That's my president! Leader of the Free World!

I'd say by the standards of the time that Jackson was a jerk as well. I mean, they didn't call him Old Hickory because he smelled like smoked meat.

Ha ha! Double Entendre.
Didn't nukes in cube give the USSR first strike capability? As in they were close enough that the USSR could fire nukes and they would get there before the USA could retaliate?

Read the rest of ye olde thread, mate. The yanks already had first strike capability on most of non-siberian russia from turkey, so wanting to be able to torch Miami seems pretty understandable.

IN FACT, if you just slightly altered your post you'd get the Soviet reasoning:

Ruskie said:
Didn't nukes in turkey give the USA first strike capability? As in they were close enough that the USA could fire nukes and they would get there before the USSR could retaliate?