The Fall for Mobiles


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Silver Style developer Dominik Deichsel made a short and strange announcement regarding The Fall in the Silver Style Forums today:
<blockquote>Silver Style has assigned the company Elkware to develop The Fall for
mobiles. The handy-game will by released contemporary to the PC product.
I was wondering why they would bother to do this when Carsten Strehse chimed in a few posts down:
<blockquote>Mobile games aren't a big thing in the US. In Europe it's a huge business and the games have a very good quality. Elkware also made the mobile game for Sacred, so expect great quality.</blockquote>
So if you were really hoping you could play The Fall while waiting for the bus, consider this your lucky day.

Link: Mobile announcement @ Silver Style
Thanks Glowbewohner!
that sounds great, I realy wish portable gaming was bigger over here then we would start seeing beter quality and content, lets hope that the DS and PSP can raise the bar.
I hope they will do it for Symbian smartphones...
It can be done with great 3D graphics
That just sounds so wrong. Yes, Doom may work on a mobile, but a CRPG? COME ON. That's just retarded.

On a totally unrelated note: I want a Java version of Wasteland for mobiles and handhelds.
Ashmo said:
On a totally unrelated note: I want a Java version of Wasteland for mobiles and handhelds.

Maybe you should try the Gameboy Advance version of Wasteland instead:$944
The amount of people who have been taken in by that, they should actually do it.

I'm sure they'd sell a few copies to retro gamers.

Back on topic, mobile phone games suit simple things, like Snake (Yes, I know they can handle more now, but there's still little point to having an RPG mobile phone game). It seems a rather bizarre format for the Fall.
Have they even given a UK (or NA) release date yet? I know the trailer says "Coming November 2004" but does that mean only Europe or does that include UK or possibly the US?

I went to their site but have not found any specific dates. Looks good either way. I will most likely import from the UK after I read a couple positive reviews that have details concerning game play.
Glowbewohner said:
it means germany, austria and Switzerland

Most likely. Europe and UK should follow once the English translation is done. If I was taking the treatment European gamers receive from American companies personal, I'd say that the US won't get the game and can go to hell, but I'm not that easily offended. Really, I'm not. I don't feel like a second class gamer because of the way American publishers treat European online gamers.

Boy do I suck at hiding deep hatred.
Well so i might as well buy a realy expensive mobile and stop puting money in my computer?No way i love my PC and no fucking mobiles will beat that!
Ashmo said:
Glowbewohner said:
it means germany, austria and Switzerland

Most likely. Europe and UK should follow once the English translation is done. If I was taking the treatment European gamers receive from American companies personal, I'd say that the US won't get the game and can go to hell, but I'm not that easily offended. Really, I'm not. I don't feel like a second class gamer because of the way American publishers treat European online gamers.

Boy do I suck at hiding deep hatred.

Ashmo, did you forget that the language translations make the European market harder (slower) to reach for US game studios. Think about how many different versions have to be made and tested as far as the dialog and voice acting alone.

But if it makes you feel any better I have had to wait months.. or even import European games from the UK. Because some games are never released here (in the US) or take months to get legal issues and translations done.

Its not that US studios are neglecting your market just that it takes time to make a dozen different version of the game.... 8)

EDIT: My German is terrible. I doubt I could read or understand half of the dialog... so it looks like I will be waiting months longer then you, Ashmo. I hope you are happy.
Carsten 'WTF?' Strehse said:
Mobile games aren't a big thing in the US. In Europe it's a huge business and the games have a very good quality. Elkware also made the mobile game for Sacred, so expect great quality.

I honestly don't know which of those two statements is more fundamentally flawed than the other.

That is, unless you solely count the N-Gage. Then I'll believe this. Of course, comparatively, anything is quality for the N-Gage. It's the Yugo of handhelds and as every farmer knows, a manure pile is better the higher shit is stacked.
Symbian smartphones are in fact Pocket PC.
I have played many good and long games on it. It will not replace PC, but its definently a platform with future, so I think that Fall would succed on Symbian platform. It has better graphics than Game Boy, 3D accelerator, it has large amount of memory, you can watch movies, surf the internet, download data, and you can install what ever you want on it. If you know C++/Java, you can even write your own applications.
Its more computer than phone to me...

Now it just remains to see if Elkware will make Fall for Symbian platform, which I doubt. About 95% of cell phones in market have J2ME platform installed, so I think they will go with that.... Its more profitable

Paranoid, I am not talking about the language differences. As a matter of fact most online games are English, even in Europe. Europe has something called the EU. The EU's primary language is English. English is being tought in almost all European schools and usually it is the first foreign language and introduced rather early. Language is not the problem.

The problem. The problem is that various online game publishers and producers don't give a foo about the European market. For no apparent reason they think that problems with the same exact game running on European servers cannot be dealt with by the developer team although engine flaws are the same no matter where the engine is running. Further they think that they have to pay the worst service agencies available to do the joke they call European customer service (in English, so language is not the issue) and while various online games such as Ultima Online have no problem making all servers available to everyone on the world some of them think it'd be a good idea to force Europeans to play on European servers and not even supply roleplay servers for Europe even if there are three RP servers in the US alone, not to talk of the public test servers they don't make available to Europeans either. But oh, my bad, they DO provide access, if you pay 50% more A MONTH.

Global village my ass. If they want to provide European servers, they have to deal with these servers and treat European customers the same as they treat American customers.

Europe is not a bloody Third World country.

And what kind of joke are language detectors supposed to be? If I buy a UK version of a game in the UK and install it on my German Windows XP Pro in Germany I expect to be playing a UK version and not a German translation with reduced violence, which apparently got installed because the setup decided that I want a German game WITHOUT ASKING ME ONCE. Gah.

Sorry for the intense derailing. If anyone wonders what I'm talking about, the online game is Horizons which is (or at least was) a promising MMORPG and the other is GTA Vice City which I bought in the UK but which not only set the language to German automatically (if you have all languages on the same CD, why even BOTHER claiming it's a particular language version) but also disabled all blood as well as the money "power-ups" (and required me to install a blood patch for the GERMAN version in order to fix that because the English patch did no good).

Who says I want German text just because I live in Germany? Who even says I UNDERSTAND German?

It really is funny.

The Nazi party is long dead, but censorship lives on strongly in Germany, including censorship, one hell of a logic loop there.

Welcome to one of the greatest ironies in the world. :)