ConstinpatedCraprunner said:No, he is the leader of the strongest nation in history. Dumbass.
I'm getting sick of asking you to watch yourself.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:No, he is the leader of the strongest nation in history. Dumbass.
Malkavian said:ConstinpatedCraprunner said:No, he is the leader of the strongest nation in history. Dumbass.
I'm getting sick of asking you to watch yourself.
You would be surprised how likely that is.At least somebody expertly faking a dumbass.
Simple- what the people want. It just so happens that alot of the time what the people want is influenced by money. However, not all the time....look at the resserection of Kerry.Which raises the question of funding and special interest. What matters more, the popular will or the funding and special interest support that can channel popular support? And if there is a clash between the two (popular will vs special interest), which will prevail and why?
Ugly John said:Please someone explai to dubwa that it'S nucLEar not nuCUlar
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:No, he is the leader of the strongest nation in history. Dumbass.
Paladin Solo said:Ugly John said:Please someone explai to dubwa that it'S nucLEar not nuCUlar
It is funny though that some people say nuclear, and others say nucular. I guess it's kind of the same with the word gray/grey.
Haha, "nuclear not nucular", remembered that off family guy did you?
Hmm...Sander said:GW Bush is not stupid:
Read it. Seriously. The guy isn't stupid. Underestimating may be what killed off his opponents.
In that case, the mechanic might be trying to talk so that regular people can understand.Paladin Solo said:Agh, I feel the same way about mechanics who say that big metal block which has all those little metal wires attached to it. That's the problem and it's going to cost you a little extra.
EyeMaster7 said:ConstinpatedCraprunner said:No, he is the leader of the strongest nation in history. Dumbass.
Would the US attack Russia? NO
Would the US attack Pakistan? NO
Would the US attack China? NO
Would the US attack England? NO
Would the US attack France? NO
Would the US attack India? NO
Would the US attack North Korea? NO
Why the US is never going to attack these nations (of course if that nations attack the US there would be retaliations)?
Atomics Bomb. The US can have the biggest army but these nations just need to drop seven atomic bombs to exterminate everything in the US. The same applies to each nation mentioned. These nations can do anything in the world and the US cannot do anything to avoid that.
I think Bush is gifted. Very few people in the world is so funny like him. Every site I visit there is a joke about Bush. Every week a receive an e-mail with Bush doing something stupid. Homer simpsons is a nuclear genius compared with Bush. I think Bush is going to became the most famous president in history.
Yesterday I received this link:
Yep. Well, for as far as I know, it is true.Hmm...
That took a while to read.
I didn't know most of that.
Is it true?
Yeah, because you can really invade and conquer country without ground forces....oh, wait....Not to mention how completely ass backwards the entire EU's military is. They spend less then half of what we spend on defense, and the vast majority of them go to useless ground forces. Europe would have MUCH more to loose with a nuclear exchange, as we have many more, better missles and they have a smaller area.