Yet committing suicide, in order to KILL is perfectly acceptable to a skimpy tank top, the ends never justify the means and only cheapen the goal, if they have to be suicidal to attack 'immorality' that ISN'T EVEN IN THEIR COUNTRY then they've got too much damn time in their hands.
It is not about 'immorality' if anything that's what the extremists feed each-other to bolster their belief in what they're doing so that they don't loose hold on them!
Do you know what they are promised for gibbing themselves amidst a dozen or so others in a crowded area, over 70 virgins (I can't remember exactly, something like 72 but my memory's shot...) Somehow I doubt that the bomber's planning to play scrabble with these 72 virgins for the rest of eternity so there goes the 'noble sacrifice' idea.
They hate Brittan, USA, Canada, Germany, Russia, etc. because they have grown prosperous on the abuse of middle east's oil, plain and simple really.
They have been shat on by the world, so they're gonna shat on us, anything else is hoodwinking and pro-suicide bullocks.
I cannot say that I have been to the middle east, talked to it's people, or met the radical fringe of that country, and I fully accept that these statements can very well be incorrect, however I can say this much, you don't hug someone with an active pack of C4 on your chest because you love them, nor do you interrupt world trade by blowing up WORLD trade centers.
If they botched New York, it would botch US trade, don't confuse that with the world, as countries will just re-route through newfoundland if they're in a bloody hurry.
I will say quite frankly that I do not respect what they are trying to do because as I mentioned before, the ends NEVER justify the means, do you kick a puppy because you're in a hurry and it got in the way, you got to the bus on time but you hurt, maybe even seriously, that little pup that got in the way.
They have cheapened whatever they were trying to do by their actions and effectively killed the righteousness of the goal itself, now it's just an excuse to continue the fight rather than something to try and fight for.
To attack a civilian population because of a country's doing is unacceptable, to attack THEIR OWN PEOPLE who are trying to make the best of a bad situation is unacceptable, to use kids as WALKING CLAYMORES is unacceptable.
That's the kind of cause you're condoning it isn't about the moral right versus the loose left, that's bullocks, the extremists believe that anyone that's not Muslim is effectively a soulless body so their death does not count against the bomber's ability to go to their virgins.
You wouldn't condone the KKK even though they were trying to have a bake sale, they just strung up a few black people so that they could have it the way they like it, so why is it ok for these people to cause billions in property damage and kill thousands of people, because they want to change the way we think?
To me, respect is earned, not given out willy nilly, and none of these extremists deserve an ounce of respect towards their cause, hell they aren't even efficient at what they do, they just get themselves killed, it's not like they gotta train hard to run into a building and detonate, versus proper gunman-ship skills.