The famous back rub seen around the world.


It Wandered In From the Wastes
So for those who haven't seen it, during the G8 summit, President Bush tried to give the German Chancellor a back rub...

Pictures of Bush Groping here

Video here

John Stewart making fun of it here

And for those who haven't seen Bush talking with his mouth full of food to Tony Blair (saying shit) shit

All of us Americans should be so proud to have this guy representing us to the world...
Bwahahaha! That's fucking awesome! But why? And he looks so confused, like he was drunk or demented.
Yeah, she was all like "Georgy, not here! They can't know about our thing! I'll make it up to you later, my little chimpy..."
Man, that is great stuff!

I saw that part where Bush ZOMG swore... I mean who cares if he swears whilst the microphones are on. It just shows that these people, are people. I kinda enjoyed watching him bitch about Annan, it's like schoolyard politics, except with the UN replacing the schoolyard :wink:
That's hilarious. The youtube video is one of approximately four thousand identical 5-second clips.

Also, it'd be interesting to see what happened later- if Bush was just joking or if he honestly made a move. Somehow I think he was just joking around.

I hope...
Ratty said:
I wonder if he got some after the summit.

I'm sure he did. Can you imagine how much pussy you could pull being the leader of the free world? That is if you didn't give a shit about your reputation.... man I should run for President
[PCE said:
That is if you didn't give a shit about your reputation....

Not to comment on politics in any way shape or form, but I have a strong hunch bush doesn't care too much about his reputation :).
This occurance only strengthens me in my belief that Bush is noone else than Berlusconi with a new toupet.

not a one img post
If i'd be the president of the US of fucking A i'd touch other... chicks... than this german floater there.

Once more proven that Bush is as dumb as his own boots.