Its sad but true, read just a handful of comments on this site alone will show you that people like playing nigh omnipotent demigods and couldn't care less if they can beat the game with the screen turned off while lying down the keyboard taking a nap.
Granted if the single player game is to HARD people will cry foul and say the game is broken and stupid (look up some of the complaints about GodHand for PS2, it had plenty of problems but the one thing most people harp on is its degree of difficulty)
Balance is important for me personally to enjoy a game, single player maybe not QUITE as much as multiplayer (which is something that I DEMAND balance in) but it is certainly a very important aspect for my enjoyment. To be honest I'm from the old school and if the game can't be BALANCED so that the difficulty curve is noticable but not excessive then I'd rather have it be leaning on the side of too hard than on the side of too easy. A difficult game can pose a lot more replayability and also makes the sense o-f satisfaction for beating a particularly difficult part much more of a thrill.
I own many of what some would consider "brutally hard" games; Ikaruga, GodHand, Guitaroo Man, Bangai-O, The original NES Ninja Gaidens, to name a handful of the more known titles.
How about you folks how important is single player or multiplayer game mechanics being "balanced" to you?
Its sad but true, read just a handful of comments on this site alone will show you that people like playing nigh omnipotent demigods and couldn't care less if they can beat the game with the screen turned off while lying down the keyboard taking a nap.
Granted if the single player game is to HARD people will cry foul and say the game is broken and stupid (look up some of the complaints about GodHand for PS2, it had plenty of problems but the one thing most people harp on is its degree of difficulty)
Balance is important for me personally to enjoy a game, single player maybe not QUITE as much as multiplayer (which is something that I DEMAND balance in) but it is certainly a very important aspect for my enjoyment. To be honest I'm from the old school and if the game can't be BALANCED so that the difficulty curve is noticable but not excessive then I'd rather have it be leaning on the side of too hard than on the side of too easy. A difficult game can pose a lot more replayability and also makes the sense o-f satisfaction for beating a particularly difficult part much more of a thrill.
I own many of what some would consider "brutally hard" games; Ikaruga, GodHand, Guitaroo Man, Bangai-O, The original NES Ninja Gaidens, to name a handful of the more known titles.
How about you folks how important is single player or multiplayer game mechanics being "balanced" to you?