Terrorists bomb Australian Embasy in Jakarta.

Blah-blah-blah . . :D

Are you low on money? Blame Al Qaeda!
Do women avoid you? Blame Al Qaeda!
Does your life suck in general? Blame Al Qaeda!

And then steal each and every source of oil you can get your hands on, it´s that simple :P A recipe of success!
Well thats good. To bad anyone was injured though (other than the terrorists who perpertrrated it. They can blow them selves up all they want, but it sucks when others get hurt.)
Guys, remember that Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, and has a very large Fanatical Muslim population as well.

I don't see why the attacks couldn't have been made by a terror cell linked to Al Quaeda.
damnit, welsh! I loath you for a reason that I cannot mention, and it is related to this double post.
and yes I am inferring that the war in iraq is not a part of the WoT.
Ya Indonesian is mostly Muslim and their have been numerous problems between the Muslim's and Christian's there. This is probably a hate crime against what they view as a Christian country and may not be linked to the general war on Terrorism.

The Vault Dweller
Well, people are stupid Wooz. You think most people worldwide can spell in they're respective languages "War on Fundementalist Islam of the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabi veriatey"? No. Not even I can. Because people are stupid they need a catchphrase. You come up with something that means the same thing and is catchier.

How about that war against terrorism, hunh?
What about that?
Thing is, my esteemed Byzanteen, that as long as any state labels anyone a "terrorist", that person is bound to be imprisoned, abused and shot without a trial.

People that aren't able to spell or understand such basic principles shouldn't have a say in things as complicated as a country's administration.

Had two-week long debates on this with my former sociology/philosophy professor, which was a devoted communist.
Yes, an like the war against terrorism, has kind of sputtered out.

Perhaps if we spent more time on terrorists....

But that's about placing priorities.
Thing is, my esteemed Byzanteen, that as long as any state labels anyone a "terrorist", that person is bound to be imprisoned, abused and shot without a trial.
*beeping sound*
People called Terrorists have NEVER under any government or circumstances recived fair treatment unless the population is ready to go apeshit.

People that aren't able to spell or understand such basic principles shouldn't have a say in things as complicated as a country's administration.
Dude, WTF are you, a Monarchist? Course they do. They pay the taxes, they have every right to. Taxation without representation is.....what?

Had two-week long debates on this with my former sociology/philosophy professor, which was a devoted communist.
Was or is? Goddamn universities, one place Communists are'nt a TOTAL joke.
CCR said:
People called Terrorists have NEVER under any government or circumstances recived fair treatment unless the population is ready to go apeshit.

IIRC, during a round-up at a protest in NY, people were kept in custody for two days without food nor water, nor access to lavatories. Not even terrorists, I'm talking about protesters. No, not molotov-hurling armed mobs, either.

'Sides, just because terrorists weren't given a trial before doesn't mean they haven't got the right to. Read the UN chart on human rights.

CCR said:
Dude, WTF are you, a Monarchist? Course they do. They pay the taxes, they have every right to. Taxation without representation is.....what?

I was piss-drunk when I posted that. What I meant is that democracy shouldn't become a kind of beauty contest for the masses between two incompetent candidates.

welsh said:
How about that war against terrorism, hunh?
We are winning it, right?

ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Dude, WTF are you, a Monarchist? Course they do. They pay the taxes, they have every right to. Taxation without representation is.....what?
I don't know. Do you want to ask the ~50% of American voters who voted against the current government or those Americans who couldn't be bothered to vote at all?