The Evil Dead meets Fallout...

Thats dorky as it is I admire it when people combine universe's like that, because it often takes full knowledge from two or more different fandoms.

Also it appears as it would be somewhat easy to write since weird meetings always seem to be rife with opportunity's for one-liner's and such.

The Vault Dweller
Are they going to make a sequel to Army of Darkness?


He kills that old lady shopper and he gets the girl and I guess i'd like to see a another maybe in modern time. The Evil Dead movies actually remind me of Dario Argentos Demon movies. I've been trying to find a copy but they're priced pretty high. Either way, if you don't mind dubbed movies its a great italian horror flick with lots of gore, not much of a comedy if at all tho :P.
Actually, just so you know, there are two endings to Army of Darkness. You can pick the happy one or the bad one to be the "real" one.
I'm on Dinner Conversations pt. 2 and I'm waiting for them to found Arroyo if you know what I mean.