TGR Fallout 3 interview

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
After their dribble of Fallout 3 tidbits and their preview, TGR put up an interview with Pete Hines. The interview is pretty much just about Bethesda's PR.<blockquote>THE GAME REVIEWS: I think it is really high quality. Can you tell us a little bit about what you and your department do?

PETE: I oversee the worldwide efforts for Bethesda as it relates to all the public relations and marketing for all of our games. I work on coming up with the plans, and how to execute them. I also work on what the packaging and ads will look like. We approach things a little differently. I like to have people who do both sides. A lot of companies will have people who do PR and those who do marketing, exclusively. I started off doing both and I like people that do both, because I think it just ties it all together better.

I have talked to other companies where the marketing people are trying to put certain things in ads, while the PR is doing something else for the press release. I prefer to be consistent, with one voice, one message. We have product managers that I also work with for some of our internal titles for the Elder Scrolls titles and Fallout. That allows me to get you more involved in the day to day development to keep abreast of what is going on. I do the press and demo tours, as well.

THE GAME REVIEWS: So you are the public face of the company.

PETE: Yes, as a producer in that respect. I also work with other developers to get them through interviews, for the strategy guide. I have edited and done some writing for all the strategy guides. One example was for the Elder Scrolls material. I also get involved in a lot of little ways, such as the manual for Oblivion. My work varies, according to what is happening.

THE GAME REVIEWS: So it sounds like you have a lot of different hats.

PETE: Yes.</blockquote>Link: Pete Hines interview on TGR.

Spotted on RPGWatch.
sounds like he does pretty much everything not related to making the game.

I still think he chooses the wrong phrases and terms and times, all it does is creates unnecessary confusion among fans.
That was one of the most boring interviews in existence. Made by a site with one of the least creative names in existence.

THE GAME REVIEWS: How could someone get to the point where they can talk to someone like you?

Sweet Moses.
shihonage said:
That was one of the most boring interviews in existence. Made by a site with one of the least creative names in existence.

THE GAME REVIEWS: How could someone get to the point where they can talk to someone like you?

Sweet Moses.

What's wrong with that question? The context is clearly about getting a face to face meeting when you're trying to get into the industry.
That question could've been phrased in many different ways. However, within the larger context of this "interview" (and I use the term loosely), the way in which it was phrased fits uncannily well.