I first went to see Terminator 3. After the end, I had cravings for playing Fallout. It's scary when you actually think you want to go through that kind of stuff. But then stupidity get's its ass beat by reality and you realize what it would really be like.
Well, if you look REAL CLOSE there is at least one more "link" between Fallout and T, but is minute: the picture representing the dermal impact implants from F2 is a PipBoy that looks like a terminator with some of his skin torn. But than again Survivalist looks kind of like Rambo, Slayer like Conan...
Of course these "similarities" don't really mean much, Fallout will always be Fallout (Brotherhood 'o Bullshit does not count) and Terminator will be a nice SF movie, for it's time (the first one) with sequels that range from bad to worst :) That is about it.
Hmmmm... kinda surprised that none of you agree w/ me. They friggin jacked the Skynet name for one, which, to some may be insignificant, but that's not exactly yer most common "just write it off as coincedence" name. Also, that fact that the war was started by computers and even in the same fashion; i.e. all of the big nukes were released at once. Even in the same period of time, 2040 or so(movie starts a little earlier). Also, T3 takes place in California, and, well, I'm pretty sure that's where F1 and F2 take place as well(I believe that is where Ahnold presides as governor as well). Also, your character in Fallout 2 starts off as a pathetic speck, yet you are still "The Chosen One"; what do you know, John Conner starts off as a pathetic speck, yet is still destined to practically save the world. And how about one more for good measure... Little known to many, there is a secret organization run by the government that happens to control many aspects of military operations and houses some of the best technology in the world(The Enclave). They didn't exactly take an oil tanker, but the characters of T3 end up, well, basically in the Enclave base(CRS in the movie)

Anyway, I know T3 wasn't exactly made to feed anyone's undying appetite for more Terminator ass-kicking, it was made to try and make as much money as possible, but nonetheless, I enjoyed it(very Fallouty feel to it, no matter what some may think)
Of course that Fallout has references, but not in that direct manner. Like APTYP said: the idea of the machines launching all the nuclear weapons at once and destroying human beings comes back to the Doomsday machine of Dr Strangelove.

The Terminator can be a reference of Fallout, but the same as Mad Max and others...
jup, just because there are references doesnt mean it's based on it...

if that would be the case, fallout would be based on monty python :p
Don't forget of machines using nuclear weapons against mankind was not new in Terminator either. Colossus, the Forbin Project had a "skynet" idea in which a computer intentionally takes over nuclear arsenal of the US (and destroys the USSR) in an effort at self-preservation after it becomes "self-aware."

The notion of fallout shelters though, and surviving in a fallout shelter goes back a long way. These are just well used parts of the genre.