Terminator 3

I meant that by the combination of two ideas: first: the machine control over humans (the base of Metropolis and the stigma of the Workers), and second: the artificial intelligence represented in Metropolis by the robot - copy of Maria.
Karkow said:
hey, the skynet ideia can be traced back to Fritz Lang Metropolis, if you really want to!

Its possible but there are very few connections between Maria (robot) and skynet. She is not self-aware and is just a puppet in the hands of that crazy scientist.

There are many references of many movies in fallout. But fallout is not based on a specific movie. It follows the PA theme but has its own style.
I see nobody responded to:
Also, your character in Fallout 2 starts off as a pathetic speck, yet you are still "The Chosen One"; what do you know, John Conner starts off as a pathetic speck, yet is still destined to practically save the world.
Well I think it's fair to say that this is how most RPGs go: you are the little man that makes all the difference... the little Super Man that ends up saving the world...
And one more thing: the T3 Skynet launches the bombs to wipe out humanity while in FO it is more like the semi or full self aware machines start the war to entertain themselves, they are bored... to death :twisted:
As for references... the bloody game is a reference... There is even a Hannibal Lector reference...
Face it: the ideas about how the world ends are not that numerous, the most original I've heard so far is the one from Reign of Fire: the dragons once again scorch the earth...
Just think how much the Cold War was emphasized... an all out nuclear war is sooooo old, but the most important thing is what comes next...
And from that point of view FO is nothing like T3...
welsh said:
Don't forget of machines using nuclear weapons against mankind was not new in Terminator either. Colossus, the Forbin Project had a "skynet" idea in which a computer intentionally takes over nuclear arsenal of the US (and destroys the USSR) in an effort at self-preservation after it becomes "self-aware."

The notion of fallout shelters though, and surviving in a fallout shelter goes back a long way. These are just well used parts of the genre.

Welsh, In Colossus, The Forbin Project, The US had Colossus, and the Russians had Guardian, it's version of Skynet. When the Humans refused to make a direct connection between the two supercomputers, Guardian launched a nuke at Vladivostok IIRC, after that they tried to fool the comps by dummying the warheads, so Colossus detonates a nuke in the US. Then the Humans gave the comps their link, and, well it was nighty night for the Humans after that.

Cheers Thorgrimm