The Colony

The guy Bear Grylls (Man vs. Wild) did a show several years ago of him going through the French Foreign Legion. It was actually very good.
I sort of like the show, but I have agree; bad actors (the trader, bikers etc) fake drama "you left a man BEHIND?"... Better then your average reality tv, but not by much.
The show where he went to the FFL in Algeria was all staged. The real FFL training regiment in France, and transferred to other french colonies is a bit more brutal, or was until recently. Since now most Legionaries aren't criminals or run-aways from the lower class, but middle class tourists looking for job opportunities, the FFL is turning into a sort of PMC that is state-run with all the standard military benefits with better pay. It's also getting a "Corporate" reputation, hence the increase in allowed publicity over the years about it's own operations.
This show wasn't very good the first two episodes, but I'm watching the last one right now and it's great.

It's not about the poor acting, or the produced situations, it's about all the cool post-apoc stuff and solutions they come up with. But maybe you have to be an engineer to appreciate that.

How the first posters just started hating this show without watching it is beyond me. You're missing out. It's only 10 episodes, and it would be cool if they made a second season. Angsty responses as usual around here.

Negative Schnegative