The Boneyard moved?


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
So, I was working on the idea to splitting up the single Boneyard locations into each of its own location in FOnline: 2238. It would have given a nice feeling, I think, as it shows very good that the Boneyard (Adytum, Downtown, etc.) aren't just a small piece, but actually spread over the whole LA area.


While checking out the maps, I accidentally saw - after more than 10 years - that the town/world image from the Boneyard somehow doesn't fit to it's actual position at all. But then I saw the next thing... the map actually fits more or less to a part of the worldmap on the further on the left side. See the image:

Even if you try very hard, you can't get the map fit on the actual position.

My guess now is that the Boneyard has been moved over time, just like Necropolis / Bakersfield has been moved from the left to the right.

But I never ever saw a thread about this Boneyard stuff. Am I the first? :p

One explanation would be that the coast moved... but even if, it just looks too different, imo.

/Edit: Okay, after checking out the geomaps again, I saw that it looks different in real. Obviously like LA. :> But it doesn't change the fact, that it's pretty much too different, imo. Nobody can tell me that the coast changes so hard, even in the Fallout setting.
I'm probably completely off, but isn't it simply this part?

If at all, then I would say this:


But then, really a big part of the coast would be missing and Adytum, Downtown, the Gunrunners, etc. would be pretty much in the south, near the cathedral.
One is a pre-war map, the other one is post-war. The coastline could have changed to an extent during the War.
wouldn't Los Angeles have sunk by then anyway? maybe all the nukes set it off.
Ausir said:
One is a pre-war map, the other one is post-war. The coastline could have changed to an extent during the War.

Correction: It CHANGED. See the bigass crater where Orange County used to be?

I matched up he entire coastline and the in-game maps. Here's the result:

Heh, like I said. Adytum is nearly at the coastline then.
I have always pictured the change in the coast line as being caused by the craters of big nuclear bombs. The craters would then have been filled with sea water. Seems probable since the crater to the right of LA correspond to a naval military base, and the one to the left to Malibu. Maybe the communists wanted to kill the rich and beautiful capitalist pigs, that or the graphic guy that made the map didn't like the tv show.

As for the places in the world map, I agree that Boneyard is to the south. Logically, the cathedral could also be on the Boneyard entry map, west from adytum. But since you were supposed to nuke the place, I suppose it was easier to make it as a different place on the map, than having to explain why the other locations didn't asplode too...

Fun fact, the points Grizzly made might correspond more or less in the real world of googlemap. The point of the library could be west los angeles junior college, and near the point of boneyard LA, there is this place called Boneyard autoparts, with a photo of the place with two huge fences....
Not too sure about the second one thought, after all, they are Boneyard in every city, and no indication in the game that Adytum was a scrapyard like junktown was.