That's No Space Station........

Just pay the Russians to do the job for ya.

They are much more capable to float in space then Americans crap. Plus you can always repair the shit with your laundry machine’s spare parts
Odin to the rescue!

I'd heard talk of this picture but hadn't actually seen it. Its amazing how much it ressembles a certain space station. Almost like they did it on purpose.
Nasa site wrote said:
The enormous crater at the top of this image, named Herschel, is about 130 kilometers (80 miles) wide and 10 kilometers (6 miles) deep

Ive seen it allready, but still, I gtotta say DAMN!
Commissar Lauren said:
Very cool indeed. Our tax dollars at work


EDIT: [I'm sorry, I shoulv'e put another pic in there as well] Your tax dollars at work:


A medic venturing into a smoke filled environment (thus the googles/mask) saving an injured man? Really, what is that picture meant to prove? Not making fun, I really don't know. Edit: Originally, there was only the center picture, the situation has since been expanded.

On topic, isn't this a beautiful picture? It's a galaxy as seen from the edge, it really stirs my heart, it's fantastic.
Kotario said:
A medic venturing into a smoke filled environment (thus the googles/mask) saving an injured man? Really, what is that picture meant to prove? Not making fun, I really don't know.

You have a point, the first guy could be a murderer for all we know and the last one could be anything.

Also, yes that is a nice picture.
alec said:
it looks like an interstellar eyeball to me

I'd say the Hourglass Neblua is a better candidate for that.

And about Wooz's post. Those pictures prove nothing. The only thing I can see wrong with them is the fact that they've got a SWAT team taking some dude down. But, theres probably a reason behind that. Link us to some background stories.
They are really kewl rebels rebelling against something. Anything they do is right and their actions do not merit that kind of treatment. We should kindly do whatever they ask of us, since they know what's best. I can't believe my tax dollars are wasted on that tripe.

I'm sad. I need to find something new to rebel against.

Rebelz 4 Life.
then Americans crap.

The Russians can keep their space stations in orbit better than crap? Wow, now that is amazing. And here I thought, crap floats real well up there...I always wondered where our shit went, now I know.
Wooz69 said:
Commissar Lauren said:
Very cool indeed. Our tax dollars at work


EDIT: [I'm sorry, I shoulv'e put another pic in there as well] Your tax dollars at work:



Few things make me angrier then anecdotal photos.

THIS is what America is really like today; a glorious, tolerant melting pot where anyone can come to America and learn to beat up pissy rich college students who think they have it so hard that they want to destroy all forms of government.

Wait... what? US cops do not do things to people unless things are done back. Then, you have to keep the peace by making a few examples.
And apparently you failed to actually read my post. The link originally led to nothing, causing me to make sarcastic comments hinting at the possible uselessness of the expended tax dollars...

But you have a point, violence is sometimes involved in police actions. It's also an exclusively American phenomenon, I've almost never heard of violence in other countries.
Hmm? How about africa? And the middle east... try in say, either the congo region or isreal/palistine..
I wish i had a picture that said "I'll be watching this thread, NOT turning into a flamewar"

but carry on.

I like the picture of the horse head nebula (or whatever it's called)
Ahem.. I was Not Flameing or trolling... just pointing out a few glareing examples that came to mind when i read the "never hear about violence elsewhere" comment..

I'm done now.