Well why don´t you just make your own list mr smartypants?
Do you refer me by that nickname ? (first time i see this one)
Do you mean a list like you did, or an hexaustive list with all the descriptions ?
I thought i would be nice for NMA as i think that you are a worldwide reference for post-apocalyptic video games.
If i did a list myself, on my own website, it would make little sense, as i am not a reference of anything.
Beside that, i am not the best source of information of Post-apocalyptic games right know.
I am a big fan of Fallout/Half-Life/Metro franchise. I replay those games constantly.
I still haven't finished Wasteland 1, (i am not fond of default Iron man...) but i intend to finish both games of the franchise.
Since i don't have Console, (and don't want it) i didn't play The Last Of Us, but i watched the full game with a dozen of "Let's play" video.
The game and its storyline are very good, although it could be far better.
I don't want to play Mad Max/Time Machine/Planet Of The Apes franchise games.
I don't want to play Zombie games, except Dead State & Project Zomboid.
(one is an RPG like Age of Decadence. The other is a survival game on top-down perspective)
I love book/movies about zombie, but i don't consider fun to shoot endless waves of brainless dudes, which i fear most of these games are about.
I don't want to play MMO ever again, as i sank far too much of my lifetime in Fonline, to fully recover.
I am not much interested in Tokyo Jungle, I am Alive & Neo Scavenger.
All the other games i mentioned are on my "must play one day" list. (but this will take years to finish all of them)
This also include Stalker & I have no mouth and i must scream.
TorontoRayne >
I hope some mod/admin/active member come around, comment on the idea or greenlight it.