The Final Fantasy series?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
Has anyone played through all of them? I remember in Fallout 2 Cassidy said he wished he had a limit break from FF7. Personally to me FFIV, FFVI, FFVII, FFIX, and FFX will always be my favorites. But when I kinda compare the two I only see it like Apples and Oranges. While I do like Final Fantasy, I think Fallout tends to be more darker and realistic when set in our world in a alternate future where a nuclear war happened and every day is a desperate struggle for survival. But I see it as more pessimistic in comparison the FF series which is a bit more optimistic but with themes just as dark as Fallout and set in more modern times, more like say personal villains of the main characters like Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth, and Kuja instead of entire groups like in Fallout that threaten the rest of the Wasteland with poisoned air with FEV or Super Mutantilaztion. But what do you think of the FF series and do you like it better than the Fallout series or no?
I have played 9, 10, 10-2 and 12. Got bored of 9 on the first disc, found 10 and 10-2 just completely stupid in terms of storyline and aesthetic and 12 played like an mmo so I quit playing it 10 hours in. I watched someone play the 13 games and really couldn't believe how shoddy the writting was.
I have played 9, 10, 10-2 and 12. Got bored of 9 on the first disc, found 10 and 10-2 just completely stupid in terms of storyline and aesthetic and 12 played like an mmo so I quit playing it 10 hours in. I watched someone play the 13 games and really couldn't believe how shoddy the writting was.
You mean like FF13? Try IV, V, VI, and VII. Those are the best ones.
Never played Final Fantasy, they never really appealed to me.

The new one looks interesting enough, one of the more flashy games on the horizon, though Xenoblade: Chronicles is shaping up to be something more likely to grab my attention.
FF7 is one of my all-time favorites, and I'm not a big fan of jrpg's. I loved the first Breath of Fire, FF6 and some other games from that era. FF9 was alright. FF8 was a big let down after FF7. Then I discovered rpg's on the pc and never looked back.

Still, the story, setting and music of FF7 can still awaken all sorts of emotion in me.
If you want to try your hand at good JRPGs go no further than the Shin Megami Tensei games. From Persona to Nocturne, they have everything for all tastes while still being good games.
If you want to try your hand at good JRPGs go no further than the Shin Megami Tensei games. From Persona to Nocturne, they have everything for all tastes while still being good games.
Yeah I tried em. I like Persona 3 the best. But what I don't like about it is the typical high school setting. It feels too generic in most japanese jrpgs.
Most JRPGs are weird techno medieval fantasies with disjointed but convoluted worlds. Not that many are urban fantasy.

And only the Persona series is High school based.
SMT1, 2, 3 and 4 are super natural post apocalypse.
Digital Devil Saga is Cyberpunk.
Devil Survivor is Urban Fantasy but no school setting
So the series has everything for everyone.
Most JRPGs are weird techno medieval fantasies with disjointed but convoluted worlds. Not that many are urban fantasy.

And only the Persona series is High school based.
SMT1, 2, 3 and 4 are super natural post apocalypse.
Digital Devil Saga is Cyberpunk.
Devil Survivor is Urban Fantasy but no school setting
So the series has everything for everyone.
hmm I'll try Devil Saga and Devil Survivor then. I think Final Fantasy also ends up on the list too?
The Final Fantasy Series are decent films, however it is way too long.
I prefer the older ones like 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and Final Fantasy Tactics. 5 and 6 had a good deal of exploration and freedom, which the newer titles are sorely lacking, hence why I stopped playing, or rather beating them, years ago. Grinding over and over again while traversing endless hallways isn't my idea of fun.
One thing I have hated of the FF series is the ugly character designs since FF8. So busy, overdesigned and ugly. Is like the 90's just instead of pouches they just have different length pant legs, pieces of fabric sewed at random onto things, shy girls in extremely revealing clothes, belts, zippers, stitches all combined without a rhyme of reason.... and how the stories never call attention to the demure priestess wearing only the front part of a kimono while sporting a string bikini makes it obvious that the writers and the character designer are on completely different pages with no feedback between the two. Or the writers barely care about that.
i think i beat 4 6 7 8 and i played all of them a bit up to 9 but i thought all the games were trash, only reason i beat most of them was because my sister was obsessed with them and they were some of the only games i had for the ps1 when i was like 10 lol

there was 1 i liked more then the others, cant remember if it was 4 or 6
i forgot about tactics(the first one) thats by far my favorite and one of my favorite games but i don't really consider it a final fantasy game
I lost interest in the series after the tenth game. The tenth was the last good game in my opinion. Every game afterwards though.........

This is just another series that got raped by it's new creators, who disrespectfully spit on everything people have done with it in the past and the people who made it what it is today.

Like Diablo with Diablo 3 for example. I did enjoy the Book of Cain and Tyrael, though. I remember fooling my conspiracy theory cousin into thinking the Book of Cain was a real book written by somebody in the past, and then found and translated lol. That was hilarious.
Or like the Warcraft series with World of Warcraft, for example.
I haven't played Starcraft II yet, so I can't talk bad about it. But I have no plans to play it, either. Kerrigan went from a bug lady I wanted to bang to a bug lady that had high heels for feet. And I don't like romantic stories, which is exactly what Starcraft II turned into.