The corpse of Interplay still roams this fair earth

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Former Interplay staff member Corith revealed some interesting tidbits in this NMA thread:<blockquote>[on MMORPGDot's comments that Interplay has no money in the bank or developers working for them] It seems that the above it no longer completely true. He plunked down $675,000 to help Ballerium along.

From reading the French investor's site, it looks like herve used his position as liquidator of Titus to funnel money into Interplay's coffers instead of Titus' creditors - which have really pisssed Titus investors.

I am still waiting on my unused vacation payout . . . I've given up all hope of seeing the money from Herve's stealth switch from salary to wage. Even though it is against the law, no body in corporate law enforcement cares.</blockquote>Earlier he noted on the Raging Bull Investor Forum that a grand total of 79 Interplay staff members are still waiting for "accrued vaction pay, not to mention back wages".

He is speaking, of course, of this Ballerium.

The question stands; will it ever end? The answer is: 42.
Well, I really hope they can get back on tehir feet. They've made a lot of awesome games, but with the huge fanbases out there today with other games, it's only going to get those still loyal to the Fallout franchise.
It doesn't have the rights to any Fallout games we would care about, so it pretty much lost us.

Really, I don't see why anyone should care about Interplay rising from the dead. At least if they go bankrupt the investors and hopefully staff will get some money back, though staff often gets fucked over in those deals.

Interplay is just a name now, all relevant devs have fled the scene long since. I'd rather hope a good new company rises up, rather than a sluggish debt-filled company run by a Frenchy rise again and tarnish what's left of its good name.
This corpse you speak of... the roaming one... it could use some brain, eh? Fresh brain?
You see Uziel, the big problem is that if Interplay continues to exist, the threat of more gems like Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel or more importantly, Fallout Online continues to exist. No one here wants to see Caen further tarnish the Fallout universe with blatant sell-outs.

Also, like Kharn said, there are still 79 unpaid former employees of Interplay. This is a company run by a man who doesn't have the decency to pay people what they are owed, but has the audacity to practically steal money for his own pet projects.

Anyway, the chance of Interplay climbing out of the hole Caen has dug is remote at best.
Now I see. Thank you, Kotario. I still think that the Fallout franchise should be continued in America, not France.
Maybe he'll use the money earned on Ballerium to pay the employees.

Look, a paper dog just chased an asbestos cat through Hell!

uziel said:
I still think that the Fallout franchise should be continued in America, not France.

Sig stuff :lol:
It should be made in America, think about it. The game HAPPENS in America, it's ABOUT America, and it does NOT involve the French. And the French hate us! I think the rights should go to someone who's small, but likes the series and is experienced enough to make a good game.
Uhm, uziel...No Fallout game has ever been made by the French. Titus may be a French company, but Interplay is still American. And Titus is now gone, leaving Caen only with Interplay, thus making it, ahm, "fully American"

Also the rights already went to BethSoft. Have you not been paying attention?
God that hamster rocks lol

Uziel you have never heard of Morrowind? Check that out man, then you will know what potential or lack there of Bethesda has in creating a new fallout.
Silencer said:
Maybe he'll use the money earned on Ballerium to pay the employees.

If they earn any money on Ballerium...

Does Interplay still hold any franchises? I seriously doubt they'll last long if Ballerium and FOOL are its only prospects...
Yeah, the state Interplay was/is in almost leaves me glad that Black Isle never got Van Buren out the door. I know that may sound heretical, but a developer committed to getting right may not have been enough. The way Interplay has been acting I doubt that they'd have the resources or management support to get it right. As it turns out, Interplay had no intention of supporting the project, because they ultimately shut down Black Isle. I'm not saying Beth is a savior, and I think they want to take a much more mass market approach with the franchise.

Anyways, off-topic. For some reason, I have absolutely no desire to so much as research Ballerina. That, and the French really don't hate us. They just don't understand us, and the feeling is mutual. I spent 2 months as a student in France. They do hate America's foreign policy, but that have nothing against Americans in particular. Heck, half their movies are American dubs.
Kharn said:
The question stands; will it ever end? The answer is: 42.

I think that this is the number of times we and the rest of the world will think Interplay is dead before it turns out that there is still a flicker of flame left before it finally dies for the final time.
Depends on how long it takes Herve to milk every last dollar from the two lifeless husks of Inertplay and Titsup.