The big 3

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Malkavian said:
Han was actually a smuggler by that point, working throughout the galaxy and returning to Correllia on occasion. I would've liked to have seen a cameo by young Han Solo, but it might've been more of a distraction than a neccessity.

And don't call Chewie "stupid." I will fight you.
So Han was already an adult smuggler when Leia, the woman he would later end up having sex with, wasn't even born? What a perv.
Ratty said:
So Han was already an adult smuggler when Leia, the woman he would later end up having sex with, wasn't even born? What a perv.

He was probably between 10 and 15.
Malkavian said:
And don't call Chewie "stupid." I will fight you.

Chewie was my nickname in school for 2 years :)

They could've atleast had something about a snot nosed teenager or something. It's not like he's a minor character.
I hate to traffic in buzz, but I've heard from various quasi-unreliable sources that the live action Star Wars tv show Lucas has greenlighted is to take place in between Sith and New Hope. Maybe Solo'll be a featured player?

Of course, there's always the possibility that, since he doesn't have much of a connection at all to the central plot until he meets Luke, he'll just keep getting ignored.

On a seperate note, first thing I want to see changed in the Ep3 special edition: that WEAK-ASS 'noooooooooo' when Vader finds out about Padme. James Earl Jones really just phoned that one in.

Yamu said:
On a seperate note, first thing I want to see changed in the Ep3 special edition: that WEAK-ASS 'noooooooooo' when Vader finds out about Padme. James Earl Jones really just phoned that one in.

I agree that that could've been handled better.

Vader isn't a pussy ass bitch, he's a Sith! I think it would've been more suiting if he force-threw something accross the room. Perhaps if there were guards in the room, he could've lifted them and choked them to death.

The zoom-out was lame, too. He's not Rambo.
I agree. I read that part in the comic and I thought it would be soooo much better, but it was not. The movie rocked though so I don't care.
For everyone who hasn't seen the movie yet, here's a couple memorable quotes.

Palpatine: Hey, cut this guy's noggin off.
Anakin: I shouldn't...
Palpatine: Do it.
Anakin: Snip.
Palpatine: 'k, now you're evil.
Anakin: Aw fuck.

(Granted, I mostly stole that one from Spazmo.)

Anakin: I love you, but we are living a lie. If the Jedi find out we're married, they shall surely kick my ass, even though they allow me to meet up with you all the time and they don't seem to be suspicious of our constant mackin' at all. I am torn on the inside by our tragedy.
Amidala: I'm pregnant.
Anakin: I should ask how long I've been away, but I won't, because I'm sort of a fucktard.
Amidala: Plus your acting sucks.
Anakin: Shut up or I'll force-choke you.

Amidala: ...
Amidala: ...
Amidala: ...

Mace Windu: I pity the foo.
Palpatine: Spare me, I am but an old man!
Anakin: Leave him alone!
Mace Windu: Gack!
Anakin: Stupid me! Now I see you've been pulling my leg all the time! ...Master.

Obi-Wan: So Anakin, I've cut your legs off, plus you're on fire. I could stuff this lightsabre down your face and save the galaxy, but I guess I'll just leave you lying here like this. What's the worst that could happen? Palpatine coming here to rescue you? Puh-lease.
:rofl: That's awesome, Slamák!

Mace Windu: Yo, good news, nigga - you're now on the Jedi Council.
Anakin: Hehe, roxor!
Mace Windu: But y' ain't Jedi Master yet, yo!
Anakin: WTF? That's outrageous! FOAD!
Mace Windu: STFU, foo'!
Anakin: K. (to himself) I'm so gonna cut off your hands when I get a chance, you fucking nigger.
Oh yeah, one more:

Yoda: To abandon that which to lose you fear, learn you must.
Anakin: And how?
Yoda: The fuck know, should I? That your problem is, kid! Now alone leave me.

That's a very important point to me. The Jedi masters keep mentoring him about how he should learn to suppress his feelings and all that, but they don't seem to be able and/or willing to help him with that. No wonder Palpatine managed to fool him so easily.
Geroge Lucas thinking to himself: How can I make this movie really sell? I know! I'll put Chewbacca in it for five minutes, the kids will love it!

Anakin after he kills Mace Windu: I shouldn't have done that it's not the Jedi way.
Palpatine:It's ok, relax guy,join the Darkside man.
Youngling: We can't defend ourselves 'cause we're fucking kids, what do we do?
Anakin: You die.
Obi-Wan: Somebody killed the Younglings.
Yoda: It was a Jedi, these Younglings were killed by.
Obi-Wan: I'm gonna see who it was.
Yoda: Anakin I bet you it was.
Obi-Wan: I must know for sure.
Obi-Wan: Anakin killed the Younglings.
Obi-Wan: Hey Padme, Anakin killed the Younglings.
