The Fall developer diary on RPG Vault, part 4

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The Fourth instalment of the Fall's dev diary on RPG Vault is up. This time it's Art Director Jan Jordan's turn as he discusses some details about the graphics. He once more displays how the people of SSE always do their homework:<blockquote>One of the weirdest objects we cooked up is a power generator that looks like a huge hamster wheel driven by human beings. And, while it certainly does seem strange, we actually sat down and calculated if this construction would work and how much energy it would produce before it made its way into the game.</blockquote>Heh.<blockquote>As for the look of objects, the engine beneath The Fall is really nice to work with because we're really flexible in terms of texture mapping and animations (thanks to Inverse Kinematics, which Sebastian elaborated on previously).

As you might have seen in screenshots, our interface has this certain 'rusty metal' look to it. Originally, we had three or four different styles to choose from. After the functional implementation of the user interface, the artists in our team started developing these approaches independently at the same time. Once the 'dummies' were done, we evaluated the results and picked the one we liked best. The other concepts weren't completely ditched though since they contained some nice ideas we incorporated in the final UI. By the way, this style is also mirrored by the look of the homepage of The Fall.</blockquote>Link: dev diary #4 on RPG Vault
Link: the Fall website
Can anyone ansver my quastion:Is this fall game the same as fallout story line and everyfing or its a brand new projekt . And who is making it :?:
Egis said:
Can anyone ansver my quastion:Is this fall game the same as fallout story line and everyfing or its a brand new projekt . And who is making it :?:

Brand new, Silver Style Entertainment is making it.

Those Lithuanians... :roll: They're like Dutchies without the stupid accent and the ugly queen...
Lithuania is the country quake3 graphic style turn-based cRPG "Post-nuclear" had to come from, but eventually I have not heard anything of that game for a very long period of time.
Lithuania was the last European region to approve catolic, they were great pagan state in middle-ages and thats one thing I like about them and today, how paradoxal, it is very catolic state, could be compared with Italia easely.
Lithuania has even greater part of nuclear energy in their energy profuction than any other European country, even France. Nuclear energy is about 70% of total energy produced in the country [the power plant of Ignalin, by the way, it is the same model as the one in Chernobil and those wise-arses lithuanians have put it just few kilomeeters from border with its neighbour-state - Latvia..aint that cool?].
Lithuania features great food production traditions and very great dune, so called Kursu dune [do I spell correctly Egis?]
Anyways, Lithuania is more than you see.

But speaking of the argument - I really am doubtful of that power generator thingie. Even if it would be considerable to use human force/strength to produce energy, I would definetly not build it as a giant Hamster wheel. Man, you see, its too complicated...better it could work with some sticks attached to horiziontally placed wheel and some slaves attached to sticks rather than those high-level calculations. But..oh well..spinning wheel is not their biggest problem..think thaty the funbase is it. Does anyone has any hope that the game will roll? I mean, get some money. Its meant for Fallout fans and yet all the f-fans all around the globe allready have negative attitude...and dont believe Carsten can change anything before release. But theres allways possibility that the game is real cool like Gothic+Fallout with Morrowind slash.

Interface would be not the main tging they should worry about although I recall a minor disputes with Carsten Strehse that begun just because of interface. Has anything changed there?
Please no more debate about Lithuania, I've already splitted some posts from this topic about just that very country...