The 10mm pistol

The C96 Mauser actually had a fairly long barrel on most models and the cartridge for it was 25mm and not 45mm so there wouldn't have been as much powder to go out the end of the barrel. The Mauser is still one of the best made pistols in my opinion, especially for higher-end pistol cartridges.

Like I said, there would be ways to do it but it would be very complex. What you're describing is Metal Storm basically but with complexity added. There's a thread around here in General Discussion on it, just search for my previous posts.

Rusty, those are simply helical magazine and not cylinders. They're pretty neat things though. They can carry a huge load of ammunition in a small space. The pistol in Fallout actually looks more realistic than the one from Blade Runner, It's less smoothed down all over the place and looks like it has barrel length and a slide. - Colt
My point was more that this could be a way to justify the odd appearance of the 10mil: having some kind of unusual feeding mechanism like the one I discribed that uses a revolver cylender and a horizontal magazine. I basicly had a wierd idea and ranted :)
wow, its a Q-loader for a real gun, neat!
How does that work exactly? I don't think paintballs would play nice with a horizontal helical feed exactly.
to tell you the truth, i dont really know... from what i can tell, its a cross between a power feed and calico feed system

im tempted to see if i can make a mil-sim calico liberty now
So now we just have a target revolver with all of the extra crap thrown on portrayed as a semi-automatic pistol because either the artist for the game just didn't care or there was some sort of communication problem with the description people... Great.
Kahgan said:
Ok Requiem, here is a small taste

Good job Kahgan, keep working on the model.

Although, I do have to say that you took up a pretty ambitious project. The 10mm pistol from Fallout is a fantasy weapon, and a very weird one at that. It will be very difficult to model.

Also: I believe that the clip is transparent in that weapon, because I can see streaks of yellow lines on the resized inventory image. You judge for yourself though.