The Codex beat us to it.

Is a game, an RPG simply for having class & skills? It's hard for me to class Diablo as an RPG; (though I do; but it's due to a sliding scale). Diablo has no roleplay activity, if it gets by on class & skill merit alone, then Nolf 2 would be classed as an RPG no?,31/section,207/,25/section,168/

By looking these links about roleplaying video games history, it seems that i am wrong.
First western RPG didn't have plot or C&C, and eastern RPG don't traditionnally emphasis C&C.

It seems that we deeply need new terms to distinguish RPG that emphasis plots, meaningfull character building, alternative story-path & C&C and RPG that just involves killing stuff, with various stats and maybe a few optional goals.

If i try a game that is supposed to be an RPG and i end up with the second kind, i feel cheated.

The thing is, the first RPG that involved those things [I need in RPG] were Revolutionary/evolution/improvement/steps forward. Not involving those seems a step (or many) backward.

On a side note, even if i can enjoy many linear video-games, i think the main difference between games and movies, is that video games allow to make choices that affect the gameplay/story/personal experience. Otherwise, a movie could be just as good and would allow my finger to rest. (but this is a bit extreme, as i do love some linear games)

Also, Diablo are hack'n'slash, not RPG, if i am not wrong.

PS : Now the RPG Codex list is complete with comments.
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Yeah we should probably take that list, copy it here, and be done with it. It's slanted towards Pc, unsurprisingly, but they did good.:grin:
Ahem... I kind of like what you & RPG codex did. There are many RPG that i didn't have or was aware of and that i got during the last few months, hoping to try them soon.

On the other hand, i was wondering :
Wouldn't that be great to have another sub-section that deal with Post-apocalyptic games list ?
I mean, in the same way we do with RPG, we could try to define which post-apocalyptic games must be played ?
Ahem... I kind of like what you & RPG codex did. There are many RPG that i didn't have or was aware of and that i got during the last few months, hoping to try them soon.

On the other hand, i was wondering :
Wouldn't that be great to have another sub-section that deal with Post-apocalyptic games list ?
I mean, in the same way we do with RPG, we could try to define which post-apocalyptic games must be played ?

That would be a question left to the dudes in charge. Tagz set this one up. It would be cool to have a sub forum like that. Specifically for PA style games...

Good the lists helped you out. Thanks.
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Ahem... I kind of like what you & RPG codex did. There are many RPG that i didn't have or was aware of and that i got during the last few months, hoping to try them soon.

On the other hand, i was wondering :
Wouldn't that be great to have another sub-section that deal with Post-apocalyptic games list ?
I mean, in the same way we do with RPG, we could try to define which post-apocalyptic games must be played ?

It couldn't be a top 50 I think.

1. Fallout
2. Fallout 2
3. Fallout: New Vegas
4. Half Life 2
5. I have no mouth and I must scream
6. Wasteland
7. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
8. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
9. Metro 2033
10. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

Boom. There ya go.
What about Rage, Borderlands franchise, Fo3, FoT, FoBos, Wasteland 2, Age of Decadence, The Last Of Us, Underrail, Metro Last Light, I am Alive, Machinarium, After Reset, State of Decay, Nuclear Union, Tokyo Jungle, Organ trail, Dead State, Project Zomboid, The Fall:Last days of Gaïa, The Fall:Mutant City, Fountain of Dreams, 2400 AD, After the war, Burntime, Fonline, After earth, the various Mad Max games, Survanium, The Walking dead, Mars: War logs, neo scavenger, the various planet of the apes/the time machine video games, Kenshi, Nether, Day Z, Left for dead franchise, the many zombie games, etc... ?

I admit that, amongs them, there are many games that i haven't tried yet (or won't) but there are definitaly many games for that genre.

Considering the pace for including RPG, by the time the post-apocalyptic game list is finished, any known upcoming games will be released and tried.

PS: Also, aren't Half-Life 2, Half-life 2:Episode One, and Half-life 2:Episode two, three different games ? Or do the last two are Half-Life 2 add-on ? (didn't finished the main game yet)
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Well why don´t you just make your own list mr smartypants?

Do you refer me by that nickname ? (first time i see this one)
Do you mean a list like you did, or an hexaustive list with all the descriptions ?
I thought i would be nice for NMA as i think that you are a worldwide reference for post-apocalyptic video games.
If i did a list myself, on my own website, it would make little sense, as i am not a reference of anything.

Beside that, i am not the best source of information of Post-apocalyptic games right know.

I am a big fan of Fallout/Half-Life/Metro franchise. I replay those games constantly.
I still haven't finished Wasteland 1, (i am not fond of default Iron man...) but i intend to finish both games of the franchise.
Since i don't have Console, (and don't want it) i didn't play The Last Of Us, but i watched the full game with a dozen of "Let's play" video.
The game and its storyline are very good, although it could be far better.
I don't want to play Mad Max/Time Machine/Planet Of The Apes franchise games.
I don't want to play Zombie games, except Dead State & Project Zomboid.
(one is an RPG like Age of Decadence. The other is a survival game on top-down perspective)
I love book/movies about zombie, but i don't consider fun to shoot endless waves of brainless dudes, which i fear most of these games are about.
I don't want to play MMO ever again, as i sank far too much of my lifetime in Fonline, to fully recover.
I am not much interested in Tokyo Jungle, I am Alive & Neo Scavenger.
All the other games i mentioned are on my "must play one day" list. (but this will take years to finish all of them)
This also include Stalker & I have no mouth and i must scream.

TorontoRayne >
I hope some mod/admin/active member come around, comment on the idea or greenlight it.
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Well why don´t you just make your own list mr smartypants?

Do you refer me by that nickname ? (first time i see this one)
Do you mean a list like you did, or an hexaustive list with all the descriptions ?
I thought i would be nice for NMA as i think that you are a worldwide reference for post-apocalyptic video games.
If i did a list myself, on my own website, it would make little sense, as i am not a reference of anything.

Beside that, i am not the best source of information of Post-apocalyptic games right know.

I am a big fan of Fallout/Half-Life/Metro franchise. I replay those games constantly.
I still haven't finished Wasteland 1, (i am not fond of default Iron man...) but i intend to finish both games of the franchise.
Since i don't have Console, (and don't want it) i didn't play The Last Of Us, but i watched the full game with a dozen of "Let's play" video.
The game and its storyline are very good, although it could be far better.
I don't want to play Mad Max/Time Machine/Planet Of The Apes franchise games.
I don't want to play Zombie games, except Dead State & Project Zomboid.
(one is an RPG like Age of Decadence. The other is a survival game on top-down perspective)
I love book/movies about zombie, but i don't consider fun to shoot endless waves of brainless dudes, which i fear most of these games are about.
I don't want to play MMO ever again, as i sank far too much of my lifetime in Fonline, to fully recover.
I am not much interested in Tokyo Jungle, I am Alive & Neo Scavenger.
All the other games i mentioned are on my "must play one day" list. (but this will take years to finish all of them)
This also include Stalker & I have no mouth and i must scream.

TorontoRayne >
I hope some mod/admin/active member come around, comment on the idea or greenlight it.

Best bet is to bring it up to one of them by personal message. It's a good idea, I'm just not sure how many people would even participate. This sub forum hasn't went as well as I expected, plus I haven't had time to contribute as much, so I know how things like this go. Worth a shot if you're willing to put in the work
See, guys, when I make a joke(the mr smartypants thing was a joke) it's because I have nothing left to say and/or I think my previous post was inadequate and I concede the discussion to you by not discussing any more.

Okay, as far as a post apocalyptic games list goes, I think it could work. As a personal project, that you can showcase here. Because as a forum wide effort I think this top list speaks to the worth of such an effort quite clearly. We're fallout fans and internet comrades. We're not so focused on rpg's in general so, I think maybe in the end this endeavor is best left to other sites with maybe more activity. Case in point, the first sentence of this thread.
See, guys, when I make a joke(the mr smartypants thing was a joke) it's because I have nothing left to say and/or I think my previous post was inadequate and I concede the discussion to you by not discussing any more.

Okay, as far as a post apocalyptic games list goes, I think it could work. As a personal project, that you can showcase here. Because as a forum wide effort I think this top list speaks to the worth of such an effort quite clearly. We're fallout fans and internet comrades. We're not so focused on rpg's in general so, I think maybe in the end this endeavor is best left to other sites with maybe more activity. Case in point, the first sentence of this thread.

Yep. You said it. I saw it as a quick community project that could be completed in a few months. It turned into a stagnant project stuck in limbo. A PA games list would fit in better for this site, but any project like that needs tons of support, like this one does/did, as I already said. The main problem is getting people behind the project. All been said before, but it does apply to the proposed PA list concept.

Getting these things going is pretty tricky. For one, getting people to all agree is a challenge, not to mention consistent participation. Hell, I've been off NMA for months, leaving this on the back burner. It happens. That's why you need a few people running the thing, throwing ideas back and forth, promoting the idea, and getting people interested. I would wager a PA list would work better than this did, but realistic goals are a must. You need enough people contributing to even make the list worthwhile, otherwise it's just 5 dudes favorite games, not the whole communities. That is my main problem.
Not too bad of a list. At least it acknowledges the classics. Can't get mad over the likes of Torchlight II being in there, above some classics, since getting mad over journalist's lists is a fruitless affair. Anyway, you can't keep up with their stupidity, list-wise, hah!
It's good character game but as a RPG, it's PoS.

I disagree. It's a very good RPG lite. I consider RPG's like South Park to still be good enough to be considered a good RPG game. Is it a RPG with C&C and in depth dialog choices? No. Neither is Diablo or Divinity Original Sin but they are amazing RPG games. Action RPG's and "RPG lites" don't need to be the end-all-be-all, balls out 100 hour bonanza that other titles can offer to be considered great. Stick of Truth was one of the most entertaining RPG experiences I had around the time it was released. Now that Wasteland 2 and other great games are coming out I can scratch the more in depth RPG itch that I have, but lesser titles in the genre are just as good as others. It's a matter of preference and not being contained to a single type of RPG.

I also enjoy Ni No Kuni. Some would say jRPG's aren't real RPG's which is bullshit. What does a good character game really mean in this context anyway? That the game was solely good because of the South Park license? That only the dialog was good? Stick of Truth reminded me of Final Fantasy mixed with a little Earthbound actually. In tone at least. It kept me on my toes the whole way. Of course you have to play on the harder difficulties if you want a real challenge. Some of the mini games were pretty useless, more for filler than anything else, and yes, it was linear as hell, yet I wouldn't call it a bad RPG. Action RPG's are a genre of their own. The keyword in the titles there is "ACTION" you see. That is the focus of the sub genre. Not C&C, sprawling dialog choices, or hundreds of possible character build combinations. Stick of Truth did it's job well by providing plenty of interesting combat encounters, lots of funny and useful loot, and making you laugh the whole time through. Of course, you must have a least a passing knowledge of the South Park series to truly enjoy it. You also have to have a sense of humor that aligns with the series general tone. I would argue the very same world design and engine could be reused for a totally new title and it would be just as good if not better. If Obsidian developed it of course.