Former Interplay staff member Corith revealed some interesting tidbits in this NMA thread:<blockquote>[on MMORPGDot's comments that Interplay has no money in the bank or developers working for them] It seems that the above it no longer completely true. He plunked down $675,000 to help Ballerium along.
From reading the French investor's site, it looks like herve used his position as liquidator of Titus to funnel money into Interplay's coffers instead of Titus' creditors - which have really pisssed Titus investors.
I am still waiting on my unused vacation payout . . . I've given up all hope of seeing the money from Herve's stealth switch from salary to wage. Even though it is against the law, no body in corporate law enforcement cares.</blockquote>Earlier he noted on the Raging Bull Investor Forum that a grand total of 79 Interplay staff members are still waiting for "accrued vaction pay, not to mention back wages".
He is speaking, of course, of this Ballerium.
The question stands; will it ever end? The answer is: 42.
From reading the French investor's site, it looks like herve used his position as liquidator of Titus to funnel money into Interplay's coffers instead of Titus' creditors - which have really pisssed Titus investors.
I am still waiting on my unused vacation payout . . . I've given up all hope of seeing the money from Herve's stealth switch from salary to wage. Even though it is against the law, no body in corporate law enforcement cares.</blockquote>Earlier he noted on the Raging Bull Investor Forum that a grand total of 79 Interplay staff members are still waiting for "accrued vaction pay, not to mention back wages".
He is speaking, of course, of this Ballerium.
The question stands; will it ever end? The answer is: 42.