The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Website Online

Macaco said:
Lost Metal said:
I'm with you there. Until I know whether or not the game is real-time or turn-based. I am looking forward to Troika's PA RPG much more than I am looking forward to Fallout 3.
Troika's PA rpg wich will probably NOT be turn based....

I'd rather play a brand spanking new Troika PA RPG that is real-time, than the butchered 3rd installment to my favorite video game series of all time.

The gaming industry is just so f'd up.

Making a real-time Fallout game for the PC, is like if the sequel to the movie "Pirates Of The Carribean" was a Western. Because Western's just sold better.
Now in all fairness... The company producing "Pirates of The Carribean 2" promises to stay true to the previous POTC movie by keeping on some of the same characters, storylines and history. But... it's a freakin' Western!!!

(where pirates=turn-based, westerns=real-time)

Now, this type of scenario would probably not happen in the movie industry, because it's not nearly as f'd up as the gaming industry.

But in the f'd up industry that is gaming, they can make whatever crazy ass changes they want and get away with it.

Hell, most games come out completely unfinished and end up getting patched to hell within the first 3-4 months after it's release. With patches still coming out 1-2 years later.
I can understand free extras or downloadable content. But we're talking about making an unfunctionable game, functionable, a year or two after you bought it. That's rediculous.

I'm sorry for the ranting but I'm currently in over-venting mode. Every single time I see a thread about Fallout 3 possibly being real-time it makes me want to puke.
Because even if it does end up being a good real-time game, hell even if it ends up being the BEST real-time game EVER made. It's not Fallout. It's not following the legacy.

If they wanted to make a big-ol' real-time PA RPG, why not make their own? With their own ideas, their own history, their own storyline, their own everything. They could of slapped a hugely marketable name on it like "Morrowind: FutureShock" or some bullshit.

Their giving us a Western Sequel to a Pirate Movie! :lol:
Roshambo said:
smarty man fancy pants talk
Hey rosh, do you think you'll make a cameo in this one too?

I suspect you'll be the brave SHINY NIGHT, fiercely hunted by the magic-wielding mystical beastlords, in the dark elven woods of the kingdom of Galactis -- somewhere on an outpost on the edge of DEEP, DEEP space.

You'll have a robot friend named BLASTULON, who can transform into a trailer, and five Martian butlers that you have to protect from the FIRE GECKOS by playing Dance Dance Revolution against Leonard Nemoy -- who you later find out is being remotely controlled by the great wizard of marketing. It'll be some kind of a side-quest, I think.
Bet said:
All valid concerns. I suppose it's way too early for any kind of optimism, anyway.
Sort of like saying "It's too early to tell if it's a boy of a girl." before the girl is pregnant.

I did forget to mention the main part of my optimism, however, which was a stupid mistake - the engine is going to be form-fitted for modding.
Oh, they'll have the fans patch the game again. That's totally cool, but I remember times when I could NOT patch or mod a game and still find no big flaw. Hah, those were times.

To this day the main problem that I have with Morrowind is the sheer amount of third-party stuff.
Wait, that's a problem? Why do you want more of it then?
Re: Performance?

N said:
Performance outside in open areas was absolutely terrible.

It's worth noting that a lot of the performance issues were because of their fscking copy protection. If you got the no cd crack your performance would go up like 200 to 300 percent. I cracked mine and actually played it (albeit with the graphics all the way down) on my Mom's pentium 2 333 which was my only accessable computer at the time.
Eh? Does that mean I could run it on my 333 Celeron with 128mb ram and 32mb video card?

I'm actually curios to play it and see with my own eyes what's the deal with this game about which I heard so many contradictory opinions.
Re: Performance?

If you got the no cd crack your performance would go up like 200 to 300 percent.

I did have the NOCD crack, which while still inexcusable, did in fact make my framerate go up 200 percent.

So, in some spots, I went from a framerate of 7-8, to around 14-16.

Fantastic performance!
Bethesda Tradition

Bethesda Tradition

I am aware of the "buzz" about these eye candy adventures that have kept Bethesda in business.

... Oh, they'll have the fans patch the game again. That's totally cool, but I remember times when I could NOT patch or mod a game and still find no big flaw. Hah, those were times. ...

It's interesting to see above the allegation that the great 'mod-ding' feature was really a design cop out.

I did have the NOCD crack, which while still inexcusable, did in fact make my framerate go up 200 percent.
So, in some spots, I went from a framerate of 7-8, to around 14-16. ...

AND, this issue of universal poor frame rate performance and the crippling effect of
dysfunctional copy protection, I can only surmise that Bethesda is no better in crafting a product than any other company.

Another pseudo tradition?

Pursuing this concept that the "mod-ding" of Bethesda products is so much after market bug fixing.

Bethesda maybe more successful in propaganda and "packaging" than
hammering out the dents and filling the holes in their software.
The "mod" feature has brainwashed their devotees into thinking "they care" beyond the instant the box goes out the door. And I'm sure they do, this ""we asked the fans"" stuff implies a social sophistication that covers the voids in their product.

This ability to cloth a naked platform makes all these FP floating eyeball stat accumulators appear to me as more a paint by numbers "arts and craft" projects than a finished consumer commodity. If thats what the Beth fans want than it's a happy "social union". (Regardless the amending of any state constitution.)

The real - hands on - adventure appears to me the upgrading and over clocking of the "house of cards" that is PC hardware "gaming", and, or, recasting the limpid shadows of these fantasy fp rpg's to replay their shallow story.

In Bethesda I sense the machinations of Masters Of Illusion.

Not that that's a - bad - thing in our post industrial, forced march to single party, warm and fuzziness.

Claw said:
Bet said:
All valid concerns. I suppose it's way too early for any kind of optimism, anyway.
Sort of like saying "It's too early to tell if it's a boy of a girl." before the girl is pregnant.
I like that, very good analogy there. That can be taken as people who hate new life (hate the idea of this new Fallout), people who love it (people who love the idea of this new Fallout), and people who are neutral about it (given). Even though most people are probably a mixture of those, good analogy, man. Mine usually don't make sense to anyone but me...

Claw said:
Bet said:
To this day the main problem that I have with Morrowind is the sheer amount of third-party stuff.
Wait, that's a problem? Why do you want more of it then?
It's a problem because I got about 20 hours into Morrowind the first time I played it, but then decided to wait until I bought a Geforce4 to resume (my Geforce2 GTS 32 meg wasn't cutting the mustard, so to speak). Due to time constraints, I then had to wait until a while after I had purchased a Geforce 6800, and now that I try to get into the game, the 200 hours of quality gameplay has ballooned into 3 or 4 hundred of even better gameplay, easily. That's daunting for the same reason that MMORPGs seem like a huge waste of time to me - even though they're a lot of fun, it's still a section of my life where free time has been completely written off to one computer game. I have friends that love Morrowind to death, and MMORPGs, but I'm not them, and I'd rather spend my time in a flight simulator if I can't have a compelling story, with no magic.

On the other hand, there are those games that I love to the point where I have an insatiable desire for more. Morrowind isn't exactly my cup of tea...those kind of RPGs never were, and I took a chance on it because of the pretties. Baldur's Gate is about the only magic-revolving RPG that I can abide, and BG + sequel + expansions are enough to sate me, just because of the story and character interactions. But Fallout moddage of any sort would be a gift from above. I watch the prospect of fan-made material with a kind of restrained anxiety, hoping for new material to come out quicker, and hoping that it's good. Compared to my normal, full-blown anxiety, that's a good anxiety.

What I DO like about the Morrowind mods, however, is that people have created whole new areas to explore. I see that some enterprising individual added a location to Fallout 2 (going to finally try that ASAP)...if more than one talented person could do that to Fallout, in a relatively timely manner (oh, say a few months for each good area), it would be like Christmas as a kid again. Magical, wonderful. Bethesda is the best chance for this...ASSUMING they release Fallout 3 as moddable, assuming it's a foundation worth building off of. Yes, I know, being jaded is cool on these forums. If I had registered the first time I came to this website, maybe I would have been slamming the guy that said what I have. I probably would have, actually. But the girl IS pregnant, no matter what, and if you're for, against, or nonchalant about that baby boy/girl, that's great. It's one more voice at least, when voices are what Bethesda needs to hear in order NOT to screw this up. Or if they do...hell, the fans can fix it. I keep hearing from people, "you should be a writer" "hey, you going to be a writer?" "oh, you're a writer aren't you." No, no, no. I hate writing, I love flying. But I could bring myself to write for an effort involving either Fallout or Shadowrun. And now I've got a chance for the former to hope for.

I'd much rather just enjoy the creations of others, though. I hear modding for Fallout is a complete pain in the ass. Reading that new FAQ, I'm convinced of it. I've set up an area to screw around in for Morrowind, and I know how easy that is. So I'll hold out that optimism for Bethesda's luck, and I'll buy Fallout 3 solely if it can be modded like Morrowind. I won't gamble on Bethesda regardless of my optimism, but I'd put my money on the people on these forums, and on the rest of the creative Fallout fans.
Bet said:
I like that, very good analogy there. That can be taken as people who hate new life (hate the idea of this new Fallout), people who love it (people who love the idea of this new Fallout), and people who are neutral about it (given).

You think it's a good analogy to say that people who are averse to the idea of a Bethesda Fallout "hate new life"? It might be more accurate to say they've watched their god-son ripped from its biological parents to be raised by strangers with different values. What has that to do with hating life?

Bet said:
Or if they do...hell, the fans can fix it.

I can see the label on the box: "Morrowout: the Mod Engine. Sample module included!"
Speaking as someone who also enjoys the TES series despite its numerous flaws and world emptiness, I really don't want Bethesda to start pushing out bad examples for the rest of the market.

They shouldn't set a bad example for Half-Ass BioWare to rip off, as per usual. Ohdamn, too late, NWN.
Per said:
Bet said:
I like that, very good analogy there. That can be taken as people who hate new life (hate the idea of this new Fallout), people who love it (people who love the idea of this new Fallout), and people who are neutral about it (given).

You think it's a good analogy to say that people who are averse to the idea of a Bethesda Fallout "hate new life"? It might be more accurate to say they've watched their god-son ripped from its biological parents to be raised by strangers with different values. What has that to do with hating life?
I think it's a good analogy because it was playful and imaginative, and it made a good amount of sense. I'm not sure where you're getting your analogy from...but it sounds like you have a beef with Social Services. I can sympathize, I hate those people too. (Yes, I get your analogy too. Herve Caen is French and he sucks, I agree wholeheartedly, especially after handing the license over Bethsoft. But I know how to pronounce his last name, so I shift my hate over to bad luck. And I know luck intimately, so it returns my hate).

Per said:
Bet said:
Or if they do...hell, the fans can fix it.

I can see the label on the box: "Morrowout: the Mod Engine. Sample module included!"
Well, the good news is your're not wrong there. The bad news is that BethSoft has an ego about their creations, so it'll be buried on an inside flap, where it's almost an afterthought compared the industry-standard proclamations. Smart people will still notice it, though, and make use of the separate disc just for the tools.

I must be one of the few people on this board who haven't had their lives ruined by the cancellation of van Buren. The potential for that game to suck was there, too. Any time something new comes into play, things can change. I didn't like Fallout 2 as much as Fallout 1...and I didn't like Tactics as much as Fallout 2. But their stories were all good, and talented people worked on all three of them. As far as I'm concerned, nothing can match the quality of the original Fallout. With that attitude, nothing will. I realize that, and I don't care. But I do like the idea of new Fallout. Hell, if Bethesda does books in their I get excited at the thought. A good deal of those 20 hours of Morrowind were reading books. The Fallout Bibles whet my appetite for Fallout backstory, and I want MORE.

And now a new anticipation has landed. Fallout fan-fiction put across in books in the new Fallout game. Holy, holy hell. It seems almost pornographic, that idea.
Bet said:
I think it's a good analogy because it was playful and imaginative, and it made a good amount of sense.

It didn't make any sense at all. I wasn't talking about Van Buren, nor about social services. Looking at your post count, I'd guess you're just trolling.
Per said:
Bet said:
I think it's a good analogy because it was playful and imaginative, and it made a good amount of sense.

It didn't make any sense at all. I wasn't talking about Van Buren, nor about social services. Looking at your post count, I'd guess you're just trolling.
No, just a little burned out, and constantly trying to read into things. I'm sorry if I offended you, it wasn't intentional (though it can sometimes seem like it is). I'm a little bad at the whole Internet Forum thing, which is why I usually lurk. If I had registered however long ago I first starting hitting this site, I would have still had the same number of posts, just with a much lower daily ratio.