The Acceptance and or Tolerance of Homosexuality in Vaults

Tagaziel said:
Given that Vauts are planned communities (baby boom in an isolated Vault = bad), I wager people would less concerned with who sleeps with who, but rather getting everyone to donate sperm samples and complying with the breeding cycles.

I believe Vault City practices this through the method of insemination. It's much more civilized and less invasive. Females could "volunteer" to be act as "hosts" for the sake of continuing the population and would be awarded a...uh...Medal of Continuity?
Well, this policy is only hope for Vault City, while taking into account they can't reproduce from intercourse because they are so radiated.
Languorous_Maiar said:
Maybe because homosexual people dont wear badges with "im gay" or something?
Typical wastelander can't read minds.

Hey I missed this point, but it's a valid one. However, invisible things seem to have a way of becoming common knowledge in the fallout games. (child killer, for example, though it's a bad example, but reputations do have a way of proceeding your character). Plus a husband hanging on your shoulder, well, it'd probably at least raise an eyebrow if it was frowned upon.

But you'd think there'd be some sign of homophobia in the game. Maybe the devs just didn't want to give power to idiotic people's ideas, which I can respect. I'd still like to think that maybe homosexuality is completely accepted in the FO universe.

The only negative connotations I can really think of come from new vegas when it seems like the legion gets digged here and there for some swordplay under the sheets. But even then, it never really seems hateful or like the characters disagreed with it.
If you're child killer, well, "some" people appoint a reward for your head, with poster of you in every city, so we shouldn't be surprised when headhunters comes.

I'd still like to think that maybe homosexuality is completely accepted in the FO universe.
FNV denies it.
From the Vault:
Speaking with Marco outside the apartments after talking to Jimmy will allow you to inquire about Jimmy's past, where it is revealed that he used to be a slave for Caesar's Legion. When the player returns to Jimmy to talk to him about his past, he will open up and state that the Legion raided his village and that he was specially chosen by a centurion as a "helper." The centurion had tried to protect Jimmy as the Legion became suspicious of their relationship - with Caesar punishing homosexuality with death - but eventually decided to get rid of him. Jimmy realized what was happening, and after the centurion had taken him into the desert, Jimmy caught him off-guard with a kick to groin and ran for it, eventually ending up in Westside.

I'm not saying there is homophobia in the wasteland, but for me, it is obvious people (some groups, not NCR or those with decadence) have crooked frown upon some homosexual people, but nothing more.

It seems like for now, only Caesar's Legion and BoS don't accept homosexuality, but huh, that proves it isn't completely accepted.
Yeah the child killer thing was a bad example but I wasn't really sure what else. Karma, I guess. Your actions are all pretty well known throughout the wastelands.

Oh, that's interesting about the Legion stuff. I didn't pick up on any of that in prior playthroughs. The only reference I've run into in my recent playthrough is Veronica talking about rumors of guys in the Legion boning each other.

The confirmed bachelor perk should reveal more as I go through the game. I am still curious if homophobia is addressed in fo2, or fo1 for that matter. One of the NCR characters in nv talks about how people might look down on two people being "friends" or something along those lines.

You mention BoS not accepting homosexuality, when was that addressed?
BoS is low on numbers due to not recruits outsiders, so policy is rather clear.
Veronica was in love with Christine and other members of BoS wasn't happy of that.

She left the Brotherhood. Wanted to put some distance between herself and her parents.
Since our membership isn't open to outsiders, some members think that obligates all of us to procreate.
You can guess which camp her parents belonged to.
Languorous_Maiar said:
BoS is low on numbers due to not recruits outsiders, so policy is rather clear.
Veronica was in love with Christine and other members of BoS wasn't happy of that.

She left the Brotherhood. Wanted to put some distance between herself and her parents.
Since our membership isn't open to outsiders, some members think that obligates all of us to procreate.
You can guess which camp her parents belonged to.

Funny how that flew right by me, I just went through that dialogue tree last night or the night before. I remember it now and I can definitely see that same logic being shared by vaults, unless the sperm donation method would be considered just as good.
I don't think the situations are similar enough to warrant that policy in the vaults. The Brotherhood is a dying faction, doing their best to perpetuate their membership and their mission without recruiting from the outside. They need as many new Brotherhood babies as they can get. The Vaults were (mostly) packed to their comfort-level capacity to begin with, and their primary concern (as a baseline, with allowances for what individual vault experiments called for) would be maintaining a controlled social environment and preventing overcrowding or shortages, which would mean that encouraging obligatory breeding would be a bad, bad thing. They'd want their numbers stable for the most part.