The Fallout show is shit and destroys the only good thing Bethesdas Fallout had in its universe

Well... moving from one production studio to another, it's normal that there are some rewrites.
There is a giant difference between some rewrites and giant retcons that have massive consequences.

It's clear Bethesda and the writers of the show have no respect for the license, they just see ways to make profit by using recognizable iconography and by turning Fallout into some goofy, bullshit because that's what the franchise is to them apparently.

I don't know why the Lord of the Rings movies were even brought up as some sort of defense for this show because those movies are actually good because they have good writing, pacing and charaterization. And a lot of it is still in line with the books. The TV show has none of that because the writing is abysmal, the characters are basically cartoons passing off as people and the lore got mangled and twisted (which is to be expected but here is somehow worse than Bethesda is several ways).

The funny thing about bringing up those movies up is that the following movies, the Hobbit trilogy, are bad because they strayed too far from the books and the writing and characterization is terrible. The only time the Hobbit movies are good is when its actually faithful to the book (mainly Bilbo and Thorin relationship) because the book is far better written than the shitty movies. It's like the Fallout TV, only semi-watchable when it's actually line with the real Fallout games.
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The show is safe shit. I hate it. Absolutely can't stand it. All the idiots praising it are accepting subpar slop and hoping for more.

It is post modern Emil cancerous horseshit. He can't write for shit. It absolutely shits on New Vegas. The ending was garbage. Corpos bad commie good was the entire message. Yt man bad i.e. Michael Rapaport. It is, I hate using the term woke is so overused but its woke. Bethesda is a sad shell of itself under Howard & Emil. Emil couldn't write his ass out of a wet paper bag.
Rapaport isn't white though
I don't be a first, who say it ( I hope ), but series not bad, if you split fallout before bethesda and after. In our time we have bethesda fallout, no alternative. It's both good ( because fallout still live and be more popular than it be before bethesda ) and bad ( because we have fallout 4, 76, series and other shit, you know why original fallout fan's don't like it ). So, I just try to take it, not too bad and not too good. Just okay.
never understood this perspective at all. i would rather never get another fallout game again than have bugthesda and now hollywood dredge up its long dead and now borderline fleshless faceless and anonymous skeleton for yet another nuka cola brotherhood amusement park braindead mid shooter "fun"ride piece of shit that continues to contribute to the mass historical revision and potentially dwindling legacy of my favorite cRPG series of all time. it's like watching them use your loved one's dead body as a puppet. so what if it inspires anything in people if it's based entirely on a lie? glad you can at least acknowledge it's bad though
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I prohibited myself to give Amazon the streaming minutes, so i've sailed the chinese seas and found a Bluray.
The only thing i can give that shit show is that it has nice Easter eggs. (so much Fallout memorabilia i would like to have)
and the music is great (No wonder, it wasn't composed by Bugthesda or Amazon)

The writing is horrible, the story is non-canon and 100% woke crap (EVERY white male is either a turd, a pussy, evil, non-likable or the enemy. (Or he becomes a ghoul which places him as a minority according to Amazons/Bethesdas DEI crap)
The cast is also exactly to their DEI policy and not for the best available actors. Even if Maximus looks OK in his role as a Scribe, his acting is horrible.
And how they've butchered the NCR.....about an military organization planning to bring (in their ways) peace to the wasteland, turning them into some southern US police Hillbillys.
Another example for brillant writing: Remember in the last episode where the strong independent woman vault dweller has the chance to kill her dad (the big bad whitey), she doesn't use it, but then she blames the Ghoul "You had the chance, why didn't you kill him?" That stupid b.tch had the chance herself and didn't use it, but probably i should feel the strong emotional struggle within herself.... Bahhh Humbug !

And the biggest NoGo for this "show" for me personally is, how they destroyed the canon of their (and Interplays) videogames.
Destroying canon is like re-writing history to your own likes. Doesn't matter if it's fictional or real ! But it will start with fictional first....
Oh, btw. i hate Amazons RoP too.
I don't know what anyone was expecting, especially hard core fans of the original series. The Original series had lore consistency problems. I never expected much from Bethesda but they did manage to disappoint anyway. In all fairness though FO3 was fun. Why anyone thought that this pile of Brahmin Dung from Amazon/Bethesda would be a piece of great Fallout goodness has not been paying attention and/or does not really understand what Fallout was all about. The fans have created better and more lore friendly content on shoestring budgets. The best thing for FO fans would be for these big developers to go belly up and for Fallout to become public domain. I wont hold my breath though.
FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO FUCKING AGREES! when you played fallout 1, 2 and new vegas, you have helped the ncr grow, prosper, and seen it become what it was, and then? what does bethesda do? fucking kill it! they told obsidian there couldnt be a bad DLC ending, because they wanted to kill the NCR themselves. i hate it so much.

i am scared for what they will do in season 2. they will most likely ruin mr house just like they ruined the rest of the fallout franchise. fucking bethesda bro.
I prohibited myself to give Amazon the streaming minutes, so i've sailed the chinese seas and found a Bluray.
The only thing i can give that shit show is that it has nice Easter eggs. (so much Fallout memorabilia i would like to have)
and the music is great (No wonder, it wasn't composed by Bugthesda or Amazon)

The writing is horrible, the story is non-canon and 100% woke crap (EVERY white male is either a turd, a pussy, evil, non-likable or the enemy. (Or he becomes a ghoul which places him as a minority according to Amazons/Bethesdas DEI crap)
The cast is also exactly to their DEI policy and not for the best available actors. Even if Maximus looks OK in his role as a Scribe, his acting is horrible.
And how they've butchered the NCR.....about an military organization planning to bring (in their ways) peace to the wasteland, turning them into some southern US police Hillbillys.
Another example for brillant writing: Remember in the last episode where the strong independent woman vault dweller has the chance to kill her dad (the big bad whitey), she doesn't use it, but then she blames the Ghoul "You had the chance, why didn't you kill him?" That stupid b.tch had the chance herself and didn't use it, but probably i should feel the strong emotional struggle within herself.... Bahhh Humbug !

And the biggest NoGo for this "show" for me personally is, how they destroyed the canon of their (and Interplays) videogames.
Destroying canon is like re-writing history to your own likes. Doesn't matter if it's fictional or real ! But it will start with fictional first....
Oh, btw. i hate Amazons RoP too.
this exactly. in fallout 1 you had actual grit. the story was dark. the world was dark. you didnt know whether it might be your last day as the average wastelander. the language wasn't filtered.

and bethesdas fallout?

swearing? never heard of it! its a fucking theme park ride.

they couldnt even get shady sands right! it looks like a pre war city!
I know the show makes Mr. House behaves the exact opposite of how he's portrayed in New Vegas. It's like they saw a dude in a suit with a mustache and instantly thought he was just some evil capitalist that only cares about money.

But season 2 is seemingly going to take place in New Vegas, so be prepared for the absolute biggest ass raping of the lore and other crap from New Vegas.
I know the show makes Mr. House behaves the exact opposite of how he's portrayed in New Vegas. It's like they saw a dude in a suit with a mustache and instantly thought he was just some evil capitalist that only cares about money.

But season 2 is seemingly going to take place in New Vegas, so be prepared for the absolute biggest ass raping of the lore and other crap from New Vegas.
i weep.
I know the show makes Mr. House behaves the exact opposite of how he's portrayed in New Vegas. It's like they saw a dude in a suit with a mustache and instantly thought he was just some evil capitalist that only cares about money.

But season 2 is seemingly going to take place in New Vegas, so be prepared for the absolute biggest ass raping of the lore and other crap from New Vegas.
let's not forget Mr. House being unprepared for the bombs in New Vegas despite being in the "hurr lets start the apocalypse because capitalism and profit (???) and like war never changes (woah she said the thing!!!)" meeting
That whole scene is like three minutes long and they obliterate Mr. House's character with so much efficiency that it feels like it was done with spite. Same with Sinclair, representing the Big MT when he was just a client.

Now can you imagine a whole season of this?
They broke it in the very first game they made by ruining a bunch of stuff from the Wes Coast (Harold, GECK, BoS, Enclave, Super Mutants, all ruined in Fallout 3). So Bethesda doesn't need to make a game in West Coast to ruin stuff from it.
Do people like this TV show the same type of people who like ingesting large amounts of paint chips actually that's insulting that people eat paint chips at least eating lead paint chips from a scientific perspective has a sweet taste this is the type of people who enjoy drinking urine and insisting it's totally fine.