For everyone who hasn't seen the movie yet, here's a couple memorable quotes.
Palpatine: Hey, cut this guy's noggin off.
Anakin: I shouldn't...
Palpatine: Do it.
Anakin: Snip.
Palpatine: 'k, now you're evil.
Anakin: Aw fuck.
(Granted, I mostly stole that one from Spazmo.)
Anakin: I love you, but we are living a lie. If the Jedi find out we're married, they shall surely kick my ass, even though they allow me to meet up with you all the time and they don't seem to be suspicious of our constant mackin' at all. I am torn on the inside by our tragedy.
Amidala: I'm pregnant.
Anakin: I should ask how long I've been away, but I won't, because I'm sort of a fucktard.
Amidala: Plus your acting sucks.
Anakin: Shut up or I'll force-choke you.
Amidala: ...
Amidala: ...
Amidala: ...
Mace Windu: I pity the foo.
Palpatine: Spare me, I am but an old man!
Anakin: Leave him alone!
Mace Windu: Gack!
Anakin: Stupid me! Now I see you've been pulling my leg all the time! ...Master.
Obi-Wan: So Anakin, I've cut your legs off, plus you're on fire. I could stuff this lightsabre down your face and save the galaxy, but I guess I'll just leave you lying here like this. What's the worst that could happen? Palpatine coming here to rescue you? Puh-lease.