the first time u played FO1 or FO2

I guess the only reason I didn't enjoy the game was due to the fact that i couldn't figure out the right click thing to open up the first door in the Temple of Trials. And it seemed overwhelming all the stuff that was expected of you.
Then giving the game back to my friend, he decided to tell me what to do....3 years on I found the game on eBay and from there the addiction started.
I remember one day back in 1997 when I had the day off because my school had flooded. I spent the whole day playing fallout solidly and it was on this day that my love affair with the game began.

I think the naivete with which I approached the game made it all the more special. I only had a basic grasp of the d100 system that the game used at its basis so I would generally take perks because they "looked cool".

I remember spending what seemed like hours gambling in the maltese falcon and getting drunk, having drunken chats with the resident drunkard! I must have pissed off Kane at some point though because I was never able to do Decker's missions the first time round.

I completed the game in a very non textbook manner, not finding the waterchip until very late on (I think I had about 40 days left and that was after paying the water merchants to take water to vault 13).

I have subsequently completed the game many times but none come close to my first experience of the game. I actually think that playing the game too much repeatedly can sully one's memory of it as it can ruin the suspension of disbelief.
It was 1999. My friend came and dropped me a game. "What is this?" "A RPG". I had played RPG before so I thought it might be the same thing as other. After the installation, I booted it up and spending 20 minutes to figure how the hell am I gonna lockpick the door (inside the temple). The next few weeks, I didn't slept well and ate almost nothing just to beat the game.

Also, my first ranged weapon is a pipe-rifle. :oops: And I thought "Well, this is the wasteland. Everything is rare." that I kept treasure it till I found my first laser rifle (ironically, I found it near Den which is unusual.)
duckman said:
i was just wondering if anyone actually ENJOYED either fallout when they played it first time??
Yes, of course! I can still remember the day when I played Fallout for the first time. Damn, I wish I could get back to those days! Then the sequel came out, an year after the original but the feeling was a bit worse.
I was unsure of it at first, I didn't like the combat system at all, and I sucked at it. I played it for a few hours, then changed my character - I was instantly hooked.
I remember being like 9 and checking out the demos from the "Redneck Rampage" CD and there was a demo for Fallout. I played with it for hours. Over and over even though I beat it. I bugged my dad like crazy to buy the game. He finally got it and I only went there on weekends. I definitely remember in 5th grade just day dreaming about Fallout and getting really excited on Fridays because I would get to go play it at my dad's on the weekend. Of course I didn't understand everything going on as well as I do now but honestly that game has probably changed my life.

A couple years later, when I got Fallout 2, my Dad decided to play it too. I'm pretty sure I beat it before him.
I played the demo for a bit when that was first available, and decided then that the full game would be worth checking out...eventually.

Sometime in October 1998, I met someone who had actually played the game, and he said he enjoyed it. That was enough for me to buy the game and try it out.

I had an absolute blast of a time playing it. Soon my friends caught on to the fact that I was playing a game that allowed me to blow away people with miniguns at point blank range, to be an absolute bastard and to have (at that date) unprecedented freedom in character creation. So they started playing the game, and soon we were swapping stories on how we had managed to solve one situation or another within the game...most of them by force. Someone even said "There isn't a single problem in the game that cannot be solved with the Minigun."

Luckily for me and my friends, Fallout 2 was released only a month later, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of the first copies available in the country. My enjoyment of Fallout 2 is marred slightly by the fact I had to wait for the patches to come out before the game could be played in any decent manner.

Of all the people I know, Fallout 1 and 2 are the games most of them have played and enjoyed, and to this day, some of them claim it's the only RPG worth playing...mainly because it's the only RPG they have ever been inclined to play.
Played the demo up and down, and down and up, and again.

Junk Town and teh minigun.
The Junk Town demo massacre.

After terrorizing my local gamestore when
he finally gets Fallout, the day came, back in 1997.

Started, still not realizing that I don't have to
play the demo anymore.

The cave with the rats. And me thought,
that game stinks, and laid it away.

When talking about it days later with a friend,
he told about the same experience, and said,
I just should make it out there and
should not being so bullheaded.

And addiction rose! hrhr

edit: some spellchecking
I bought and played Fallout when it was first released in 1997. I loved it from the get go and it has always had a permanent place on my harddrive. In fact it was Fallout that inspired me to get of my backside and start making my own game engine.
Ohhhh, the first time. I remember loving it from the very begining. My brothers and I were fighting over whose character we would play. One of those fuckers ended up beating it first (after about 4 days), which kinda ruined it for me.

I've always liked FO2 a little bit better because of that...
Way way way back in 1999 or so I got a 10 dollar kmart gift card. I thought "What a cheap ass grandma I must have" and went to walmart to get a frozen pizza or something. So I walk in and the first thing I do is go into the video game department and look at the purdy colors. Then I find that they were hiding PC games behind the DVDs, 4 isles away from the console games. Then I was faced with the choice of Monopoly, 555 Hoyle card games, Age of Empires, Fallout double Jewel case, Dark Colony, or Pizza. I bought Fallout because Kmart had the nerve to sensor the text inside the case(the part where it suggests blowing up or melting your enemies, and the part about getting married and being a pimp) I go home and install them both, then played Commandos for a week. Then I played Fallout and compared the rat cave to the shopping list part of Driver. Then I got to junktown and fanticized of living there for years. Amazingly, I had to use Pers guide to find out where the chip was, then I found NMA and went there for 4 years before registering. Now I play it for many reasons. If ive had a bad day, I load up my custom town with hundreds of people in locked rooms, and a weapons cache in the outhouse. If ive had a good day, I stop by the cats paw before loading up my custom town full of people and a weapons cache in the outhouse.
When I first had Fallout 2...It was in russian. I couldnt read. I had to make my dad read it all for me -_-
Since I was just a kid, I never got past the temple of trials :D

2nd time..I got it off ebay. Tried to play it....and I hated it. It was just crap

3rd time..I LOVED IT. Finished FO1 now working on FO2. I <3 it :P