Terrorists recruiting on your campus?

Big T said:
Now, I am aware that there are many asylum seekers from the "arab" world living here, or seeking to live here, but it seems strange for a person to pick a country who's social views and culture are so alien to them.

lol, of course thats why there are extremists in england and france, and holland, right?? because they want to live peacefully by your terms of living, hahaha.

man you guys are so ignorant, you cant even see the millions of arabs in europe that are increasing every year that goes by, you'd think their intrest is in the countries they migrated to, HA.

maybe its a diffrent kind of migration(like in HEROS4 where you migrate you own people to other colonies), but NOOO thats too vicious for kind europeans to think of.

WE are the ignorant imbeciles that for some reason, *don't* compare Middle-Eastern migration to Europe to HOMM4.
no you're ignorant because you cant see the millions of arabs spreading in all european countries, and youre even more foolish to laugh at someone who says they are doing it on purpose.
I'm more worried about half-witted people spreading on Internet fora. Honestly, the NMA application form should include a mandatory IQ and general education test. We will name it the Aegis Test in honor of the individual whose unremitting idiocy compelled us to introduce it.
Ratty wrote:
I'm more worried about half-witted people spreading on Internet fora. Honestly, the NMA application form should include a mandatory IQ and general education test. We will name it the Aegis Test in honor of the individual whose unremitting idiocy compelled us to introduce it.
I second that :)
Btw, are you a student or a graduate? I myself am a senior at FESB. Just two more exams, and adios muchachos. It's so dreary down here, that some terrorists on a recruitment campaign wouldn't be that bad at all - not that I'm thinking of enlisting or anything... nor would they have any chance of being taken seriously here, either :lol:
pfff, either you're all arabs or you're blind.


and its not a very good idea to ignore terrorists recruiting in your campus, espcially if you're against it, but i guess your easy going character will match well with your easy going destruction.
Max Demian said:
Btw, are you a student or a graduate? I myself am a senior at FESB. Just two more exams, and adios muchachos. It's so dreary down here, that some terrorists on a recruitment campaign wouldn't be that bad at all - not that I'm thinking of enlisting or anything... nor would they have any chance of being taken seriously here, either :lol:
I'm still a student. I just finished third year at FER (field of Computing). Cybar?

aegis said:
pfff, either you're all arabs or you're blind.


and its not a very good idea to ignore terrorists recruiting in your campus, espcially if you're against it, but i guess your easy going character will match well with your easy going destruction.
Good thing there are omniscient daredevils like you to protect me. While you, the virtuous champion of Good, save the infallible western civilization and her ideals from the mephistophelian Muslim hordes, we, your humble servants and worshippers, will make a movie to honor the fierce battles you fight:

all true except who wants to save a bunch of sorry asses like you, i just wanted to see if you can look at whats happening, but then again-that'd be too much.

thanx for the poster, i'll cherish it everytime i'll remember in you guyz.