The Den ghost


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
I gave her the amulet back, and she turned into a pile of bones. When i study the bones in my inventory it says "These bones look unsetteled" (or something like that). Does this mean that i'm supposed to bury her? If so, Where?
The burying part can be a pain in the ass.

For some reason its difficult to put the bones in the grave. I think you had to use the same loading command as when you fill your car with fuel- but its been awhile and I am not sure.
I never had any problems with it. I just opened the grave, used the hand icon like on some container, putted the bones in and used the shovel again.
To my memory, the open grave even works like a container, you could click it, it would open a "container dialogue" (like a locker does) and you could place the bones in there.
Anna's grave is the only one you can dig up without getting the "Gravedigger" status. Ain't that a shame, quite a few goodies on the other graves :P

Unless you play an evil character, that is :twisted:
Lord Powerslave said:
Anna's grave is the only one you can dig up without getting the "Gravedigger" status. Ain't that a shame, quite a few goodies on the other graves :P

Really? Again, to my memory, it takes the digging open of 2 (maybe 3) graves before you get the status. It isn't instanteneous with the other graves either,
Celestial said:
Go to the graveyard on the east side of town. Find a grave named Anna Winslow and bury the bones there.

The fact that you become a grave digger doesn't affect any reaction of people later in the game, I guess.
But with every grave you digged open, your karma decreases by 2.
So I would suggest you to save before digging, than find out like what and where something lies. If you really need it ( combat knife comes pretty handy on that stage ) you just reload and dig the chosen graves and save your reputation :) ...
Digging Anna's grave didn't seem to result in any kind of negative changes of my Character, I guess it's because digging her grave was a good thing to do. Digging up the ghoul dude in Golgatha made me a grave digger even though it's a good thing to do as well. Maybe they made an exeption of the grave digger thing for digging Anna's grave only, to bad for the ghoul in Golgatha that I left him to avoid the negative effects on my karma.
The fact that you become a grave digger doesn't affect any reaction of people later in the game, I guess.
But with every grave you digged open, your karma decreases by 2.

Nope, isn't -2 karma... is -5. If you open more than five graves, you get the grave digger.