Thank Per for the walkthrough. Sexpert and San Francisco ?


First time out of the vault
Now that I have beaten the game as a sniper and a hand to hand specialist, I went and read the walkthrough. What an excelelnt document, and what a lot of work went into it. I was astonished to discover that there was a complete whole area (SAD) that I have missed, so I will have to reload an earlier save and go there.

I also found one minor error -- Lou in the Malamute Saloon in Redding will put SF on your map, at least with the version I have from Is this a change from the original version? Also, SF can be revealed by the Traveller in encounters -- indeed I have had every play but Navarro, Arroyo, Klamath and SAD (plus minor areas such as the Toxic caves, the vaults, the raiders den) revealed by her as I encountered her again and again. Is this also a change?

Finally, I have a problem. I cannot get the sexpert rating no matter how much money I spend at the Cat's Paw. Is there some other requirement? What I was trying to do is see the Porn Star town comments of New Reno citizens, but I cannot become a Porn star, despite passing the char, agil, and endurance requirements (and being a Prizefighter as well). The complaint is that I don't have enough experience. I eventually blew a perk on Kama Sutra Master and that counted as experience, but becoming a sexpert just isn't happening. Is there something you have to do besides pay the money? Do you have to visit all the brothels? Have sex with people of the opposite sex only?

Re: Thank Per for the walkthrough. Sexpert and San Francisc

lac said:
I also found one minor error -- Lou in the Malamute Saloon in Redding will put SF on your map, at least with the version I have from Is this a change from the original version? Also, SF can be revealed by the Traveller in encounters -- indeed I have had every play but Navarro, Arroyo, Klamath and SAD (plus minor areas such as the Toxic caves, the vaults, the raiders den) revealed by her as I encountered her again and again. Is this also a change?

Your Fallout 2 version might have Killap's unofficial patch preinstalled (some new F2 versions have it). Those bugs were fixed by that patch.
It's been a long time since I played plain old Fallout 1.02d, so I can't remember how Lou and random travellers work there in regard to San Francisco. However in those regards your game is working fine if you're playing either the Megamod or one of killap's mods (wasn't there some controversy about one of those on-line sites selling a version of the game with killap's and Timeslip's patches included?).

On the other thing, keep trying. Practice makes perfect. :D

If you're playing with one of killap's patches or mods, he made a change/fixed a bug in the way the sex reps work. In vanilla FO2, you can become a sexpert without much effort but you really have to be a tramp to get the gigolo rep. Killap switched these around (which I think was a very good idea), so that now (more realistically) it's easy to be easy, but you only become an expert in giving pleasure after a lot of effort to build up your kinkiness. Just keep trying, and you'll get there eventually. If you don't want to pay for it at the Cat's Paw, there are others places where you'll find various people willing to get it on with your character for free (depending on whether you're playing a guy or gal Chosen One).
I usually get Sexpert by sleeping around in the Den (10 times I think), but I haven't played the RP yet, so if Killap changed it, who knows :)
Aha. All of this makes sense now. It looks to me as if has encorporated Killap's fixes in the version they release, and good for them. It was just confusing for me to read Per's walkthrough to find out what I missed (lots of stuff, isn't Fallout _rich_) and have things work differently than explained. It made me wonder if I was doing something wrong ...

But, overnight I downloaded the 2.0 Restoration project, and am now starting this. I like the new Den area. Thank you to all involved, for more fun.

i got sexpert from den's bar called "the hole" owned by frankie.. the girl in his bar, charges high if you have bring your party.. but u can steal back from her your cash.. the moment you get sexpert, you will see a difference in her dialogs & yours..

also, they say having condoms help you getting the title. but i doubt it. you can also get unlimited freebies from fannie mae in redding, if you used jet antidote on her.

alternatively, if i sleep with mrs bishop & her daughter, may give you "gigolo" as well. but make sure you are ready to kill all bishop gang. i normally kill bishop after salvatore first & then mordino. so far i have not seen the effect of a used condom on mrs bishop/ms bishop.

also, if you kept them alive, by screwing both before fighting the whole gang. mrs. bishop can give u unlimited freebies as well, if you still aim to be a sexpert/gigolo...

pornstar perk will need agil/end/ of 8 or more, use buffout alot.. easier if you get the made man title first.

but honestly, i dont see any use effect of pornstar /sex-appeal / sexpert/ gigolo but titles only... i wished these perks is equivalent to a +1or+2 charisma... but sadly no...
Hah! I could not get any sex in the Den. Female with charisma of 4,
was told that 'this is not a charity' :-(

The reason I wanted to be sexpert was that I did not have enough experience to be a porn star, and as heavy weight champ of new reno, my lack of charisma was no longer a problem. But they would not shoot the film because i did not have enough experience ....

And I wanted to see what comments you would get in NR as a Porn star, and if the commedian would have a special routine for me. Becoming a Kama Sutra Master satified my curiosity , but left me puzzled that I might have been doing something wrong. It seems that my only problem is that there is a difference between Per's excellent walkthrough and the game from which seems to encorporate some (all?) of killap's fixes. And Killap thinks that sexpert is something that takes more than simply spending 2000 golds at the Cats Paw. :-)

The options for finding partners vary quite a bit depending on a few things. If you have a male character you can get as much satisfaction as you desire at any cathouse (Klamath, New Reno, Malamute) but you'll have to fork out some cash. There are two freebies at Vault City (one is extortion and sort of evil with Joshua's wife, the other requires some stats to get a date with Phyllis (is that right? It's literally been years since I played a male Chosen One). Unfortunately, I think that's about it (except for Angela and Leslie Bishop).

There are LOTS of anxious fellas around the wasteland who are eager to hook up with a female Chosen One (some of them even pay you for it), but you have to be an attractive female Chosen One (good charisma or sex appeal trait). If you're a shy, average-looking gal you may end up having to pay at cathouses just like the guys. Some potential partners to check out would be Slim Pickett in Klamath, Joey and Billy in the Den, T-Ray and Myron (eww, but try to just lie back and think of Arroyo) in addition to Leslie Bishop and working as a fluffer for the Corsican Brothers in New Reno. Your secret weapon as a female, though, is the trappers in the northern part of the map. Those poor, lonely guys and gals (hundreds, perhaps thousands of them) have been out there in the woods for weeks all alone... and they're horny. They'll not only help you raise your sex stats but will also show their appreciation by giving you free gecko pelts (as long as you don't have any cash in your inventory when you talk to them -- just drop your cash under a tree and pick it up again before you leave the map).

If you need to raise your charisma to get more dates, you could always take a gain charisma perk if you're at least level 12, or help out the Salvatores in New Reno (if you're very nice and respectful to the Boss' assistant guy he'll give you some charismatic mirrored sunglasses).
It's been noted that the designations "Gigolo" and "Sexpert" would make more sense the other way around, so maybe they've been switched in killap's patch, although the readme doesn't say anything about it.
Per said:
It's been noted that the designations "Gigolo" and "Sexpert" would make more sense the other way around, so maybe they've been switched in killap's patch, although the readme doesn't say anything about it.
They indeed have been switched in my patch. I must have forgotten to mention it in the corrections list though.
Hi Per!

Tack så jätte mycket for your guides. My post here was about how my experience in fo2 was different from what you explained in your guides-- I think, now, because has encorporated some (all?) of killaps unofficial patch into its release, and when running that it takes many more than 10 times in a brothel to become a sexpert. I wouldn't worry about it unless it becomes the case that more people get their fallout from that have the original cds -- in which case the answer to the question 'what is a standard game' changes.

Hi Endocore. I've got low charisma *after wearing the cool shades* but I dug mine up from a grave in Golgotha. :-) But since this whole thread started because I wondered if I was doing something wrong -- well,rather than spend a perk on gain charisma, I just took kama sutra master instead. Poof! the Corsican bros are happy to film me, and I get to see what new reno calls you when you are both world heavy weight champion prize fighter and porn starlet. :-)

Hi Killap -- thanks for the answer

I believe you are correct that sexpert and gigolo make more sense
reversed. It is not as clear to me that the 'experience' requirement to be a Porn Star should as a consequence of making sexpert harder
to achieve itself be made harder. But your call.

Although it's unintentional, that ties in with the other angle of your thread. You actually get a few special comments in San Francisco if you're a porn star (as well in the Redding casino).

At this pace the Chosen One will need to hire an agent, and attorney, a business manager, a hairstylist, and an assistant to manage her entourage by the time you're through. 8-)

On the question of making it harder to be a pornstar, consider the environment. Dozens of young women are milling about the New Reno streets, all eager to do just about anything to score some Jet. With all that competition around, one would have to impressive skills to break into the business.
Cool about the comments in Redding and SF. I must go there and
check them out. As for 'every girl in town wants the job', well,
yes, but that's where charisma comes in. You either have it, or
as a Prizefighter or Made Man, you get around the requirement.

the corsican bros´, at any rate, say that you are beautiful and
agile enough, you have the endurance .... but you need more
experience in the sack. Sexpert was enough to make them
be willing to film you. Thus as a result of making it harder to
be a Sexpert Killap has made it harder for you to be a Porn
Star. His Call, but I think that being a Porn Star should require
significantly less experience in bed than being a sexpert. But this is my opinion only. :-)

lac said:
Hah! I could not get any sex in the Den. Female with charisma of 4,
was told that 'this is not a charity' :-(

The reason I wanted to be sexpert was that I did not have enough experience to be a porn star, and as heavy weight champ of new reno, my lack of charisma was no longer a problem. But they would not shoot the film because i did not have enough experience ....
and I always thought that FEMALE with HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMP would be less attractive :P ...
lac said:
Thus as a result of making it harder to
be a Sexpert Killap has made it harder for you to be a Porn

But you no longer need Sexpert for this, you need Gigolo, which is exactly as hard to get as Sexpert was. Changing their names doesn't change the way the game works.
Per said:
But you no longer need Sexpert for this, you need Gigolo, which is exactly as hard to get as Sexpert was. Changing their names doesn't change the way the game works.

I have Gigolo, but not Sexpert, and they don´t want to make any movies with me (using RP 2.0). But I guess it might have something to do with having CH 2.
@ spukrian
That low charisma definitely makes it unlikely they'll ever think your character can be a bright, shining star that's ready to explode.

We don't want the thread to degenerate into vulgar stuff not fit for a family forum like NMA :shock: , but perhaps I can delicately say without getting us all in trouble that sadly one gets that impression from those lazy young "actresses" of today, but things were different in the old-school stuff. Those girls in the 70s and 80s worked hard for a living, and they gave their all for every scene.


killap actually changed the whole code (rather than just swapping the karma title entries) at least as far back as RP 1.2. For example consider this Fallout 2 1.02d snippet from, Node993, for possibly updating the player's stats:

    op_game_time_advance(op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 2) * op_random(4, 8) * (60 * 10));
    op_set_global_var(194, op_global_var(194) + (((((op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 3) * 50) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 2) * 25) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 5) * 13) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 0) * 12)) / 100) + (op_has_trait(0, op_dude_obj(), 94) * 2) + op_has_trait(2, op_dude_obj(), 13) + (((op_global_var(194) >= 100) or (op_global_var(232) > 0)) * 2 * (op_dude_obj() == op_dude_obj()))) * 1));
    if (op_global_var(358) >= 9) then
      op_set_global_var(588, 1);
    if (((((op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 3) * 50) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 2) * 25) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 5) * 13) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 0) * 12)) / 100) + (op_has_trait(0, op_dude_obj(), 94) * 2) + op_has_trait(2, op_dude_obj(), 13) + (((op_global_var(194) >= 100) or (op_global_var(232) > 0)) * 2 * (op_dude_obj() == op_dude_obj()))) >= 9) then
      op_set_global_var(589, 1);
    op_set_global_var(358, op_global_var(358) + 1);

vs the same section from RP 2.0

    op_game_time_advance(op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 2) * op_random(4, 8) * (60 * 10));
    op_set_global_var(194, op_global_var(194) + (((((op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 3) * 50) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 2) * 25) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 5) * 13) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 0) * 12)) / 100) + (op_has_trait(0, op_dude_obj(), 94) * 2) + op_has_trait(2, op_dude_obj(), 13) + (((op_global_var(194) >= 100) or (op_global_var(232) > 0)) * 2 * (op_dude_obj() == op_dude_obj()))) * 1));
    if (op_global_var(358) >= 9) then
      op_set_global_var(589, 1);
    if (((((op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 3) * 50) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 2) * 25) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 5) * 13) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 0) * 12)) / 100) + (op_has_trait(0, op_dude_obj(), 94) * 2) + op_has_trait(2, op_dude_obj(), 13) + (((op_global_var(194) >= 100) or (op_global_var(232) > 0)) * 2 * (op_dude_obj() == op_dude_obj()))) >= 9) then
      op_set_global_var(588, 1);
    if (op_global_var(590) == 1) then
      op_set_global_var(590, 0);
    op_set_global_var(358, op_global_var(358) + 1);

Note the respective setting of global variables 588 and 589 in each example.

critter stat 3 = charisma
critter stat 2 = endurance
critter stat 5 = agility
critter stat 0 = strength
critter trait 94 = kama sutra master perk
critter trait 13 = sex appeal trait
gvar 588 = GVAR_SEXPERT
gvar 589 = GVAR_GIGALO

The line where the Corsican Brothers make their decision on the basis of experience is in timed_event_p_proc:

else if (((((op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 3) * 50) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 2) * 25) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 5) * 13) + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 0) * 12)) / 100) + (op_has_trait(0, op_dude_obj(), 94) * 2) + op_has_trait(2, op_dude_obj(), 13) + (((op_global_var(194) >= 100) or (op_global_var(232) > 0)) * 2 * (op_dude_obj() == op_dude_obj()))) < 9) then
      op_debug_msg("force_dialog_start(" + forced_node + "): " + op_obj_name(op_self_obj()));
      forced_node := "Node026";

It's the quality (statwise) of the pc that counts, not the number of possibly mediocre experiences they've had. On the other hand a calculation based on Gigolo would take into account the gross number of experiences in which the pc participated (by using gvar 358).

Strictly speaking sexpert isn't required by the Corsican Brothers here; but a profiency equivalent to that required to attain sexpert is, so it's basically a de facto requirement.
Thanks Endocore for clearing that up... but I don´t really get how the "Sex Level" (variable 194) is calculated. It doesn´t seem to be based on the number of experiences or...? Does this mean that it will be impossible for my CH 2 character to become Sexpert and then Porn Star?
Speaking of sex... does the RP fix the Den's NPC Joey?
It's really shame for the women he disappears after a bit of sex ;)

Also, to get the perks of gigolo/sexpert you can sleep with who ever? because as far as I got it, I was only able to get sexpert by sleeping constantly for about ten times in the Den pre RP.

TIA for answers :)