The continuing bastardization of series


Vault Fossil
Well, this is a few days old but I've been busy and there are still no topics on it.

Alas, it seems Civilization will be joining us in the realm of consolitis. A new Civliization Revolution was announced for all consoles and handhelds.

Quotes on it:

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution is a watershed game, offering players a chance to experience the epic empire-building world of Civilization in an all new accessible, visually immersive, and action-packed world specifically designed for the console and handheld gamer.

Unfortunately, I can't find the other quote but I remember reading somewhere that games would be expected to last an hour. How they would finish the game in an hour is beyond me, as Civ 4 would take me and my friends about 20 hours to go from start to finish in a standard game.

Anyways, here's a copy of the press release.

Anyone have fond Civilization memories that they expect to be yoinked away?
SimpleMinded said:
Anyone have fond Civilization memories that they expect to be yoinked away?

I still live in a world where it didn't go beyond III.
I never knew she had such huge jugs. I wonder if that's historically correct? Hm hm hm.

Actually, the visual style of the leaders, and the non-serious "dialogue" in CivIV is something that I really dislike in that game. It's fine to have that kinda cartoonish look to a game like Pirates!, but not a fan of it in Civ.

Anyways, disappointing news. These games can make great games, and it's a shame to see something like this announced instead of something genuinely interesting.

Good thing that they managed to get the golden words of gaming in there as well. Immersive, next-gen and epic. Surely it can't fail now?
I think the word "revolution" refers to the fact that fans of the series will want to put whoever handles the franchise against the wall and demand a "previous gen" version instead. :revolution:
What the heck are you guys bitching about?? It's got boobies and dwarves for Chrissakes.
Next on the agenda: remaking all those old Infocom adventures as Street Fighter style fighting games.
Yeah, if it's any constellation, they got that one, too. Something about Sacred 2: Fallen Angel or something on Teamxbox. Just figured I'd let ya know... :whistle:
At least, it is a port, while WH40K:Squad command will be a turn based Warhammer 40K game for PSP and DS only... Just great. PC owner should be content with the old Chaos Gate that does not run under XP.

let just limit non indie PC games to 5 different genres (FPS RTS action RPG, MMORPG and... well... make it 4...).

If things keep going in this direction, we'll have Civ 6 being XBox 129600 and PS4 only.

The other day, I was wondering wether things would have been as bad with Atari and Amiga still around, as their game markets didn't put as much emphasis on sheer power(thus would have much lower development cost) than PC games.
Me: Hey, as long as this impending turd's existence doesn't negate the existence of CivIII i'll be just fine.

The Universe: O RLY?....... *negates CivIII*

Me: And now i jinxed it.