Way way way back in 1999 or so I got a 10 dollar kmart gift card. I thought "What a cheap ass grandma I must have" and went to walmart to get a frozen pizza or something. So I walk in and the first thing I do is go into the video game department and look at the purdy colors. Then I find that they were hiding PC games behind the DVDs, 4 isles away from the console games. Then I was faced with the choice of Monopoly, 555 Hoyle card games, Age of Empires, Fallout double Jewel case, Dark Colony, or Pizza. I bought Fallout because Kmart had the nerve to sensor the text inside the case(the part where it suggests blowing up or melting your enemies, and the part about getting married and being a pimp) I go home and install them both, then played Commandos for a week. Then I played Fallout and compared the rat cave to the shopping list part of Driver. Then I got to junktown and fanticized of living there for years. Amazingly, I had to use Pers guide to find out where the chip was, then I found NMA and went there for 4 years before registering. Now I play it for many reasons. If ive had a bad day, I load up my custom town with hundreds of people in locked rooms, and a weapons cache in the outhouse. If ive had a good day, I stop by the cats paw before loading up my custom town full of people and a weapons cache in the outhouse.