The Fall news

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This ghoul has seen it all
The German 1.8 Patch of the Fall (extended version) has been released, as can be seen in this thread on the SSE fora. As you can see there are many, many features and updates on the new patch. If you look around the German forum you will also notice some issues with the patch being noted by the users. No surprise there.

Next, Carsten Strehse noted on the forum that some new shots of the extended version are up on the official website. You can check them out over here or click the individual links below.

Link: TF extended version screenshot: bunker storage
Link: TF extended version screenshot: bunker HQ
Link: TF extended version screenshot: combat near house
Link: TF extended version screenshot: combat near traintrack

Thanks Shadowstorm
- Sniper-Waffen speziell gebalanced
:violent: :violent: :violent:
According to language structure it had to be "ausgebalanced" :roll: aargh, fuck, learn proper German or speak English, but not both at the same time...
I just wanna climb through my floppy drive into the telephone lines, come out in their stupid little forum and strangle them!

So... another patch, hm? Great. As I said before: It could have been a great game, but you shouldn't let customers do the beta testing. This 1.8 is the "Extended Version" which will be finally sold. In normal case it would have been the 1.0. Just _ridiculous_.
It's too bad about a good concept and a nice storyline :( .
Member of Khans said:
:violent: :violent: :violent:
According to language structure it had to be "ausgebalanced" :roll: aargh, fuck, learn proper German or speak English, but not both at the same time...
I just wanna climb through my floppy drive into the telephone lines, come out in their stupid little forum and strangle them!
Eh? That would only be a different abomination. The sheer use of this hybrid is moronic enough, no matter the prefix. Even a simple anglicism would be inappropriate to the point of being idiotic.
Claw said:
Eh? That would only be a different abomination.
Bad joke, nevermind. I'm not one of those keep-the-german-language-clean-anglicism-haters, but this *points at "gebalanced"* sucks.
Er, well... topic.