First time out of the vault

G'day everyone.
DC Chronicles Trailer:
The DC Chronicles is a Fallout 3 series that has been in development since june 2009. The entire first season is completed and is available for viewing at our website. Season 2 is still in the making.
In the DC Chronicles we follow the journey of one vault dweller searching for a Water Chip (Inspired by the original Fallout). In following episodes, Andrew Grafton will encounter different enemies, allies, and scenarios. The journey begins here.
Complete first season:
I'd really like to hear what you think! Constructive criticism is always welcome
DC Chronicles Trailer:
The DC Chronicles is a Fallout 3 series that has been in development since june 2009. The entire first season is completed and is available for viewing at our website. Season 2 is still in the making.
In the DC Chronicles we follow the journey of one vault dweller searching for a Water Chip (Inspired by the original Fallout). In following episodes, Andrew Grafton will encounter different enemies, allies, and scenarios. The journey begins here.
Complete first season:
I'd really like to hear what you think! Constructive criticism is always welcome