The American Royalist Party

Paladin Solo said:
Does he realize why we fought the Revolution?
What? So you are saying that the American revolution would never have happened if their British overlords were democratic?
Nothing unusual. There's also a monarchist party in Croatia.

Wait a minute. Croatia was a monarchy through most of its history, so having a few monarchists here and there makes sense. USA, on the other hand, never was. I've changed my mind - this is unusual.
What? So you are saying that the American revolution would never have happened if their British overlords were democratic?

Actually, in your case, it might not have, since this would've drastically changed some things. Not saying it wouldn't have for sure, though. But a monarchy was almost established shortly after the American Revolutionary War. When the war itself was to overthrow the oppresive monarchist rule and establish an independant state.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Really? I thought you guys where Hungary/Austria-Hungary's bitches for 500 years :D
Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia (sometimes referred to simply as "Triunal Kindgom") had a personal union with Hungary (1102-1527) and later Austria (1527-1918). You of all people should know that personal union means that two sovereign kingdoms share a common monarch, but little else. Much of Croatia's sovereignity was lost due to reforms of emperors Mary Therese, Joseph II and especially Franz Joseph (whose absolutism reduced Croatia to a common province). But even under most centralist regimes, Triunal Kingdom always retained its own parliament (which evolved from a nobility's conclave to a democratically elected body) and governor (The governor was called 'ban' - some of the bans in our history were foreigners, mostly Hungarians, but majority were Croats by birth. Many were powerful, had a standing army and ruled almost independantly of Wienna and Pest.), none of which can be said for Slovenians, Chezhs, Slovaks and many other nations that lived under Austrian rule. The Croatian parliament (called 'Sabor'), symbol of Croatian statehood, was dissolved (well, not dissolved, but never convened again) in 1919 by Petar Karadjodjevich, Serbian king, and monarch of the newly-formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians (later renamed into Kingdom of Yugoslavia, a union which Croatia entered willingly after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy - little did we know that this federation with the Serbs would become the worst imaginable dungeon for the Croatian folk, the kind that made the Austrian Empire look like the most democratic and unopressive state in the world). After Germans invaded the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1941, Hitler installed a pro-Nazi government in Zagreb. Sabor was then convened for the first and last time (and not with many MP's, either - many died or resigned from politics over the past 20 years, so their numbers somewhat dwindled) - the new government fully intended to establish a totalitarian rule and was determined not to allow some democratic body get in its way. Though a form of parliament existed under communist rule from 1944, it wasn't until 1990 that Croatian parliament was truly restored in its full authority as a democratically elected body.

There, a lesson in Croatian history. I hope you enjoyed it.

I knew teh basic outline of the Croation monarchy, I was just being difficult. You guy's helped stop the Ottoman flood, you're okay in my book. Though, of course, without the enlightenment of Orthodoxy, alot more Croations became "Bosnians" then Serbs..
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Though, of course, without the enlightenment of Orthodoxy, alot more Croations became "Bosnians" then Serbs..
Bosniaks rock. Okay, so they are a bunch of lazy fucks. But whenever they actually decide to do something properly (such as stage Olympics, make a movie that wins an Oscar or kick some Serbian butt), they do it good, really good. Which means they rock.
Ratty said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Though, of course, without the enlightenment of Orthodoxy, alot more Croations became "Bosnians" then Serbs..
Bosniaks rock. Okay, so they are a bunch of lazy fucks. But whenever they actually decide to do something properly (such as stage Olympics, make a movie that wins an Oscar or kick some Serbian butt), they do it good, really good. Which means they rock.

Meh. Maybe we just get the annoying ones who talk about Islam being a religion of peace.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Meh. Maybe we just get the annoying ones who talk about Islam being a religion of peace.
For Bosnian muslims that's actually true. They are a peaceful and very liberal folk, nothing like those murderous fuckers from Middle-East. The atrocities they suffered in 1992-1995 war were terrible, especially since of all the folks that were involved in that war, Bosniaks were the least nationalist and combative. I sympathize with them a lot and feel very ashamed for the horrors that Croatian Army did to them.
Ratty said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Meh. Maybe we just get the annoying ones who talk about Islam being a religion of peace.
For Bosnian muslims that's actually true. They are a peaceful and very liberal folk, nothing like those murderous fuckers from Middle-East. The atrocities they suffered in 1992-1995 war were terrible, especially since of all the folks that were involved in that war, Bosniaks were the least nationalist and combative. I sympathize with them a lot and feel very ashamed for the horrors that Croatian Army did to them.
I know. They have more in common with thier Bogomuil Ancestors then their Muslim traditions (also, weirdly enough, Turkish is the religious language most often used, not Arabic). I still find it ironic, however, as they are an example of Islam's darker sides.
Ratty said:
Bosniaks rock. Okay, so they are a bunch of lazy fucks. But whenever they actually decide to do something properly (such as stage Olympics, make a movie that wins an Oscar or kick some Serbian butt), they do it good, really good. Which means they rock.

I doubt that those crossbreaders are capable of something productive, other then marrying some white trash Canadians
And not even being able to spell properly in your racist post.

Something even more funny: After its twentieth century experiences, Poland still has a Communist party and numerous extreme-right movements and parties.

Go figure.
Wooz69 said:
Something even more funny: After its twentieth century experiences, Poland still has a Communist party and numerous extreme-right movements and parties.
So does Croatia, and just about any other transitional country. Beats me why. People probably discovered the countless possibilities of democracy and decided to explore them thoroughly.
That's the explanation I'd like to give myself instead of "goddamn, people are so fucking stupid". And no, this isn't even an issue of which political party suits the need of the people the most, it all comes down to dogmatic bullshit. Example: on the recent EU deputees elections, the biggest right-wing seminazi party's billboard slogan was "We choose Poland".

On a side-note, I was supposed to go for a week to Croatia this Friday, but there weren't any places in the flights anymore. Meh. Some other time.